1. SNDBRKMSG to warn all users to sign-off due to Backup in 10 minutes


3. After 10 minutes, ENDHOSTSVR SERVER(*ALL)



6. After 5 minutes, start the backup.


8. After the backup, restart QBATCH

This assumes that:

1. The procedure is either run from the console, or from a custom batch subsystem and job queue (external from QBATCH subsystem/jobq).

2. All memory resident programs check for the end-job status flag.

3. There are no other active batch or interactive subsystems. Steps 3, 4, & 5 will definitely kick out everyone but the console operator. Step 7 will allow people to connect/signon and initiate some jobs that may interfere with the backup. To remove this possibility, you could interchange steps 7 and 8. However, it is my experience that you should allow people to connect so that in case anything goes wrong, the technical staff can still get in to fix it remotely. You could opt to insert an initial sign-on program into your non-technical users’ user profiles to check if the backup is in progress, and if so, bar them with an informative message.

Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM)

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Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL)
Threadsafe: No
Error messages

The Start Backup using BRM (STRBKUBRM) command selects a control group to back up. You can start the backup immediately or you can schedule it using the system job scheduler. Processing can be batch or interactive.

To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for IBM i licensed program installed.


  1. This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable.
  2. You must have *USE authority to backup item exit programs and *EXECUTE authority to libraries containing the backup item exit programs.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
CTLGRP Control group Name, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM Required, Positional 1
SCDTIME Schedule time Decimal number*IMMED Optional
SBMJOB Submit to batch *YES, *CONSOLE, *CTLSBS, *NO Optional
STRSEQ Starting sequence Element list Optional
Element 1: Number 1-9999, *FIRST
Element 2: Library Name*FIRST
APPEND Append to media *CTLGRPATR, *BKUPCY, *NO, *YES Optional
JOBD Job description Single values: *USRPRF
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Job description Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name*LIBL, *CURLIB
JOBQ Job queue Single values: *JOBD
Other values: Qualified object name
Qualifier 1: Job queue Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name*LIBL, *CURLIB
RETENTION Retention Element list Optional
Element 1: Retention type *CTLGRPATR, *DAYS, *PERM
Element 2: Retain media 1-9999, 35
DEV Device Values (up to 4 repetitions): Name*CTLGRPATR, *MEDCLS Optional
PRLRSC Parallel device resources Element list Optional
Element 1: Minimum resources 1-32, *CTLGRPATR, *NONE, *AVAIL
Element 2: Maximum resources 1-32, *MIN, *AVAIL
MEDCLS Media class Character value*CTLGRPATR, *SYSPCY Optional
MOVPCY Move policy Name*CTLGRPATR, *NONE Optional

Control group (CTLGRP)

Specifies the name of the control group that you want to schedule for backup.

Backup control groups are groups of libraries, special values and lists that share common backup characteristics. You can create multiple backup control groups to complete your backup strategy.

This is a required field.

The default backup control group is processed. The default backup user data control group is set up in the BRMS backup policy.
The default system backup control group is processed. The default backup system data control group is set up when BRMS is installed.
The default backup control group is processed. The default backup entire system control group is set up in the BRMS backup policy.
Specify the name of the backup control group, such as DAILY that you want to process.

Schedule time (SCDTIME)

Specifies the time that you want BRMS to begin processing the backup.

The backups are to begin immediately.
Specify the time in hour and minutes that you want the backup to begin. The time is expressed in 24 hour clock format ‘hhmm’.

Submit to batch (SBMJOB)

Specifies how you want to process the selected control group.

Submits the processing of the control group to batch. The job is dependent on the job queue and job description specified on subsequent parameters.
Transfers the processing of the control group to the system console. This special value is used with the console monitoring function in BRMS.
Submits the control group to the Q1ACTLSBS job queue in the controlling subsystem for batch processing.

Note: This special value is not supported in restricted state.

Note: If the control group requires all subsystems to be ended, this special value should only be used if the backup can complete without operator intervention because the interactive system console job is ended and will not be available.

If the control group requires all subsystems to be ended, system reference code A900 3C70 is displayed while the system is in restricted state. Unresponsive restricted state backups can be ended and the interactive system console job restarted in two ways:

  1. Start DST from the control panel, sign on to DST, select option 14 – End batch restricted state.
  2. Specify a value for Maximum time for backup on the System Policy which is large enough to allow the backup job to complete but small enough to end the backup job if the controlling subsystem has not been restarted in the specified time.
Performs the processing of the control group within the current job.

Starting sequence (STRSEQ)

Specifies the sequence number and library from which you want to restart backup processing.

Note: If you are not restarting a control group, then you will always start at the first sequence number in the control group, regardless of the values specified in the STRSEQ parameter.

Note: You can use the Library element of this parameter when *IBM, *ALLUSR, *ALLPROD, *ALLTEST,*ASPnn or a generic library name is specified as the Save item in the specified sequence number in the control group.

Element 1: Number

Backup processing starts with the first item in the control group.
Specify the sequence number within the control group from which you want to restart backup processing.

Element 2: Library

Backup processing starts with the first library in the specified sequence number.
Specify the name of the library within the sequence number from which you want to restart backup processing.

Append to media (APPEND)

Specifies whether you want to append the backup data for the backup processing you are restarting to an active volume.

Note: The APPEND parameter applies only to removable media, and must be *NO if media of class *ADSM (TSM server) is used.

Use the value from the control group for Append to media .
Use the value from the backup policy for Append to media .
Do not append backup data for the backup you are restarting to an active volume.
Append the backup data for the backup you are restarting to an active volume. Backup data is written to the volume immediately following the last active file on the volume.

Job description (JOBD)

Specifies the job description to be used with this job.

Single values

The job description in the user profile under which the submitted job runs is used as the job description of the submitted job.

Qualifier 1: Job description

Specify the name of the job description used for the job.

Qualifier 2: Library

The library list is used to locate the job description.
The current library for the job is used to locate the job description. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used.
Specify the name of the library where the job description is located.

Job queue (JOBQ)

Specifies the job queue in which this job is placed.

Single values

The submitted job is placed on the job queue named in the specified job description.

Qualifier 1: Job queue

Specify the name of the job queue on which the submitted job is placed.

Qualifier 2: Library

The library list is used to locate the job queue.
The current library for the job is used to locate the job queue. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used.
Specify the name of the library where the job queue is located.

Activity (ACTIVITY)

The Activity parameter allows you to specify the activity that is to be used when processing the control group. You can specify that theWeekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be used or specify a specific type of activity which will override the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries.

Activity overrides must be enabled for the control group specified in the CTLGRP parameter when specifying a value other than *CTLGRPATR for the Activity parameter. Activity overrides for the control group can be enabled or disabled from the properties Activity tab for the BRMS backup policy using the BRMS graphical user interface. The backup policy will have the same name as the control group name.

Diagnostic message BRM400A is sent by the STRBKUBRM validity checking program if activity overrides are disabled and the value for the ACTIVITY parameter is not *CTLGRPATR.

Note: For the *SYSTEM backup control group, a full save will be forced regardless of the default weekly activity.

Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be used when processing the control group. This is the default value.
Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be overriden and processed as a full save. The override applies to all days of the week.
Specifies the Weekly activity attribute of the control group entries is to be overriden and processed as a incremental save. The type of incremental save is determined by the current value of the Incremental type attribute of the control group. The override applies to all days of the week. Each entry in the control group will be processed when the command is run regardless of the current value specified for the Weekly activity attribute for the entry. This includes exit entries. If the control group entry does not support incremental saves, the entry will not be processed and diagnostic message BRM400F will be entered into the job log.

Retention (RETENTION)

The Retention parameter allows you to specify the retention attributes that are to be applied to objects saved by the control group. You can specify that the retention attributes of the media policies defined in the control group are to be used or specify new retention attributes which will override the media policy retention attributes.

Retention overrides must be enabled for the control group specified in the CTLGRP parameter when specifying a value other than *CTLGRPATR for element 1 of the Retention. Retention overrides for the control group can be enabled or disabled using the properties Media Retention tab for the BRMS backup policy using the BRMS graphical user interface. The backup policy will have the same name as the control group name.

Diagnostic message BRM400B is sent by the STRBKUBRM validity checking program if retention overrides are disabled and the value for element 1 of the Retention parameter is not *CTLGRPATR.

Element 1: Retention type

Specifies the retention attributes of the media policies defined in the control group are to be applied to the saved objects. This is the default value.
Specifies days retention is to be applied to all objects saved by this control group. Saved objects remain active for the specified number of days, after which the saved objects expire. The number-of-days must be specified in element 2 when using this retention type.
Specifies a permanent retention is to be applied to all objects saved by this control group. Permanent retention means the saved objects remain active indefinitely or until explicitly expired.

Element 2: Retain media

Specifies a number of days from 1-9999 that saved objects remain active.

Device (Dev)

Specifies the device or devices to be used by this command.

Single values

Use the value from the control group for Device.
Devices for this policy or control group are selected based on device types that support the density for the media class specified in the media policy. The *MEDCLS special value is used for devices that are part of a device pool, such as several systems that share a single or set of devices. Devices are specified in the Work with Devices display.

Note: If you want to use more than one device for a serial save operation, the *MEDCLS can be repeated up to four times, once for each device used, except for virtual tape devices which is limited to a single value. The Parallel Device Resource (PRLRSC) parameter must be *NONE. BRMS will attempt to use the maximum number of devices that can be allocated for a save operation. If you want to use more than one device for a parallel save operation the *MEDCLS must only be specified once and the PRLRSC minimum and maximum responses must be greater than one.

You can save data to a TSM (ADSM) server using this command. You can only specify one TSM type server in the list of devices or *MEDCLS, which must select a TSM server. The device type can either be *APPC, which supports SNA network protocol, or *NET, which supports TCPIP protocol.

Other values (up to 4 repetitions)

Specifies the name of the devices to be used for the save operation. the specified device name must already be in the BRMS device table.

Note: Multiple systems can share the use of a tape device or a media library device (MLB). When the device is a tape device (not an MLB device), BRMS can help you manage the use of the stand alone device by multiple systems if you indicate the device is shared.

Specify the names of one or more devices used for the save operation. If you are using more than one device (up to a maximum of four), specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used.

Note: When doing a serial save, only one media library device or one virtual device can be specified. When doing a parallel save, multiple media library devices or virtual devices can be specified.


Parallel device resources (PRLRSC)

Specifies the minimum and maximum number of device resources to be used in a parallel save operation.

Note: Transferring save files to tape does not support parallel operations.

Element 1: Minimum Resources

Specifies the minimum number of device resources required for a parallel save.

Note: If a Media Library Device (MLB) is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will wait for the MLB to become available for a time period specified by the user. The wait time is determined by the value specified on the *MLB device description for INLMNTWAIT. If a *TAP device is being used and the required resources are not available, the command will fail.

Use the parallel resource settings that are specified in the control group.

Note: The Maximum resourcevalue is ignored when this special value is specified.

No device resources are to be used. The save will be performed as a serial save. *NONE must be specified when using a virtual tape device, an optical device, or a virtual optical device.
Use any available devices up to the maximum of what was used for a save. Specifying this value for the minimum will allow BRMS to use any available resources, but will complete using one resource if only one is available at the start of the command.
Specify the minimum number of device resources to be used with this save command.

Element 2: Maximum Resources

Specifies the maximum number of device resources.

Note: This value is ignored when Minimum resourcesis set to *CTLGRPATR.

Uses the value specified for the minimum number of device resources.
Use any available devices for the save operation. Specifying this value for the maximum will allow BRMS to use any available resources but at a minimum the value specified in the minimum element.
Specify the maximum number of device resources to be used with this save command.

Media class (MEDCLS)

Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation.

If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MEDCLS parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS.

Use the media class that is specified in the control group.
The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation.
Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation.

Move policy (MOVPCY)

Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation.

If this save operation that you are performing is saving data to a device of category *NET or *APPC, you must specify the special value *ADSM (TSM server) for the MOVPCY parameter, since a TSM server controls the use of media in this case, not BRMS.

Use the value from the control group for Move Policy.
There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation.
Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation.

Omits (OMITS)

Specifies whether omit items are to be processed or ignored when the backup control group is run.

Note: This attribute does not apply to backup lists or the *SYSTEM backup control group.

Process omit items during the save. Omit items will be excluded from the save
Ignore omitted items during the save. Omit items will be included in the save.


Example 1: Backing up a Control Group




This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The batch job is not scheduled, so it will start immediately assuming batch job processing is active.

Example 2: Overriding the Save Activity




This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves will be overriden and a full save will be performed.

Example 3: Overriding the Save Retention




This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves with a retention of 30 days. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves and retention will be overriden. A full save with a retention of 2555 days will be performed.

Example 4: Overriding Omitted Save Items




This command submits a batch job for backup control group BACK01. The control group is set up to normally perform cumulative saves with a retention of 30 days and uses omits defined in the backup policy. When this backup is run, the cumulative saves, retention and omits will be overriden. A full backup which includes the omit items will be performed and a retention of 2555 days will be applied to the save.

Example 5: Submit to System Save to Batch




This command submits the *SYSTEM backup control group to the controlling subsystem for batch processing. Since the backup does not use the BRMS console monitor or any interactive processing, the backup requires complete media management automation.


Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Control group &1 type &2 canceled.
Control group &2 type &3 canceled.
Control group &2 type &3 canceled.
Feature not installed.
Feature not licensed.
Access denied for user &1.
BRMS product initialization required.
All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.


IBM i 7.1 Information Center > Programming > Control language

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CL command finder

Alphabetic list of CL commands by command name Back to CL command finder


A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W   


ADDACC (Add Access Code) command
ADDAJE (Add Autostart Job Entry) command
ADDALRACNE (Add Alert Action Entry) command
ADDALRD (Add Alert Description) command
ADDALRSLTE (Add Alert Selection Entry) command
ADDASPCPYD (Add ASP Copy Description) command
ADDAUTLE (Add Authorization List Entry) command
ADDBKP (Add Breakpoint) command
ADDBNDDIRE (Add Binding Directory Entry) command
ADDCADMRE (Add Cluster Administrative Domain Managed Resource Entry) command
ADDCADNODE (Add Cluster Administrative Domain Node Entry) command
ADDCCSCLT (Add Change Control Server Client) command
ADDCFGLE (Add Configuration List Entries) command
ADDCICSCVT (Add CICS CVT Entry) command
ADDCICSDCT (Add CICS DCT Entry) command
ADDCICSFCT (Add CICS FCT Entry) command
ADDCICSGLT (Add CICS GLT Entry) command
ADDCICSJCT (Add CICS JCT Entry) command
ADDCICSPCT (Add CICS PCT Entry) command
ADDCICSPPT (Add CICS PPT Entry) command
ADDCICSSIT (Add CICS SIT Entry) command
ADDCICSTCS (Add CICS TCS Entry) command
ADDCICSTCT (Add CICS TCT Entry) command
ADDCICSTST (Add CICS TST Entry) command
ADDCKMKSFE (Add Crytographic Key Management Keystore File Entry) command
Start of changeADDCLUMON (Add Cluster Monitor) commandEnd of change
ADDCLUNODE (Add Cluster Node Entry) command
ADDCMDCRQA (Add Command Change Request Activity) command
ADDCMNE (Add Communications Entry) command
ADDCOMSNMP (Add Community for SNMP) command
ADDCRGDEVE (Add Cluster Resource Group Device Entry) command
ADDCRGNODE (Add Cluster Resource Group Node Entry) command
ADDCRQA (Add Change Request Activity) command
ADDDEVDMNE (Add Device Domain Entry) command
ADDDIRE (Add Directory Entry) command
ADDDIRSHD (Add Directory Shadow System) command
ADDDLOAUT (Add Document Library Object Authority) command
ADDDPRREG (Add DataPropagator Registration) command
ADDDPRSUB (Add DataPropagator Subscription) command
ADDDPRSUBM (Add DataPropagator Subscription Member) command
ADDDSTCLGE (Add Distribution Catalog Entry) command
ADDDSTLE (Add Distribution List Entry) command
ADDDSTQ (Add Distribution Queue) command
ADDDSTRTE (Add Distribution Route) command
ADDDSTSYSN (Add Secondary System Name) command
ADDDTADFN (Add Data Definition) command
ADDDWDFN (Add Disk Watcher Definition) command
ADDEMLCFGE (Add Configuration Entry) command
ADDENVVAR (Add Environment Variable) command
ADDEWCBCDE (Add Wireless Controller Barcode Entry) command
ADDEWCM (Add Wireless Controller Member) command
ADDEWCPTCE (Add Wireless Controller PTC Entry) command
ADDEWLM (Add Wireless Line Member) command
ADDEXITPGM (Add Exit Program) command
ADDFCTE (Add Forms Control Entry) command
ADDFNTTBLE (Add Font Table Entry) command
ADDHDBDLFM (Add Host Database to DataLink File Manager) command
ADDICFDEVE (Add Intersystem Communications Function Device Entry) command
ADDIMGCLGE (Add Image Catalog Entry) command
ADDIPSIFC (Add IP over SNA Interface) command
ADDIPSLOC (Add IP over SNA Location) command
ADDIPSRTE (Add IP over SNA Route) command
ADDJOBJS (Add Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
ADDJOBQE (Add Job Queue Entry) command
ADDJOBSCDE (Add Job Schedule Entry) command
ADDJWDFN (Add Job Watcher Definition) command
ADDKRBKTE (Add Kerberos Keytab Entry) command
ADDKRBTKT (Add Kerberos Ticket) command
ADDLANADPI (Add LAN Adapter Information) command
ADDLFM (Add Logical File Member) command
ADDLIBLE (Add Library List Entry) command
ADDLICCRQA (Add License Change Request Activity) command
ADDLICKEY (Add License Key Information) command
ADDLNK (Add Link) command
ADDMEDBRM (Add Media to BRMS) command
ADDMEDIBRM (Add Media Information to BRMS) command
ADDMFS (Add Mounted File System) command
ADDMLMBRM (Add Media Library Media to BRMS) command
ADDMSGD (Add Message Description) command
ADDMSTPART (Add Master Key Part) command
ADDNCK (Add Nickname) command
ADDNETJOBE (Add Network Job Entry) command
ADDNETTBLE (Add Network Table Entry) command
ADDNODLE (Add Node List Entry) command
ADDNWSSTGL (Add Server Storage Link) command
ADDOBJCRQA (Add Object Change Request Activity) command
ADDOPTCTG (Add Optical Cartridge) command
ADDOPTSVR (Add Optical Server) command
ADDOSPFARA (Add OSPF Area) command
ADDOSPFIFC (Add OSPF Interface) command
ADDOSPFLNK (Add OSPF Virtual Link) command
ADDOSPFRNG (Add OSPF Range) command
ADDPCLTBLE (Add Protocol Table Entry) command
ADDPEXDFN (Add Performance Explorer Definition) command
ADDPEXFTR (Add Performance Explorer Filter) command
ADDPFCST (Add Physical File Constraint) command
ADDPFM (Add Physical File Member) command
ADDPFTRG (Add Physical File Trigger) command
ADDPFVLM (Add Physical File Variable Length Member) command
ADDPFXDLFM (Add Prefix to DataLink File Manager) command
ADDPGM (Add Program) command
ADDPJE (Add Prestart Job Entry) command
ADDPRBACNE (Add Problem Action Entry) command
ADDPRBSLTE (Add Problem Selection Entry) command
ADDPRDCRQA (Add Product Change Request Activity) command
ADDPRDLICI (Add License Information) command
ADDPTFCRQA (Add PTF Change Request Activity) command
ADDRDBDIRE (Add Relational Database Directory Entry) command
ADDREXBUF (Add REXX Buffer) command
Start of changeADDRIPACP (Add Routing Information Protocol Accepted Route) commandEnd of change
Start of changeADDRIPFLT (Add Routing Information Protocol Filter) commandEnd of change
Start of changeADDRIPIFC (Add Routing Information Protocol Interface) commandEnd of change
Start of changeADDRIPIGN (Add Ignored Routing Information Protocol Neighbor) commandEnd of change
ADDRJECMNE (Add RJE Communication Entry) command
ADDRJERDRE (Add RJE Reader Entry) command
ADDRJEWTRE (Add RJE Writer Entry) command
ADDRMTDFN (Add Remote Definition) command
ADDRMTJRN (Add Remote Journal) command
ADDRPTOND (Add Report to OnDemand) command
ADDRPYLE (Add Reply List Entry) command
ADDRSCCRQA (Add Resource Change Request Activity) command
ADDRTGE (Add Routing Entry) command
ADDSCHIDXE (Add Search Index Entry) command
ADDSMTPLE (Add SMTP List Entry) command
ADDSOCE (Add Sphere of Control Entry) command
ADDSRVTBLE (Add Service Table Entry) command
ADDSVRAUTE (Add Server Authentication Entry) command
ADDTAPCTG (Add Tape Cartridge) command
ADDTCPHTE (Add TCP/IP Host Table Entry) command
ADDTCPIFC (Add TCP/IP Interface) command
ADDTCPPORT (Add TCP/IP Port Restriction) command
ADDTCPPTP (Add TCP/IP Point-to-Point Profile) command
ADDTCPRSI (Add TCP/IP Remote System) command
ADDTCPRTE (Add TCP/IP Route) command
ADDTCPSVR (Add TCP/IP Server) command
ADDTRC (Add Trace) command
ADDTRCFTR (Add Trace Filter) command
Start of changeADDUSRSNMP (Add User for SNMP) commandEnd of change
Start of changeADDWLCGRP (Add Workload Capping Group) commandEnd of change
Start of changeADDWLCPRDE (Add Workload Capping Product Entry) commandEnd of change
ADDWSE (Add Work Station Entry) command
ALCOBJ (Allocate Object) command
ANSLIN (Answer Line) command
ANSQST (Answer Questions) command
ANZCMDPFR (Analyze Command Performance) command
ANZDBF (Analyze Database Files) command
ANZDBFKEY (Analyze Database File Keys) command
ANZDFTPWD (Analyze Default Passwords) command
ANZDPRJRN (Analyze DataPropagator Journaling) command
ANZJVAPGM (Analyze Java Program) command
ANZJVM (Analyze Java Virtual Machine) command
ANZLIBBRM (Analyze Libraries using BRMS) command
ANZOBJCVN (Analyze Object Conversion) command
ANZPFRDTA (Analyze Performance Data) command
ANZPGM (Analyze Programs) command
ANZPRB (Analyze Problem) command
ANZPRFACT (Analyze Profile Activity) command
ANZQRY (Analyze Query) command
ANZUSROBJ (Analyze User Objects) command
APING (Verify APPC Connection) command
APYJRNCHG (Apply Journaled Changes) command
APYJRNCHGX (Apply Journaled Changes Extend) command
APYPTF (Apply Program Temporary Fix) command
APYRMTPTF (Apply Remote Program Temporary Fix) command
AREXEC (Run Remote Command) command
ASKQST (Ask Question) command
B Back to top
BCHJOB (Batch Job) command
C Back to top
CALL (Call Program) command
CALLPRC (Call Bound Procedure) command
CALLSUBR (Call Subroutine) command
CD (Change Current Directory) command
CFGACCWEB2 (Configure Access for Web) command
CFGDEVMLB (Configure Device Media Library) command
CFGDSTSRV (Configure Distribution Service) command
CFGIPS (Configure IP over SNA) command
CFGPFRCOL (Configure Performance Collection) command
CFGPM400 (Configure PM/400) command
CFGPMAGT (Configure PM Agent) command
CFGRPDS (Configure VM/MVS Bridge) command
CFGSYSSEC (Configure System Security) command
CFGTCP (Configure TCP/IP) command
CFGTCPAPP (Configure TCP/IP Applications) command
CFGTCPBP (Configure TCP/IP BOOTP) command
CFGTCPFTP (Configure TCP/IP FTP) command
CFGTCPHTTP (Configure TCP/IP HTTP) command
CFGTCPLPD (Configure TCP/IP LPD) command
CFGTCPPTP (Configure Point-to-Point TCP/IP) command
CFGTCPRTD (Configure TCP/IP RouteD) command
CFGTCPRXC (Configure TCP/IP REXEC) command
CFGTCPSMTP (Configure TCP/IP SMTP) command
CFGTCPSNMP (Configure TCP/IP SNMP) command
CFGTCPTELN (Configure TCP/IP TELNET) command
CHDIR (Change Current Directory) command
CHGACGCDE (Change Accounting Code) command
CHGACTPRFL (Change Active Profile List) command
CHGACTSCDE (Change Activation Schedule Entry) command
CHGAJE (Change Autostart Job Entry) command
CHGALRACNE (Change Alert Action Entry) command
CHGALRD (Change Alert Description) command
CHGALRSLTE (Change Alert Selection Entry) command
CHGALRTBL (Change Alert Table) command
CHGASPA (Change Auxiliary Storage Pool Attribute) command
CHGASPACT (Change ASP Activity) command
CHGASPCPYD (Change ASP Copy Description) command
CHGASPSSN (Change ASP Session) command
CHGATR (Change Attribute) command
CHGAUD (Change Auditing Value) command
CHGAUT (Change Authority) command
CHGAUTJS (Change Job Authority using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CHGAUTLE (Change Authorization List Entry) command
CHGBCKUP (Change Backup Options) command
CHGBPA (Change BOOTP Attributes) command
CHGCAD (Change Cluster Administrative Domain) command
CHGCCSA (Change Change Control Server Attributes) command
CHGCDEFNT (Change Coded Font) command
CHGCFGL (Change Configuration List) command
CHGCFGLE (Change Configuration List Entries) command
CHGCICSCVT (Change CICS CVT Entry) command
CHGCICSDCT (Change CICS DCT Entry) command
CHGCICSFCT (Change CICS FCT Entry) command
CHGCICSGRP (Change CICS Group) command
CHGCICSJCT (Change CICS JCT Entry) command
CHGCICSPCT (Change CICS PCT Entry) command
CHGCICSPPT (Change CICS PPT Entry) command
CHGCICSSIT (Change CICS SIT Entry) command
CHGCICSSTS (Change CICS Status) command
CHGCICSTCS (Change CICS TCS Entry) command
CHGCICSTCT (Change CICS TCT Entry) command
CHGCICSTST (Change CICS TST Entry) command
CHGCLNUP (Change Cleanup) command
CHGCLS (Change Class) command
CHGCLU (Change Cluster Configuration) command
Start of changeCHGCLUMON (Change Cluster Monitor) commandEnd of change
CHGCLUNODE (Change Cluster Node Entry) command
CHGCLURCY (Change Cluster Recovery) command
CHGCLUVER (Change Cluster Version) command
CHGCMD (Change Command) command
CHGCMDCRQA (Change Command Change Request Activity) command
CHGCMDDFT (Change Command Default) command
CHGCMNE (Change Communications Entry) command
CHGCNTINF (Change Contact Information) command
CHGCOMSNMP (Change Community for SNMP) command
CHGCOSD (Change Class-of-Service Description) command
CHGCRG (Change Cluster Resource Group) command
CHGCRGDEVE (Change Cluster Resource Group Device Entry) command
CHGCRGPRI (Change Cluster Resource Group Primary) command
CHGCRQA (Change Change Request Activity) command
CHGCRQD (Change Change Request Description) command
CHGCSI (Change Communications Side Information) command
CHGCTLAPPC (Change Controller Description (APPC)) command
CHGCTLASC (Change Controller Description (Async)) command
CHGCTLBSC (Change Controller Description (BSC)) command
CHGCTLFNC (Change Controller Description (Finance)) command
CHGCTLHOST (Change Controller Description (SNA Host)) command
CHGCTLLWS (Change Controller Description (Local WS)) command
CHGCTLNET (Change Controller Description (Network)) command
CHGCTLRTL (Change Controller Description (Retail)) command
CHGCTLRWS (Change Controller Description (Remote WS)) command
CHGCTLTAP (Change Controller Description (Tape)) command
CHGCTLVWS (Change Controller Description (Virtual WS)) command
CHGCURDIR (Change Current Directory) command
CHGCURLIB (Change Current Library) command
CHGDBG (Change Debug) command
CHGDDMF (Change Distributed Data Management File) command
CHGDDMTCPA (Change Distributed Data Management TCP/IP Attributes) command
CHGDEVAPPC (Change Device Description (APPC)) command
CHGDEVASC (Change Device Description (Async)) command
CHGDEVASP (Change Device Description (ASP)) command
CHGDEVBSC (Change Device Description (BSC)) command
CHGDEVCRP (Change Device Description (Crypto)) command
CHGDEVDSP (Change Device Description (Display)) command
CHGDEVFNC (Change Device Description (Finance)) command
CHGDEVHOST (Change Device Description (SNA Host)) command
CHGDEVINTR (Change Device Description (Intra)) command
CHGDEVMLB (Change Device Description (Media Lib)) command
CHGDEVNET (Change Device Description (Network)) command
CHGDEVNWSH (Change Device Description (NWSH)) command
CHGDEVOPT (Change Device Description (Optical)) command
CHGDEVPRT (Change Device Description (Printer)) command
CHGDEVRTL (Change Device Description (Retail)) command
CHGDEVSNPT (Change Device Description (SNPT)) command
CHGDEVSNUF (Change Device Description (SNUF)) command
CHGDEVTAP (Change Device Description (Tape)) command
CHGDHCPA (Change Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Attributes) command
Start of changeCHGDHCPSVR (Change Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server) commandEnd of change
CHGDIRE (Change Directory Entry) command
CHGDIRSHD (Change Directory Shadow System) command
CHGDIRSVRA (Change Directory Server Attributes) command
CHGDLJS (Change Data Library using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CHGDLOAUD (Change Document Library Object Auditing Level) command
CHGDLOAUT (Change Document Library Object Authority) command
CHGDLOOWN (Change Document Library Object Owner) command
CHGDLOPGP (Change Document Library Object Primary Group) command
CHGDNSA (Change Domain Name System Server Attributes) command
CHGDOCD (Change Document Description) command
CHGDSPF (Change Display File) command
CHGDSTA (Change Distribution Attributes) command
CHGDSTD (Change Distribution) command
CHGDSTL (Change Distribution List) command
CHGDSTPWD (Change IBM Service Tools Password) command
CHGDSTQ (Change Distribution Queue) command
CHGDSTRTE (Change Distribution Route) command
CHGDTA (Change Data) command
CHGDTAARA (Change Data Area) command
CHGDTAJS (Change Parameter Data) command
CHGEMLCFGE (Change Configuration Entry) command
CHGENVVAR (Change Environment Variable) command
CHGEWCBCDE (Change Wireless Controller Barcode Entry) command
CHGEWCM (Change Wireless Controller Member) command
CHGEWCPTCE (Change Wireless Controller PTC Entry) command
CHGEWLM (Change Wireless Line Member) command
CHGEXPSCDE (Change Expiration Schedule Entry) command
CHGFCNARA (Change Functional Area) command
CHGFCNUSG (Change Function Usage) command
CHGFCT (Change Forms Control Table) command
CHGFCTE (Change Forms Control Entry) command
CHGFNTRSC (Change Font Resource) command
CHGFNTTBLE (Change Font Table Entry) command
CHGFTPA (Change FTP Attributes) command
CHGFTR (Change Filter) command
CHGGPHFMT (Change Graph Format) command
CHGGPHPKG (Change Graph Package) command
CHGGRPA (Change Group Attributes) command
CHGHLLPTR (Change High-Level Language Pointer) command
CHGHTTPA (Change HTTP Attributes) command
CHGICFDEVE (Change Intersystem Communications Function Device Entry) command
CHGICFF (Change Intersystem Communications Function File) command
CHGIMGCLG (Change Image Catalog) command
CHGIMGCLGE (Change Image Catalog Entry) command
CHGIPLA (Change IPL Attributes) command
CHGIPSIFC (Change IP over SNA Interface) command
CHGIPSLOC (Change IP over SNA Location) command
CHGIPSTOS (Change IP over SNA Type of Service) command
CHGJOB (Change Job) command
CHGJOBD (Change Job Description) command
CHGJOBJS (Change Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CHGJOBMLBA (Change Job Media Library Attributes) command
CHGJOBQ (Change Job Queue) command
CHGJOBQE (Change Job Queue Entry) command
CHGJOBSCDE (Change Job Schedule Entry) command
CHGJOBTYP (Change Job Type) command
CHGJRN (Change Journal) command
CHGJRNA (Change Journal Attributes) command
CHGJRNOBJ (Change Journaled Object) command
CHGJVAPGM (Change Java Program) command
CHGKBDMAP (Change Keyboard Map) command
CHGKRBPWD (Change Kerberos Password) command
CHGLANADPI (Change LAN Adapter Information) command
CHGLF (Change Logical File) command
CHGLFM (Change Logical File Member) command
CHGLIB (Change Library) command
CHGLIBL (Change Library List) command
CHGLICCRQA (Change License Change Request Activity) command
CHGLICINF (Change License Information) command
CHGLINASC (Change Line Description (Async)) command
CHGLINBSC (Change Line Description (BSC)) command
CHGLINDDI (Change Line Description (DDI)) command
CHGLINETH (Change Line Description (Ethernet)) command
CHGLINFAX (Change Line Description (Fax)) command
CHGLINFR (Change Line Description (Frame Relay)) command
CHGLINPPP (Change Line Description (PPP)) command
CHGLINSDLC (Change Line Description (SDLC)) command
CHGLINTDLC (Change Line Description (TDLC)) command
CHGLINTRN (Change Line Description (Token-Ring)) command
CHGLINWLS (Change Line Description (Wireless)) command
CHGLINX25 (Change Line Description (X.25)) command
CHGLNKLBRM (Change Link List) command
CHGLPDA (Change LPD Attributes) command
CHGMEDBRM (Change Media using BRMS) command
CHGMGDSYSA (Change Managed System Attributes) command
CHGMGRSRVA (Change Manager Services Attributes) command
CHGMGTCOL (Change Management Collection) command
CHGMNU (Change Menu) command
CHGMOD (Change Module) command
CHGMODD (Change Mode Description) command
CHGMSGD (Change Message Description) command
CHGMSGF (Change Message File) command
CHGMSGQ (Change Message Queue) command
CHGNCK (Change Nickname) command
CHGNETA (Change Network Attributes) command
CHGNETJOBE (Change Network Job Entry) command
CHGNFSEXP (Change Network File System Export) command
CHGNFYJS (Change Notification Command using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CHGNODGRPA (Change Node Group Attributes) command
CHGNTBD (Change NetBIOS Description) command
CHGNTPA (Change Network Time Protocol Attributes) command
CHGNWIFR (Change Network Interface (Frame-Relay Network)) command
CHGNWSA (Change Network Server Attributes) command
CHGNWSCFG (Change Network Server Configuration) command
CHGNWSD (Change Network Server Description) command
CHGNWSSTG (Change Network Server Storage Space) command
CHGNWSUSRA (Change Network Server User Attributes) command
CHGOBJAUD (Change Object Auditing) command
CHGOBJCRQA (Change Object Change Request Activity) command
CHGOBJD (Change Object Description) command
CHGOBJOWN (Change Object Owner) command
CHGOBJPGP (Change Object Primary Group) command
CHGOPTA (Change Optical Attributes) command
CHGOPTVOL (Change Optical Volume) command
CHGOSPFA (Change OSPF Attributes) command
CHGOSPFARA (Change OSPF Area) command
CHGOSPFIFC (Change OSPF Interface) command
CHGOSPFLNK (Change OSPF Virtual Link) command
CHGOSPFRNG (Change OSPF Range) command
CHGOUTQ (Change Output Queue) command
CHGOWN (Change Owner) command
CHGPCOPRF (Change PC Organizer Profile) command
CHGPDGPRF (Change Print Descriptor Group Profile) command
CHGPDMDFT (Change Programming Development Manager Defaults) command
CHGPEXDFN (Change Performance Explorer Definition) command
CHGPF (Change Physical File) command
CHGPFCST (Change Physical File Constraint) command
CHGPFM (Change Physical File Member) command
CHGPFTRG (Change Physical File Trigger) command
CHGPGM (Change Program) command
CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) command
CHGPGP (Change Primary Group) command
CHGPGRJS (Change Pager Command using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CHGPJ (Change Prestart Job) command
CHGPJE (Change Prestart Job Entry) command
CHGPLDOND (Change Policy Level Date) command
CHGPOPA (Change POP Server Attributes) command
CHGPRB (Change Problem) command
CHGPRBACNE (Change Problem Action Entry) command
CHGPRBSLTE (Change Problem Selection Entry) command
CHGPRDCRQA (Change Product Change Request Activity) command
CHGPRDOBJD (Change Product Object Description) command
CHGPRF (Change Profile) command
CHGPRTF (Change Printer File) command
CHGPRXCMD (Change Proxy Command) command
CHGPSFCFG (Change Print Services Facility Configuration) command
CHGPTFCRQA (Change PTF Change Request Activity) command
CHGPTR (Change Pointer) command
CHGPWD (Change Password) command
CHGPWRSCD (Change Power On/Off Schedule) command
CHGPWRSCDE (Change Power Schedule Entry) command
CHGQRYA (Change Query Attributes) command
CHGQSTDB (Change Question/Answer Database) command
CHGRCYAP (Change Recovery for Access Paths) command
CHGRDBDIRE (Change Relational Database Directory Entry) command
Start of changeCHGRIPA (Change Routing Information Protocol Attributes) commandEnd of change
Start of changeCHGRIPFLT (Change Routing Information Protocol Filter) commandEnd of change
Start of changeCHGRIPIFC (Change Routing Information Protocol Interface) commandEnd of change
CHGRJECMNE (Change RJE Communication Entry) command
CHGRJERDRE (Change RJE Reader Entry) command
CHGRJEWTRE (Change RJE Writer Entry) command
CHGRMTDFN (Change Remote Definition) command
CHGRMTJRN (Change Remote Journal) command
CHGRPYLE (Change Reply List Entry) command
CHGRSCCRQA (Change Resource Change Request Activity) command
CHGRTDA (Change RouteD Attributes) command
CHGRTGE (Change Routing Entry) command
CHGRWSPWD (Change Remote Workstation Controller Password) command
CHGRXCA (Change REXEC Attributes) command
CHGS36 (Change S/36 Configuration) command
CHGS36A (Change S/36 Environment Attributes) command
CHGS36MSGL (Change S/36 Message List) command
CHGS36PGMA (Change S/36 Program Attributes) command
CHGS36PRCA (Change S/36 Proc Attributes) command
CHGS36SRCA (Change S/36 Source Attributes) command
CHGSAVF (Change Save File) command
CHGSBSD (Change Subsystem Description) command
CHGSCDBRM (Change Job Scheduler) command
CHGSCHIDX (Change Search Index) command
CHGSECA (Change Security Attributes) command
CHGSECAUD (Change Security Auditing) command
CHGSHRPOOL (Change Shared Storage Pool) command
CHGSMTPA (Change SMTP Attributes) command
CHGSNMPA (Change SNMP Attributes) command
CHGSPLFA (Change Spooled File Attributes) command
CHGSRCPF (Change Source Physical File) command
CHGSRVA (Change Service Attributes) command
CHGSRVAGT (Change Service Agent) command
CHGSRVAGTA (Change Service Agent Attributes) command
CHGSRVCFG (Change Service Configuration) command
CHGSRVPGM (Change Service Program) command
CHGSRVPVDA (Change Service Provider Attributes) command
CHGSSND (Change Session Description) command
CHGSSNMAX (Change Session Maximum) command
CHGSVRAUTE (Change Server Authentication Entry) command
CHGSYSDIRA (Change System Directory Attributes) command
CHGSYSJOB (Change System Job) command
CHGSYSLIBL (Change System Library List) command
CHGSYSVAL (Change System Value) command
CHGTAPCTG (Change Tape Cartridge) command
CHGTAPF (Change Tape File) command
CHGTCPA (Change TCP/IP Attributes) command
CHGTCPDMN (Change TCP/IP Domain) command
CHGTCPHTE (Change TCP/IP Host Table Entry) command
CHGTCPIFC (Change TCP/IP Interface) command
CHGTCPRTE (Change TCP/IP Route) command
CHGTCPSVR (Change TCP/IP Server) command
CHGTELNA (Change TELNET Attributes) command
CHGTFTPA (Change TFTP Attributes) command
CHGTIMZON (Change Time Zone Description) command
CHGUSRAUD (Change User Auditing) command
CHGUSRPRF (Change User Profile) command
CHGUSRPRTI (Change User Print Information) command
Start of changeCHGUSRSNMP (Change User for SNMP) commandEnd of change
CHGUSRTRC (Change User Trace) command
CHGVAR (Change Variable) command
CHGVTMAP (Change VT Keyboard Map) command
Start of changeCHGWLCGRP (Change Workload Capping Group) commandEnd of change
CHGWSE (Change Work Station Entry) command
CHGWTR (Change Writer) command
CHKASPBAL (Check Auxiliary Storage Pool Balance) command
CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications Trace) command
CHKDLO (Check Document Library Object) command
CHKDNSCFG (Check Domain Name System Configuration) command
CHKDNSZNE (Check Domain Name System Zone) command
CHKEXPBRM (Check Expired Media for BRMS) command
CHKIGCTBL (Check DBCS Font Table) command
CHKIN (Check In Object) command
CHKMSTKVV (Check Master Key Verification Value) command
CHKOBJ (Check Object) command
CHKOBJITG (Check Object Integrity) command
CHKOPTVOL (Check Optical Volume) command
CHKOUT (Check Out Object) command
CHKPFRCOL (Check Performance Collection) command
CHKPRDOPT (Check Product Option) command
CHKPWD (Check Password) command
CHKRCDLCK (Check Record Locks) command
CHKTAP (Check Tape) command
CLOF (Close File) command
CLOSE (Close Database File) command
CLRJOBQ (Clear Job Queue) command
CLRLIB (Clear Library) command
CLRMSGQ (Clear Message Queue) command
CLRMSTKEY (Clear Master Key) command
CLROUTQ (Clear Output Queue) command
CLRPFM (Clear Physical File Member) command
CLRPOOL (Clear Pool) command
CLRSAVF (Clear Save File) command
CLRSVRSEC (Clear Server Security Data) command
CLRTRCDTA (Clear Trace Data) command
CMD (Command Definition) command
CMPJRNIMG (Compare Journal Images) command
CMPPFM (Compare Physical File Member) command
CNLRJERDR (Cancel RJE Reader) command
CNLRJEWTR (Cancel RJE Writer) command
COMMIT (Commit) command
COPY (Copy Object) command
COPYRIGHT (Copyright) command
CPROBJ (Compress Object) command
CPY (Copy Object) command
CPYAUDJRNE (Copy Audit Journal Entries) command
CPYCFGL (Copy Configuration List) command
CPYDOC (Copy Document) command
CPYDSTRPSO (Copy Distribution Repository Object) command
CPYF (Copy File) command
CPYFCNARA (Copy Functional Area) command
CPYFRMDIR (Copy From Directory) command
CPYFRMIMPF (Copy From Import File) command
CPYFRMLDIF (Copy From LDIF File) command
CPYFRMPCD (Copy From PC Document) command
CPYFRMPCFF (Copy From Portable Compiled Format File) command
CPYFRMQRYF (Copy From Query File) command
CPYFRMSTMF (Copy From Stream File) command
CPYFRMTAP (Copy From Tape) command
CPYGPHFMT (Copy Graph Format) command
CPYGPHPKG (Copy Graph Package) command
CPYIGCSRT (Copy DBCS Master Sort Table) command
CPYIGCTBL (Copy DBCS Font Table) command
CPYJOBJS (Copy Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
CPYLIB (Copy Library) command
CPYMEDIBRM (Copy Media Information for BRMS) command
CPYOPT (Copy Optical) command
CPYPFRCOL (Copy Performance Collection) command
CPYPTF (Copy Program Temporary Fix) command
CPYPTFCVR (Copy Program Temporary Fix Cover Letter) command
CPYPTFGRP (Copy Program Temporary Fix Group) command
CPYPTFSAVF (Copy Program Temporary Fix to Save File) command
CPYSPLF (Copy Spooled File) command
CPYSRCF (Copy Source File) command
CPYTCPHT (Copy TCP/IP Host Table) command
CPYTODIR (Copy To Directory) command
CPYTOIMPF (Copy To Import File) command
CPYTOLDIF (Copy To LDIF File) command
CPYTOPCD (Copy To PC Document) command
CPYTOPCFF (Copy To Portable Compiled Format File) command
CPYTOSTMF (Copy To Stream File) command
CPYTOTAP (Copy To Tape) command
CRTAFPDTA (Create Advanced Function Printer Data) command
CRTALRTBL (Create Alert Table) command
CRTAUTHLR (Create Authority Holder) command
CRTAUTL (Create Authorization List) command
CRTBNDC (Create Bound C Program) command
CRTBNDCBL (Create Bound COBOL Program) command
CRTBNDCL (Create Bound CL Program) command
CRTBNDCPP (Create Bound C++ Program) command
CRTBNDDIR (Create Binding Directory) command
CRTBNDRPG (Create Bound RPG Program) command
CRTCAD (Create Cluster Administrative Domain) command
CRTCBLMOD (Create COBOL Module) command
CRTCBLPGM (Create COBOL Program) command
CRTCFGL (Create Configuration List) command
CRTCICSC (Create CICS ILE C Object) command
CRTCICSCBL (Create CICS COBOL Object) command
CRTCICSGRP (Create CICS Group) command
CRTCICSMAP (Create CICS Map) command
CRTCKMKSF (Create Crytographic Key Management Keystore File) command
CRTCLD (Create C Locale Description) command
CRTCLMOD (Create CL Module) command
CRTCLPGM (Create CL Program) command
CRTCLS (Create Class) command
CRTCLU (Create Cluster) command
CRTCMD (Create Command) command
CRTCMOD (Create C Module) command
CRTCOSD (Create Class-of-Service Description) command
CRTCPPMOD (Create C++ Module) command
CRTCRG (Create Cluster Resource Group) command
CRTCRQD (Create Change Request Description) command
CRTCSI (Create Communications Side Information) command
CRTCTLAPPC (Create Controller Description (APPC)) command
CRTCTLASC (Create Controller Description (Async)) command
CRTCTLBSC (Create Controller Description (BSC)) command
CRTCTLFNC (Create Controller Description (Finance)) command
CRTCTLHOST (Create Controller Description (SNA Host)) command
CRTCTLLWS (Create Controller Description (Local WS)) command
CRTCTLNET (Create Controller Description (Network)) command
CRTCTLRTL (Create Controller Description (Retail)) command
CRTCTLRWS (Create Controller Description (Remote WS)) command
CRTCTLTAP (Create Controller Description (Tape)) command
CRTCTLVWS (Create Controller Description (Virtual WS)) command
CRTDDMF (Create Distributed Data Management File) command
CRTDEVAPPC (Create Device Description (APPC)) command
CRTDEVASC (Create Device Description (Async)) command
CRTDEVASP (Create Device Description (ASP)) command
CRTDEVBSC (Create Device Description (BSC)) command
CRTDEVCRP (Create Device Description (Crypto)) command
CRTDEVDSP (Create Device Description (Display)) command
CRTDEVFNC (Create Device Description (Finance)) command
CRTDEVHOST (Create Device Description (SNA Host)) command
CRTDEVINTR (Create Device Description (Intra)) command
CRTDEVMLB (Create Device Description (Media Lib)) command
CRTDEVNET (Create Device Description (Network)) command
CRTDEVNWSH (Create Device Description (NWSH)) command
CRTDEVOPT (Create Device Description (Optical)) command
CRTDEVPRT (Create Device Description (Printer)) command
CRTDEVRTL (Create Device Description (Retail)) command
CRTDEVSNPT (Create Device Description (SNPT)) command
CRTDEVSNUF (Create Device Description (SNUF)) command
CRTDEVTAP (Create Device Description (Tape)) command
CRTDFUDSPF (Create Data File Utility Display File) command
CRTDIR (Create Directory) command
CRTDOC (Create Document) command
CRTDPRTBL (Create DataPropagator Tables) command
CRTDSPF (Create Display File) command
CRTDSTL (Create Distribution List) command
CRTDTAARA (Create Data Area) command
CRTDTADCT (Create Data Dictionary) command
CRTDTAQ (Create Data Queue) command
CRTDUPOBJ (Create Duplicate Object) command
CRTEDTD (Create Edit Description) command
CRTFCNARA (Create Functional Area) command
CRTFCT (Create Forms Control Table) command
CRTFLR (Create Folder) command
CRTFMWPRD (Create Firmware Product) command
CRTFNTRSC (Create Font Resource) command
CRTFNTTBL (Create Font Table) command
CRTFORMDF (Create Form Definition) command
CRTFTR (Create Filter) command
CRTGDF (Create Graphics Data File) command
CRTGPHFMT (Create Graph Format) command
CRTGPHPKG (Create Graph Package) command
CRTGSS (Create Graphics Symbol Set) command
CRTHSTDTA (Create Historical Data) command
CRTICFF (Create Intersystem Communications Function File) command
CRTIGCDCT (Create DBCS Conversion Dictionary) command
CRTIMGCLG (Create Image Catalog) command
Start of changeCRTINSTOND (Create Instance for OnDemand) commandEnd of change
CRTJOBD (Create Job Description) command
CRTJOBQ (Create Job Queue) command
CRTJRN (Create Journal) command
CRTJRNRCV (Create Journal Receiver) command
CRTJVAPGM (Create Java Program) command
CRTLF (Create Logical File) command
CRTLIB (Create Library) command
CRTLINASC (Create Line Description (Async)) command
CRTLINBSC (Create Line Description (BSC)) command
CRTLINDDI (Create Line Description (DDI)) command
CRTLINETH (Create Line Description (Ethernet)) command
CRTLINFAX (Create Line Description (Fax)) command
CRTLINFR (Create Line Description (Frame Relay)) command
CRTLINPPP (Create Line Description (PPP)) command
CRTLINSDLC (Create Line Description (SDLC)) command
CRTLINTDLC (Create Line Description (TDLC)) command
CRTLINTRN (Create Line Description (Token-Ring)) command
CRTLINWLS (Create Line Description (Wireless)) command
CRTLINX25 (Create Line Description (X.25)) command
CRTLOCALE (Create Locale) command
CRTMNU (Create Menu) command
CRTMODD (Create Mode Description) command
CRTMSGF (Create Message File) command
CRTMSGFMNU (Create Menu from Message Files) command
CRTMSGQ (Create Message Queue) command
CRTNODGRP (Create Node Group) command
CRTNODL (Create Node List) command
CRTNTBD (Create NetBIOS Description) command
CRTNWIFR (Create Network Interface (Frame-Relay Network)) command
CRTNWSCFG (Create Network Server Configuration) command
CRTNWSD (Create Network Server Description) command
CRTNWSSTG (Create Network Server Storage Space) command
CRTOUTQ (Create Output Queue) command
CRTOVL (Create Overlay) command
CRTPAGDFN (Create Page Definition) command
CRTPAGSEG (Create Page Segment) command
CRTPDFMAP (Create PDF Map) command
CRTPDG (Create Print Descriptor Group) command
CRTPEXDTA (Create Performance Explorer Data) command
CRTPF (Create Physical File) command
CRTPFRDTA (Create Performance Data) command
CRTPFRSUM (Create Performance Summary) command
CRTPGM (Create Program) command
CRTPNLGRP (Create Panel Group) command
CRTPRDDFN (Create Product Definition) command
CRTPRDLOD (Create Product Load) command
CRTPRTF (Create Printer File) command
CRTPRXCMD (Create Proxy Command) command
CRTPSFCFG (Create Print Services Facility Configuration) command
CRTPTF (Create Program Temporary Fix) command
CRTPTFPKG (Create Program Temporary Fix Package) command
CRTQMFORM (Create Query Management Form) command
CRTQMQRY (Create Query Management Query) command
CRTQSTDB (Create Question/Answer Database) command
CRTQSTLOD (Create Question/Answer Database Load) command
CRTRJEBSCF (Create RJE BSC File) command
CRTRJECFG (Create RJE Configuration) command
CRTRJECMNF (Create RJE Communication File) command
CRTRNDCCFG (Create Remote Name Daemon Control Configuration) command
CRTRPGMOD (Create RPG Module) command
CRTRPGPGM (Create RPG/400 Program) command
CRTRPTPGM (Create Auto Report RPG Program) command
CRTS36CBL (Create S/36 COBOL Program) command
CRTS36DSPF (Create S/36 Display File) command
CRTS36MNU (Create S/36 Menu) command
CRTS36MSGF (Create S/36 Message File) command
CRTS36RPG (Create RPG II Program) command
CRTS36RPGR (Create Console Display File) command
CRTS36RPT (Create S/36 RPG II Auto Report) command
CRTSAVF (Create Save File) command
CRTSBSD (Create Subsystem Description) command
CRTSCHIDX (Create Search Index) command
CRTSPADCT (Create Spelling Aid Dictionary) command
CRTSQLCBL (Create SQL COBOL Program) command
CRTSQLCBLI (Create SQL ILE COBOL Object) command
CRTSQLCI (Create SQL ILE C Object) command
CRTSQLCPPI (Create SQL ILE C++ Object) command
CRTSQLPKG (Create SQL Package) command
CRTSQLPLI (Create SQL PL/I Program) command
CRTSQLRPG (Create SQL RPG Program) command
CRTSQLRPGI (Create SQL ILE RPG Object) command
CRTSRCPF (Create Source Physical File) command
CRTSRVCFG (Create Service Configuration) command
CRTSRVPGM (Create Service Program) command
CRTSSND (Create Session Description) command
CRTTAPCGY (Create Tape Category) command
CRTTAPF (Create Tape File) command
CRTTBL (Create Table) command
CRTTIMZON (Create Time Zone Description) command
CRTUDFS (Create User-Defined File System) command
CRTUSRPRF (Create User Profile) command
CRTVLDL (Create Validation List) command
CRTWSCST (Create Workstation Customizing Object) command
CVTCLSRC (Convert CL Source) command
CVTDAT (Convert Date) command
CVTDIR (Convert Directory) command
CVTDLSNAM (Convert Document Library Services Name) command
CVTEDU (Convert Education) command
CVTIPSIFC (Convert IP Address) command
CVTIPSLOC (Convert Network ID / Location) command
CVTNAMSMTP (Convert SMTP Names) command
CVTOPTBKU (Convert Optical Backup) command
CVTOVLPFM (Convert Overlay to PFM) command
CVTPAGSPFM (Convert Page Segment to PFM) command
CVTPCDPAGS (Convert PC Document to Page Segment) command
CVTPFMPAGS (Convert Physical File Member to Page Segment) command
CVTPFRCOL (Convert Performance Collection) command
CVTPFRTHD (Convert Performance Thread Data) command
CVTRJEDTA (Convert RJE Data) command
CVTRPCSRC (Convert Remote Procedure Call Source) command
CVTRPGSRC (Convert RPG Source) command
CVTSQLCPP (Convert SQL C++ Source) command
CVTTCPCL (Convert TCP/IP CL Source) command
CVTTOFLR (Convert To Folder) command
CVTUSRCERT (Convert User Certificate) command
D Back to top
DATA (Data) command
DB2LDIF (Copy To LDIF File) command
DCL (Declare CL Variable) command
DCLF (Declare File) command
DCLPRCOPT (Declare Processing Options) command
DCPOBJ (Decompress Object) command
DEL (Remove Link) command
DEP (Dependent Definition) command
DIG (Start DIG Query) command
DLCOBJ (Deallocate Object) command
DLTALR (Delete Alert) command
DLTALRTBL (Delete Alert Table) command
DLTAPARDTA (Delete APAR Data) command
DLTAUTHLR (Delete Authority Holder) command
DLTAUTL (Delete Authorization List) command
DLTBNDDIR (Delete Binding Directory) command
DLTCAD (Delete Cluster Administrative Domain) command
DLTCFGL (Delete Configuration List) command
DLTCHTFMT (Delete Chart Format) command
DLTCICSGRP (Delete CICS Group) command
DLTCLD (Delete C Locale Description) command
DLTCLS (Delete Class) command
DLTCLU (Delete Cluster) command
DLTCMD (Delete Command) command
DLTCMNTRC (Delete Communications Trace) command
DLTCNNL (Delete Connection List) command
DLTCOSD (Delete Class-of-Service Description) command
DLTCRG (Delete Cluster Resource Group) command
DLTCRGCLU (Delete Cluster Resource Group Cluster) command
DLTCRQD (Delete Change Request Description) command
DLTCSI (Delete Communications Side Information) command
DLTCTLD (Delete Controller Description) command
DLTDEVD (Delete Device Description) command
DLTDEVMLB (Delete Device Media Library) command
DLTDFUPGM (Delete Data File Utility Program) command
DLTDLO (Delete Document Library Object) command
DLTDOCL (Delete Document List) command
DLTDST (Delete Distribution) command
DLTDSTL (Delete Distribution List) command
DLTDTAARA (Delete Data Area) command
DLTDTADCT (Delete Data Dictionary) command
DLTDTAQ (Delete Data Queue) command
DLTEDTD (Delete Edit Description) command
DLTEXPSPLF (Delete Expired Spooled Files) command
DLTF (Delete File) command
DLTFCNARA (Delete Functional Area) command
DLTFCT (Delete Forms Control Table) command
DLTFNTRSC (Delete Font Resource) command
DLTFNTTBL (Delete Font Table) command
DLTFORMDF (Delete Form Definition) command
DLTFTR (Delete Filter) command
DLTGPHFMT (Delete Graph Format) command
DLTGPHPKG (Delete Graph Package) command
DLTGSS (Delete Graphic Symbol Set) command
DLTHSTDTA (Delete Historical Data) command
DLTIGCDCT (Delete DBCS Conversion Dictionary) command
DLTIGCSRT (Delete DBCS Sort Table) command
DLTIGCTBL (Delete DBCS Font Table) command
DLTIMGCLG (Delete Image Catalog) command
Start of changeDLTINTSVR (Delete Integrated Server) commandEnd of change
DLTIPXD (Delete IPX Description) command
DLTJOBD (Delete Job Description) command
DLTJOBQ (Delete Job Queue) command
DLTJRN (Delete Journal) command
DLTJRNRCV (Delete Journal Receiver) command
DLTJVAPGM (Delete Java Program) command
DLTKRBCCF (Delete Kerberos Credentials Cache File) command
DLTLIB (Delete library) command
DLTLICPGM (Delete Licensed Program) command
DLTLIND (Delete Line Description) command
DLTLNXSVR (Delete Linux Server) command
DLTLOCALE (Delete Locale) command
DLTMEDDFN (Delete Media Definition) command
DLTMGTCOL (Delete Management Collection) command
DLTMNU (Delete Menu) command
DLTMOD (Delete Module) command
DLTMODD (Delete Mode Description) command
DLTMSGF (Delete Message File) command
DLTMSGQ (Delete Message Queue) command
DLTNETF (Delete Network File) command
DLTNODGRP (Delete Node Group) command
DLTNODL (Delete Node List) command
DLTNTBD (Delete NetBIOS Descriptions) command
DLTNWID (Delete Network Interface Description) command
DLTNWSCFG (Delete Network Server Configuration) command
DLTNWSD (Delete Network Server Description) command
DLTNWSSTG (Delete Network Server Storage Space) command
Start of changeDLTOBJ (Delete Object) commandEnd of change
DLTOUTQ (Delete Output Queue) command
DLTOVL (Delete Overlay) command
DLTOVR (Delete Override) command
DLTOVRDEVE (Delete Override Program Device Entry) command
DLTPAGDFN (Delete Page Definition) command
DLTPAGSEG (Delete Page Segment) command
DLTPDFMAP (Delete PDF Map) command
DLTPDG (Delete Print Descriptor Group) command
DLTPEXDTA (Delete Performance Explorer Data) command
DLTPFRCOL (Delete Performance Collection) command
DLTPGM (Delete Program) command
DLTPNLGRP (Delete Panel Group) command
DLTPRB (Delete Problem) command
DLTPRDDFN (Delete Product Definition) command
DLTPRDLOD (Delete Product Load) command
DLTPSFCFG (Delete Print Services Facility Configuration) command
DLTPTF (Delete Program Temporary Fix) command
DLTQMFORM (Delete Query Management Form) command
DLTQMQRY (Delete Query Management Query) command
DLTQRY (Delete Query) command
DLTQST (Delete Questions and Answers) command
DLTQSTDB (Delete Question/Answer Database) command
DLTRJECFG (Delete RJE Configuration) command
DLTRMTPTF (Delete Remote Program Temporary Fix) command
DLTSBMCRQ (Delete Submitted Change Request) command
DLTSBSD (Delete Subsystem Description) command
DLTSCHIDX (Delete Search Index) command
DLTSMGOBJ (Delete System Manager Object) command
DLTSPADCT (Delete Spelling Aid Dictionary) command
DLTSPLF (Delete Spooled File) command
DLTSQLPKG (Delete SQL Package) command
DLTSRVCFG (Delete Service Configuration) command
DLTSRVPGM (Delete Service Program) command
DLTSSND (Delete Session Description) command
DLTTAPCGY (Delete Tape Category) command
DLTTBL (Delete Table) command
DLTTIMZON (Delete Time Zone Description) command
DLTTRC (Delete Trace) command
DLTUDFS (Delete User-Defined File System) command
DLTUSRIDX (Delete User Index) command
DLTUSRPRF (Delete User Profile) command
DLTUSRQ (Delete User Queue) command
DLTUSRSPC (Delete User Space) command
DLTUSRTRC (Delete User Trace) command
DLTVLDL (Delete Validation List) command
DLTWNTSVR (Delete Windows Server) command
DLTWSCST (Delete Workstation Customizing Object) command
DLYJOB (Delay Job) command
DLYSRVAGTP (Delay SRVAGT Problem Reporting) command
DMP (Dump Object) command
DMPBRM (Dump BRMS) command
DMPCICS (Dump CICS) command
DMPCLPGM (Dump CL Program) command
DMPCLUTRC (Dump Cluster Trace) command
DMPCMNTRC (Dump Communications Trace) command
DMPDLO (Dump Document Library Object) command
DMPJOB (Dump Job) command
DMPJOBINT (Dump Job Internal) command
DMPJVM (Dump Java Virtual Machine) command
DMPMEMINF (Dump Main Memory Information) command
DMPOBJ (Dump Object) command
DMPSYSOBJ (Dump System Object) command
DMPTAP (Dump Tape) command
DMPTRC (Dump Trace) command
DMPUSRPRF (Dump User Profile) command
DMPUSRTRC (Dump User Trace) command
DO (Do Group) command
DOFOR (Do For) command
DOUNTIL (Do Until) command
DOWHILE (Do While) command
DSCJOB (Disconnect Job) command
DSPACC (Display Access Code) command
DSPACCAUT (Display Access Code Authority) command
DSPACTPJ (Display Active Prestart Jobs) command
DSPACTPRFL (Display Active Profile List) command
DSPACTSCD (Display Activation Schedule) command
DSPAPPNINF (Display APPN Information) command
DSPASPBRM (Display Auxiliary Storage Pool Information) command
DSPASPCPYD (Display ASP Copy Description) command
DSPASPSSN (Display ASP Session) command
DSPASPSTS (Display Auxiliary Storage Pool Status) command
DSPAUDJRNE (Display Audit Journal Entries) command
DSPAUT (Display Authority) command
DSPAUTHLR (Display Authority Holder) command
DSPAUTL (Display Authorization List) command
DSPAUTLDLO (Display Auth List Document Library Objects) command
DSPAUTLOBJ (Display Authorization List Object) command
DSPAUTUSR (Display Authorized Users) command
DSPBCKSTS (Display Backup Status) command
DSPBCKUP (Display Backup Options) command
DSPBCKUPL (Display Backup List) command
DSPBKP (Display Breakpoints) command
DSPBKUBRM (Display Backup Plan using BRMS) command
DSPBNDDIR (Display Binding Directory) command
DSPCCSA (Display Change Control Server Attributes) command
DSPCDEFNT (Display Coded Font) command
DSPCFGL (Display Configuration List) command
DSPCHT (Display Chart) command
DSPCICSCVT (Display CICS CVT Entry) command
DSPCICSDCT (Display CICS DCT Entry) command
DSPCICSFCT (Display CICS FCT Entry) command
DSPCICSGLT (Display CICS GLT Entry) command
DSPCICSJCT (Display CICS JCT Entry) command
DSPCICSPCT (Display CICS PCT Entry) command
DSPCICSPPT (Display CICS PPT Entry) command
DSPCICSSIT (Display CICS SIT Entry) command
DSPCICSSTS (Display CICS Status) command
DSPCICSTCS (Display CICS TCS Entry) command
DSPCICSTCT (Display CICS TCT Entry) command
DSPCICSTST (Display CICS TST Entry) command
DSPCKMKSFE (Display Crytographic Key Management Keystore File Entry) command
DSPCLS (Display Class) command
DSPCLUINF (Display Cluster Information) command
DSPCMD (Display Command) command
DSPCNNL (Display Connection List) command
DSPCNNSTS (Display Connection Status) command
DSPCOSD (Display Class-of-Service Description) command
DSPCPCST (Display Check Pending Constraint) command
DSPCRGINF (Display Cluster Resource Group Information) command
DSPCSI (Display Communications Side Information) command
DSPCTLD (Display Controller Description) command
DSPCURDIR (Display Current Directory) command
DSPDBG (Display Debug) command
DSPDBGWCH (Display Debug Watch) command
DSPDBR (Display Data Base Relations) command
DSPDDMF (Display Distributed Data Management File) command
DSPDEVD (Display Device Description) command
DSPDIRE (Display Directory Entries) command
DSPDLFA (Display DataLink File Attributes) command
DSPDLOAUD (Display Document Library Object Auditing Level) command
DSPDLOAUT (Display Document Library Object Authority) command
DSPDLONAM (Display Document Library Object Name) command
DSPDOC (Display Document) command
DSPDSTCLGE (Display Distribution Catalog Entries) command
DSPDSTL (Display Distribution List) command
DSPDSTLOG (Display Distribution Log) command
DSPDSTSRV (Display Distribution Services) command
DSPDTA (Display Data) command
DSPDTAARA (Display Data Area) command
DSPDTADCT (Display Data Dictionary) command
DSPDUPBRM (Display Duplicate Media) command
DSPEDTD (Display Edit Description) command
DSPEWCBCDE (Display Wireless Controller Barcode Entry) command
DSPEWCM (Display Wireless Controller Member) command
DSPEWCPTCE (Display Wireless Controller PTC Entry) command
DSPEWLM (Display Wireless Line Member) command
DSPEXPSCD (Display Expiration Schedule) command
DSPF (Display File) command
DSPFCNUSG (Display Function Usage) command
DSPFD (Display File Description) command
DSPFFD (Display File Field Description) command
DSPFLR (Display Folder) command
DSPFMWSTS (Display Firmware Status) command
DSPFNTRSCA (Display Font Resource Attributes) command
DSPFNTTBL (Display Font Table) command
DSPGDF (Display Graphics Data File) command
DSPHDWRSC (Display Hardware Resources) command
DSPHFS (Display Hierarchical File Sys.) command
DSPHLPDOC (Display Help Document) command
DSPHSTGPH (Display Historical Graph) command
DSPHSTJS (Display History using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
DSPIGCDCT (Display DBCS Conversion Dictionary) command
DSPIPLA (Display IPL Attributes) command
DSPIPXD (Display IPX Description) command
DSPJOB (Display Job) command
DSPJOBD (Display Job Description) command
DSPJOBJS (Display Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
DSPJOBLOG (Display Job Log) command
DSPJOBTBL (Display Job Tables) command
DSPJRN (Display Journal) command
DSPJRNRCVA (Display Journal Receiver Attributes) command
DSPJVAPGM (Display Java Program) command
DSPJVMJOB (Display Java Virtual Machine Jobs) command
DSPKBDMAP (Display Keyboard Map) command
DSPKRBCCF (Display Kerberos Credentials Cache File) command
DSPKRBKTE (Display Kerberos Keytab Entries) command
DSPLANADPP (Display LAN Adapter Profile) command
DSPLANMLB (Display LAN Media Library) command
DSPLANSTS (Display LAN Status) command
DSPLIB (Display Library) command
DSPLIBD (Display Library Description) command
DSPLIBL (Display Library List) command
DSPLICKEY (Display License Key Information) command
DSPLIND (Display Line Description) command
DSPLNK (Display Object Links) command
DSPLOG (Display Log) command
DSPLOGBRM (Display Log for BRMS) command
DSPLOGJS (Display Log for Job Scheduler) command
DSPMFSINF (Display Mounted File System Information) command
DSPMGDSYSA (Display Managed System Attributes) command
DSPMNUA (Display Menu Attributes) command
DSPMOD (Display Module) command
DSPMODD (Display Mode Description) command
DSPMODSRC (Display Module Source) command
DSPMODSTS (Display Mode Status) command
DSPMSG (Display Messages) command
DSPMSGD (Display Message Description) command
DSPNCK (Display Nickname) command
DSPNETA (Display Network Attributes) command
DSPNODGRP (Display Node Group) command
DSPNTBD (Display NetBIOS Description) command
DSPNWID (Display Network Interface Description) command
DSPNWSA (Display Network Server Attributes) command
DSPNWSCFG (Display Network Server Configuration) command
DSPNWSD (Display Network Server Description) command
DSPNWSSTG (Display Network Server Storage Space) command
DSPNWSUSRA (Display Network Server User Attributes) command
DSPOBJAUT (Display Object Authority) command
DSPOBJD (Display Object Description) command
DSPOPCLNK (Display OptiConnect Link Status) command
DSPOPT (Display Optical) command
DSPOPTLCK (Display Optical Locks) command
DSPOPTSVR (Display Optical Server) command
DSPOSPF (Display OSPF) command
DSPOVR (Display Override) command
DSPPDFMAPE (Display PDF Map Entries) command
DSPPDGPRF (Display Print Descriptor Group Profile) command
DSPPFM (Display Physical File Member) command
DSPPFRDTA (Display Performance Data) command
DSPPFRGPH (Display Performance Graph) command
DSPPGM (Display Program) command
DSPPGMADP (Display Program Adopt) command
DSPPGMREF (Display Program References) command
DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable) command
DSPPRB (Display Problems) command
DSPPSFCFG (Display Print Services Facility Configuration) command
DSPPTF (Display Program Temporary Fix) command
DSPPTFCVR (Display Program Temporary Fix Cover Letter) command
DSPPWRSCD (Display Power On/Off Schedule) command
DSPRCDLCK (Display Record Locks) command
DSPRCVCMD (Display Received Commands) command
DSPRCYAP (Display Recovery for Access Paths) command
DSPRDBDIRE (Display Relational Database Directory Entries) command
Start of changeDSPRIP (Display Routing Information Protocol Information) commandEnd of change
DSPRJECFG (Display RJE Configuration) command
DSPRMTDFN (Display Remote Definition) command
DSPS36 (Display S/36 Configuration) command
DSPSAVF (Display Save File) command
DSPSBMCRQ (Display Submitted Change Requests) command
DSPSBMCRQA (Display Submitted Change Request Activity) command
DSPSBMCRQM (Display Submitted Change Request Messages) command
DSPSBSD (Display Subsystem Description) command
DSPSECA (Display Security Attributes) command
DSPSECAUD (Display Security Auditing) command
DSPSFWRSC (Display Software Resources) command
DSPSOCSTS (Display Sphere of Control Status) command
DSPSPLF (Display Spooled File) command
DSPSRVA (Display Service Attributes) command
DSPSRVAGT (Display Service Agent) command
DSPSRVPGM (Display Service Program) command
DSPSRVPVDA (Display Service Provider Attributes) command
DSPSRVSTS (Display Service Status) command
DSPSSTUSR (Display Service Tools User ID) command
DSPSVRAUTE (Display Server Authentication Entries) command
DSPSYSSTS (Display System Status) command
DSPSYSVAL (Display System Value) command
DSPTAP (Display Tape) command
DSPTAPCGY (Display Tape Category) command
DSPTAPCTG (Display Tape Cartridge) command
DSPTAPSTS (Display Tape Status) command
DSPTM (Display Trademarks) command
DSPTRC (Display Trace) command
DSPTRCDTA (Display Trace Data) command
DSPUDFS (Display User-Defined File System) command
DSPUSRPMN (Display User Permission) command
DSPUSRPRF (Display User Profile) command
DSPUSRPRTI (Display User Print Information) command
DSPVTMAP (Display VT Keyboard Map) command
Start of changeDSPWLCGRP (Display Workload Capping Group) commandEnd of change
DSPWSUSR (Display Work Station User) command
DUPMEDBRM (Duplicate Media using BRMS) command
DUPOPT (Duplicate Optical) command
DUPTAP (Duplicate Tape) command
E Back to top
EDTAUTL (Edit Authorization List) command
EDTBCKUPL (Edit Backup List) command
EDTCPCST (Edit Check Pending Constraints) command
EDTDLFA (Edit DataLink File Attributes) command
EDTDLOAUT (Edit Document Library Object Authority) command
EDTDOC (Edit Document) command
EDTF (Edit File) command
EDTIGCDCT (Edit DBCS Conversion Dictionary) command
EDTLIBL (Edit Library List) command
EDTOBJAUT (Edit Object Authority) command
EDTQST (Edit Questions and Answers) command
EDTRBDAP (Edit Rebuild of Access Paths) command
EDTRCYAP (Edit Recovery for Access Paths) command
EDTS36PGMA (Edit S/36 Program Attributes) command
EDTS36PRCA (Edit S/36 Procedure Attributes) command
EDTS36SRCA (Edit S/36 Source Attributes) command
EDTWSOAUT (Edit Workstation Object Authority) command
EJTEMLOUT (Eject Emulation Output) command
ELEM (Element Definition) command
ELSE (Else) command
EMLPRTKEY (Emulate Printer Keys) command
ENDACCWEB2 (End Access for Web) command
ENDAGTSRV (End Agent Services) command
ENDASPBAL (End Auxiliary Storage Pool Balance) command
ENDASPSSN (End ASP Session) command
ENDBCHJOB (End Batch Job) command
ENDCAD (End Cluster Administrative Domain) command
ENDCBLDBG (End COBOL Debug) command
ENDCHTSVR (End Clustered Hash Table Server) command
ENDCICS (End CICS Control Region) command
ENDCICSUSR (End CICS User Shell) command
ENDCLNUP (End Cleanup) command
ENDCLUNOD (End Cluster Node) command
ENDCMNSVR (End Communications Server) command
ENDCMNTRC (End Communications Trace) command
ENDCMTCTL (End Commitment Control) command
ENDCPYSCN (End Copy Screen) command
ENDCRG (End Cluster Resource Group) command
ENDCTLRCY (End Controller Recovery) command
ENDDBG (End Debug Mode) command
ENDDBGSVR (End Debug Server) command
ENDDBMON (End Database Monitor) command
ENDDEVRCY (End Device Recovery) command
ENDDIRSHD (End Directory Shadowing) command
ENDDO (End Do Group) command
ENDDPRAPY (End DataPropagator Apply) command
ENDDPRCAP (End DataPropagator Capture) command
ENDDSKRGZ (End Disk Reorganization) command
ENDDW (End Disk Watcher) command
ENDEPMENV (End EPM Environments) command
ENDFNTDWN (End Font Downloader) command
ENDGRPJOB (End Group Job) command
ENDHOSTSVR (End Host Server) command
ENDINP (End Input) command
ENDIPSIFC (End IP over SNA Interface) command
ENDISDB (End ISDB) command
ENDJOB (End Job) command
ENDJOBABN (End Job Abnormal) command
ENDJOBTRC (End Job Trace) command
ENDJRN (End Journal) command
ENDJRNAP (End Journal Access Path) command
ENDJRNLIB (End Journal Library) command
ENDJRNOBJ (End Journal Object) command
ENDJRNPF (End Journal Physical File) command
ENDJS (End Advanced Job Scheduler) command
ENDJW (End Job Watcher) command
ENDLINRCY (End Line Recovery) command
ENDLOGSVR (End Job Log Server) command
ENDMGDSYS (End Managed System Services) command
ENDMGRSRV (End Manager Services) command
ENDMOD (End Mode) command
ENDMONOND (End Monitor for OnDemand) command
ENDMSF (End Mail Server Framework) command
ENDNFSSVR (End Network File System Server) command
ENDNWIRCY (End Network Interface Recovery) command
ENDPASTHR (End Pass-Through) command
ENDPEX (End Performance Explorer) command
ENDPFRCOL (End Performance Collection) command
ENDPFRTRC (End Performance Trace) command
ENDPGM (End Program) command
ENDPGMEXP (End Program Export List) command
ENDPGMPRF (End Program Profiling) command
ENDPJ (End Prestart Jobs) command
ENDPRTEML (End Printer Emulation) command
ENDRCV (End Receive) command
ENDRDR (End Reader) command
ENDRJESSN (End RJE Session) command
ENDRMTSPT (End Remote Support) command
ENDRPCBIND (End Remote Procedure Call Binder Daemon) command
ENDRQS (End Request) command
ENDS36 (End S/36 Session) command
ENDSBMCRQA (End Submitted Change Request Activity) command
ENDSBS (End Subsystem) command
ENDSELECT (End Select) command
ENDSRVAGT (End Service Agent) command
ENDSRVJOB (End Service Job) command
ENDSUBR (End Subroutine) command
ENDSYS (End System) command
ENDSYSMGR (End System Manager) command
ENDTCP (End TCP/IP) command
ENDTCPABN (End TCP/IP Abnormal) command
ENDTCPCNN (End TCP/IP Connection) command
ENDTCPIFC (End TCP/IP Interface) command
ENDTCPPTP (End Point-to-Point TCP/IP) command
ENDTCPSVR (End TCP/IP Server) command
ENDTFMMGR (End Transform Manager) command
ENDTIESSN (End TIE Session) command
ENDTRC (End Trace) command
ENDTRPMGR (End Trap Manager) command
ENDWCH (End Watch) command
ENDWTR (End Writer) command
EOF (End of File) command
ERASE (Remove Link) command
EXPORT (Export a Program Symbol) command
EXPORTFS (Change Network File System Export) command
EXTMEDIBRM (Extract Media Information) command
EXTPGMINF (Extract Program Information) command
F Back to top
FILDOC (File Document) command
FMTDTA (Format Data) command
FNDKEYOND (Find Key for OnDemand) command
FNDSTRPDM (Find String using Programming Development Manager) command
FTP (Start TCP/IP File Transfer) command
G Back to top
GENCAT (Generate Message Catalog) command
GENCKMKSFE (Generate Crytographic Key Management Keystore File Entry) command
GENCMDDOC (Generate Command Documentation) command
GENCSRC (Generate C/C++ Source) command
GENJVMDMP (Generate JVM Dump) command
GENLICKEY (Generate License Key) command
GO (Go to Menu) command
GOTO (Go To) command
GRTACCAUT (Grant Access Code Authority) command
GRTDPRAUT (Grant DataPropagator Authority) command
GRTOBJAUT (Grant Object Authority) command
GRTUSRAUT (Grant User Authority) command
GRTUSRPMN (Grant User Permission) command
GRTWSOAUT (Grant Workstation Object Authority) command
H Back to top
HLDCMNDEV (Hold Communications Device) command
HLDDSTQ (Hold Distribution Queue) command
HLDJOB (Hold Job) command
HLDJOBJS (Hold Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
HLDJOBQ (Hold Job Queue) command
HLDJOBSCDE (Hold Job Schedule Entry) command
HLDOUTQ (Hold Output Queue) command
HLDPTF (Hold Program Temporary Fix) command
HLDRDR (Hold Reader) command
HLDSBMCRQA (Hold Submitted Change Request Activity) command
HLDSPLF (Hold Spooled File) command
HLDWTR (Hold Writer) command
HOST (Start HOST Query) command
I Back to top
IF (If) command
INCLUDE (Include CL Source) command
INSCICSGRP (Install CICS Group) command
Start of changeINSINTSVR (Install Integrated Server) commandEnd of change
INSPTF (Install Program Temporary Fix) command
INSRMTPRD (Install Remote Product) command
INSWNTSVR (Install Windows Server) command
INZBRM (Initialize BRMS) command
INZCICS (Initialize CICS Tables) command
INZDLFM (Initialize DataLink File Manager) command
INZDPRCAP (Initialize DataPropagator Capture) command
INZDSTQ (Initialize Distribution Queue) command
INZMEDBRM (Initialize Media using BRMS) command
INZNWSCFG (Initialize Network Server Configuration) command
INZOPT (Initialize Optical) command
INZPCS (Initialize Client Access/400) command
INZPFM (Initialize Physical File Member) command
INZSYS (Initialize System) command
INZTAP (Initialize Tape) command
ITERATE (Iterate) command
J Back to top
JAVA (Run Java Program) command
L Back to top
LDIF2DB (Copy From LDIF File) command
LEAVE (Leave) command
LNKDTADFN (Link/Unlink Data Definition) command
LODIMGCLG (Load or Unload Image Catalog) command
LODIMGCLGE (Load/Unload/Mount Image Catalog Entry) command
LODOPTFMW (Load Optical Firmware) command
LODPTF (Load Program Temporary Fix) command
LODQSTDB (Load Question/Answer Database) command
LODRUN (Load and Run) command
LPR (Send TCP/IP Spooled File) command
M Back to top
MD (Create Directory) command
MGRBRM (Migrate using BRMS) command
MGRMEDRDAR (Migrate Media) command
MKDIR (Create Directory) command
MONMSG (Monitor Message) command
MONSWABRM (Monitor Save While Active) command
MOUNT (Add Mounted File System) command
MOV (Move Object) command
MOVDOC (Move Document) command
MOVE (Move Object) command
MOVMEDBRM (Move Media using BRMS) command
MOVOBJ (Move Object) command
MOVSPLFBRM (Move Spooled Files using BRMS) command
MRGFORMD (Merge Form Description) command
MRGMSGCLG (Merge Message Catalog) command
MRGMSGF (Merge Message File) command
Start of changeMRGSPLFOND (Merge Spooled Files) commandEnd of change
MRGSRC (Merge Source) command
MRGTCPHT (Merge TCP/IP Host Table) command
N Back to top
NETSTAT (Work with TCP/IP Network Status) command
NSLOOKUP (Start NSLOOKUP Query) command
NSUPDATE (Run Domain Name System Update) command
O Back to top
OPNDBF (Open Data Base File) command
OPNQRYF (Open Query File) command
ORDSPTPTF (Order Supported Product PTFs) command
OTHERWISE (Otherwise) command
OVRDBF (Override with Data Base File) command
OVRDSPF (Override with Display File) command
OVRICFDEVE (Override Intersystem Communications Function Program Device Entry) command
OVRICFF (Override Intersystem Communications Function File) command
OVRMSGF (Override Message File) command
OVRPRTF (Override with Printer File) command
OVRSAVF (Override with Save File) command
OVRTAPF (Override with Tape File) command
P Back to top
PARM (Parameter Definition) command
PGM (Program) command
PING (Verify TCP/IP Connection) command
PKGINSOBJ (Package Installable Object) command
PKGPRDDST (Package Product for Distribution) command
PKGPRDOPT (Package Product Option) command
PMTCTL (Prompt Control Definition) command
POSDBF (Position Data Base File) command
PRTACTRPT (Print Activity Report) command
PRTADPOBJ (Print Adopting Objects) command
PRTAFPDTA (Print Advanced Function Printer Data) command
Start of changePRTCADMRE (Print Cluster Administrative Domain Managed Resource Entry) commandEnd of change
PRTCICSTRC (Print CICS Trace) command
PRTCMDUSG (Print Command Usage) command
PRTCMNSEC (Print Communications Security) command
PRTCMNTRC (Print Communications Trace) command
PRTCPTRPT (Print Component Report) command
PRTDEVADR (Print Device Addresses) command
PRTDIRINF (Print Directory Information) command
PRTDOC (Print Document) command
PRTDSKINF (Print Disk Information) command
PRTERRLOG (Print Error Log) command
PRTINTDTA (Print Internal Data) command
PRTIPSCFG (Print IP over SNA) command
PRTJOBDAUT (Print Job Description Authority) command
PRTJOBRPT (Print Job Interval Report) command
PRTJOBTRC (Print Job Trace) command
PRTJVMJOB (Print JVM Job) command
PRTLBLBRM (Print Labels using BRMS) command
PRTLCKRPT (Print Lock Report) command
PRTMEDBRM (Print Media Exceptions for BRMS) command
PRTMOVBRM (Print Media Movement) command
Start of changePRTOPCACT (Print OptiConnect Activity) commandEnd of change
Start of changePRTOPCJOB (Print OptiConnect Jobs) commandEnd of change
PRTPEXRPT (Print Performance Explorer Report) command
PRTPFDDTA (Print PFD Data) command
PRTPOLRPT (Print Pool Report) command
PRTPRFINT (Print Profile Internals) command
PRTPUBAUT (Print Publicly Authorized Objects) command
PRTPVTAUT (Print Private Authorities) command
PRTQAUT (Print Queue Authority) command
PRTRPTBRM (Print Report for BRMS) command
PRTRPTOND (Print Report from OnDemand) command
PRTRSCRPT (Print Resource Report) command
PRTSBSDAUT (Print Subsystem Description) command
PRTSCDJS (Print Schedule using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
PRTSQLINF (Print SQL Information) command
PRTSWL (Print Stop Word List) command
PRTSYSINF (Print System Information) command
PRTSYSRPT (Print System Report) command
PRTSYSSECA (Print System Security Attributes) command
PRTTCPPTP (Print TCP/IP Point-to-Point Profile) command
PRTTNSRPT (Print Transaction Report) command
PRTTRC (Print Trace Data) command
PRTTRCRPT (Print Job Trace Report) command
PRTTRGPGM (Print Trigger Programs) command
PRTTXTOND (Print Text for OnDemand) command
PRTUSROBJ (Print User Objects) command
PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) command
PWRDWNSYS (Power Down System) command
Q Back to top
QRYDOCLIB (Query Document Library) command
QRYDST (Query Distributions) command
QRYPRBSTS (Query Problem Status) command
QRYTIEF (Query TIE Files) command
QSH (Start QSH) command
QUAL (Qualifier Definition) command
R Back to top
RCLACTGRP (Reclaim Activation Group) command
RCLDBXREF (Reclaim Database Cross-Reference) command
RCLDDMCNV (Reclaim Distributed Data Management Conversations) command
RCLDLO (Reclaim Document Library Object) command
RCLLIB (Reclaim Library) command
RCLLNK (Reclaim Object Links) command
RCLOBJOWN (Reclaim Objects by Owner) command
RCLOPT (Reclaim Optical) command
RCLRSC (Reclaim Resources) command
RCLSPLSTG (Reclaim Spool Storage) command
RCLSTG (Reclaim Storage) command
RCLTMPSTG (Reclaim Temporary Storage) command
RCVDST (Receive Distribution) command
RCVF (Receive File) command
RCVJRNE (Receive Journal Entry) command
RCVMSG (Receive Message) command
RCVNETF (Receive Network File) command
RCVTIEF (Receive TIE File) command
RD (Remove Directory) command
READFILE (Read a File) command
REN (Rename Object) command
RETURN (Return) command
RGZDLO (Reorganize Document Library Object) command
RGZPFM (Reorganize Physical File Member) command
RLSCMNDEV (Release Communications Device) command
RLSDSTQ (Release Distribution Queue) command
RLSIFSLCK (Release File System Locks) command
RLSJOB (Release Job) command
RLSJOBJS (Release Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
RLSJOBQ (Release Job Queue) command
RLSJOBSCDE (Release Job Schedule Entry) command
RLSOUTQ (Release Output Queue) command
RLSPTF (Release Program Temporary Fix) command
RLSRDR (Release Reader) command
RLSRMTPHS (Release Remote Phase) command
RLSSBMCRQA (Release Submitted Change Request Activity) command
RLSSPLF (Release Spooled File) command
RLSWTR (Release Writer) command
RMDIR (Remove Directory) command
RMVACC (Remove Access Code) command
RMVACCWEB2 (Remove Access for Web) command
RMVAJE (Remove Autostart Job Entry) command
RMVALRD (Remove Alert Description) command
RMVASPCPYD (Remove ASP Copy Description) command
RMVAUTLE (Remove Authorization List Entry) command
RMVBKP (Remove Breakpoint) command
RMVBNDDIRE (Remove Binding Directory Entry) command
RMVCADMRE (Remove Cluster Administrative Domain Managed Resource Entry) command
RMVCADNODE (Remove Cluster Administrative Domain Node Entry) command
RMVCCSCLT (Remove Change Control Server Client) command
RMVCFGLE (Remove Configuration List Entries) command
RMVCICSCVT (Remove CICS CVT Entry) command
RMVCICSDCT (Remove CICS DCT Entry) command
RMVCICSFCT (Remove CICS FCT Entry) command
RMVCICSGLT (Remove CICS GLT Entry) command
RMVCICSJCT (Remove CICS JCT Entry) command
RMVCICSPCT (Remove CICS PCT Entry) command
RMVCICSPPT (Remove CICS PPT Entry) command
RMVCICSSIT (Remove CICS SIT Entry) command
RMVCICSTCS (Remove CICS TCS Entry) command
RMVCICSTCT (Remove CICS TCT Entry) command
RMVCICSTST (Remove CICS TST Entry) command
RMVCKMKSFE (Remove Crytographic Key Management Keystore File Entry) command
Start of changeRMVCLUMON (Remove Cluster Monitor) commandEnd of change
RMVCLUNODE (Remove Cluster Node Entry) command
RMVCMNE (Remove Communications Entry) command
RMVCOMSNMP (Remove Community for SNMP) command
RMVCRGDEVE (Remove Cluster Resource Group Device Entry) command
RMVCRGNODE (Remove Cluster Resource Group Node Entry) command
RMVCRQDA (Remove Change RequestD Activity) command
RMVDEVDMNE (Remove Device Domain Entry) command
RMVDFRID (Remove Defer Identifier) command
RMVDIR (Remove Directory) command
RMVDIRE (Remove Directory Entry) command
RMVDIRSHD (Remove Directory Shadow System) command
RMVDLOAUT (Remove Document Library Object Authority) command
RMVDPRREG (Remove DataPropagator Registration) command
RMVDPRSUB (Remove DataPropagator Subscription) command
RMVDPRSUBM (Remove DataPropagator Subscription Member) command
RMVDSTCLGE (Remove Distribution Catalog Entry) command
RMVDSTLE (Remove Distribution List Entry) command
RMVDSTQ (Remove Distribution Queue) command
RMVDSTRTE (Remove Distribution Route) command
RMVDSTSYSN (Remove Secondary System Name) command
RMVDWDFN (Remove Disk Watcher Definition) command
RMVEMLCFGE (Remove Configuration Entry) command
RMVENVVAR (Remove Environment Variable) command
RMVEWCBCDE (Remove Wireless Controller Barcode Entry) command
RMVEWCPTCE (Remove Wireless Controller PTC Entry) command
RMVEXITPGM (Remove Exit Program) command
RMVFCTE (Remove Forms Control Entry) command
RMVFNTTBLE (Remove Font Table Entry) command
RMVFTRACNE (Remove Filter Action Entry) command
RMVFTRSLTE (Remove Filter Selection Entry) command
RMVHSTJS (Remove History using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
RMVICFDEVE (Remove Intersystem Communications Function Device Entry) command
RMVIMGCLGE (Remove Image Catalog Entry) command
RMVIPSIFC (Remove IP over SNA Interface) command
RMVIPSLOC (Remove IP over SNA Location) command
RMVIPSRTE (Remove IP over SNA Route) command
RMVJOBJS (Remove Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
RMVJOBQE (Remove Job Queue Entry) command
RMVJOBSCDE (Remove Job Schedule Entry) command
RMVJRNCHG (Remove Journaled Changes) command
RMVJWDFN (Remove Job Watcher Definition) command
RMVKRBKTE (Remove Kerberos Keytab Entry) command
RMVLANADPI (Remove LAN Adapter Information) command
RMVLANADPT (Remove LAN Adapter) command
RMVLIBLE (Remove Library List Entry) command
RMVLICKEY (Remove License Key Information) command
RMVLNK (Remove Link) command
RMVLOGEBRM (Remove Log Entries from BRMS) command
RMVLOGEJS (Remove Log Entries from Job Scheduler) command
RMVM (Remove Member) command
RMVMEDBRM (Remove Media Volumes from BRMS) command
RMVMEDIBRM (Remove Media Information from BRMS) command
RMVMFS (Remove Mounted File System) command
RMVMSG (Remove Message) command
RMVMSGD (Remove Message Description) command
RMVNCK (Remove Nickname) command
RMVNETJOBE (Remove Network Job Entry) command
RMVNETTBLE (Remove Network Table Entry) command
RMVNODLE (Remove Node List Entry) command
RMVNWSSTGL (Remove Server Storage Link) command
RMVOPTCTG (Remove Optical Cartridge) command
RMVOPTSVR (Remove Optical Server) command
RMVOSPFARA (Remove OSPF Area) command
RMVOSPFIFC (Remove OSPF Interface) command
RMVOSPFLNK (Remove OSPF Virtual Link) command
RMVOSPFRNG (Remove OSPF Range) command
RMVPCLTBLE (Remove Protocol Table Entry) command
RMVPEXDFN (Remove Performance Explorer Definition) command
RMVPEXFTR (Remove Performance Explorer Filter) command
RMVPFCST (Remove Physical File Constraint) command
RMVPFTRG (Remove Physical File Trigger) command
RMVPGM (Remove Program) command
RMVPJE (Remove Prestart Job Entry) command
RMVPTF (Remove Program Temporary Fix) command
RMVRDBDIRE (Remove Relational Database Directory Entry) command
RMVREXBUF (Remove REXX Buffer) command
Start of changeRMVRIPACP (Remove Routing Information Protocol Accepted Route) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRMVRIPFLT (Remove Routing Information Protocol Filter) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRMVRIPIFC (Remove Routing Information Protocol Interface) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRMVRIPIGN (Remove Ignored Routing Information Protocol Neighbor) commandEnd of change
RMVRJECMNE (Remove RJE Communication Entry) command
RMVRJERDRE (Remove RJE Reader Entry) command
RMVRJEWTRE (Remove RJE Writer Entry) command
RMVRMTDFN (Remove Remote Definition) command
RMVRMTJRN (Remove Remote Journal) command
RMVRMTPTF (Remove Remote Program Temporary Fix) command
RMVRPTOND (Remove Report from OnDemand) command
RMVRPYLE (Remove Reply List Entry) command
RMVRTGE (Remove Routing Entry) command
RMVSCHIDXE (Remove Search Index Entry) command
RMVSMTPLE (Remove SMTP List Entry) command
RMVSOCE (Remove Sphere of Control Entry) command
RMVSRVTBLE (Remove Service Table Entry) command
RMVSVRAUTE (Remove Server Authentication Entry) command
RMVTAPCTG (Remove Tape Cartridge) command
RMVTCPHTE (Remove TCP/IP Host Table Entry) command
RMVTCPIFC (Remove TCP/IP Interface) command
RMVTCPPORT (Remove TCP/IP Port Restriction) command
RMVTCPPTP (Remove TCP/IP Point-to-Point Profile) command
RMVTCPRSI (Remove TCP/IP Remote System) command
RMVTCPRTE (Remove TCP/IP Route) command
RMVTCPSVR (Remove TCP/IP Server) command
RMVTCPTBL (Remove TCP/IP Table) command
RMVTRC (Remove Trace) command
RMVTRCFTR (Remove Trace Filter) command
Start of changeRMVUSRSNMP (Remove User for SNMP) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRMVWLCGRP (Remove Workload Capping Group) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRMVWLCPRDE (Remove Workload Capping Product Entry) commandEnd of change
RMVWSE (Remove Work Station Entry) command
RNDC (Run Remote Name Daemon Control Command) command
RNM (Rename Object) command
RNMDIRE (Rename Directory Entry) command
RNMDLO (Rename Document Library Object) command
RNMDSTL (Rename Distribution List) command
RNMJOBJS (Rename Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
RNMLANADPI (Rename LAN Adapter) command
RNMM (Rename Member) command
RNMNCK (Rename Nickname) command
RNMOBJ (Rename Object) command
RNMTCPHTE (Rename TCP/IP Host Table Entry) command
ROLLBACK (Rollback) command
RPCBIND (Start Remote Procedure Call Binder Daemon) command
RPCGEN (Convert Remote Procedure Call Source) command
RPLDOC (Replace Document) command
RRTJOB (Reroute Job) command
RSMBKP (Resume Breakpoint) command
RSMCTLRCY (Resume Controller Recovery) command
RSMDEVRCY (Resume Device Recovery) command
RSMLINRCY (Resume Line Recovery) command
RSMNWIRCY (Resume Network Interface Recovery) command
RSMRTVBRM (Resume Retrieve using BRMS) command
RST (Restore Object) command
RSTAPARDTA (Restore APAR Data) command
RSTAUT (Restore Authority) command
RSTAUTBRM (Restore Authority using BRMS) command
RSTBRM (Restore Object using BRMS) command
RSTCFG (Restore Configuration) command
RSTDFROBJ (Restore Deferred Objects) command
RSTDLO (Restore Document Library Object) command
RSTDLOBRM (Restore Document Library Object using BRMS) command
RSTLIB (Restore Library) command
RSTLIBBRM (Restore Library using BRMS) command
RSTLICPGM (Restore Licensed Program) command
RSTOBJ (Restore Object) command
RSTOBJBRM (Restore Object using BRMS) command
RSTPFRCOL (Restore Performance Collection) command
RSTS36F (Restore S/36 File) command
RSTS36LIBM (Restore S/36 Library Members) command
RSTSYSINF (Restore System Information) command
RSTUSRPRF (Restore User Profiles) command
RTNSUBR (Return from Subroutine) command
Start of changeRTVASPCPYD (Retrieve ASP Copy Description) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRTVASPSSN (Retrieve ASP Session) commandEnd of change
RTVAUTLE (Retrieve Authorization List Entry) command
RTVBCKUP (Retrieve Backup Options) command
RTVBNDSRC (Retrieve Binder Source) command
RTVCFGSRC (Retrieve Configuration Source) command
RTVCFGSTS (Retrieve Configuration Status) command
RTVCLDSRC (Retrieve C Locale Description) command
RTVCLNUP (Retrieve Cleanup) command
RTVCLSRC (Retrieve CL Source) command
Start of changeRTVCLU (Retrieve Cluster) commandEnd of change
Start of changeRTVCRG (Retrieve Cluster Resource Group) commandEnd of change
RTVCURDIR (Retrieve Current Directory) command
RTVDIRINF (Retrieve Directory Information) command
RTVDLOAUT (Retrieve Document Library Object Authority) command
RTVDLONAM (Retrieve Document Library Object Name) command
RTVDOC (Retrieve Document) command
RTVDSKINF (Retrieve Disk Information) command
RTVDTAARA (Retrieve Data Area) command
RTVGRPA (Retrieve Group Attributes) command
RTVIMGCLG (Retrieve Image Catalog) command
RTVJOBA (Retrieve Job Attributes) command
RTVJRNE (Retrieve Journal Entry) command
RTVLIBD (Retrieve Library Description) command
RTVMBRD (Retrieve Member Description) command
RTVMSG (Retrieve Message) command
RTVNETA (Retrieve Network Attributes) command
RTVOBJD (Retrieve Object Description) command
RTVPDGPRF (Retrieve Print Descriptor Group Profile) command
RTVPRD (Retrieve Product) command
RTVPTF (Retrieve Program Temporary Fix) command
RTVPWRSCDE (Retrieve Power Schedule Entry) command
RTVQMFORM (Retrieve Query Management Form) command
RTVQMQRY (Retrieve Query Mgmt Query) command
RTVS36A (Retrieve S/36 Environment Attributes) command
RTVSMGOBJ (Retrieve System Manager Object) command
RTVSRVAGT (Retrieve Service Agent) command
RTVSWLSRC (Retrieve Stop Word List Source) command
RTVSYSINF (Retrieve System Information) command
RTVSYSVAL (Retrieve System Value) command
RTVTBLSRC (Retrieve Table Source) command
RTVUSRPRF (Retrieve User Profile) command
RTVUSRPRTI (Retrieve User Print Information) command
RTVWSCST (Retrieve Workstation Customizing Object Source) command
RUNBCKUP (Run Backup) command
RUNDNSUPD (Run Domain Name System Update) command
RUNJVA (Run Java Program) command
RUNLPDA (Run LPDA-2) command
RUNQRY (Run Query) command
RUNRMTCMD (Run Remote Command) command
RUNRNDCCMD (Run Remote Name Daemon Control Command) command
RUNSMGCMD (Run System Manager Command) command
RUNSMGOBJ (Run System Manager Object) command
RUNSQLSTM (Run SQL Statement) command
RVKACCAUT (Revoke Access Code Authority) command
RVKDPRAUT (Revoke DataPropagator Authority) command
RVKOBJAUT (Revoke Object Authority) command
RVKPUBAUT (Revoke Public Authority) command
RVKUSRPMN (Revoke User Permission) command
RVKWSOAUT (Revoke Workstation Object Authority) command
S Back to top
SAV (Save Object) command
SAVAPARDTA (Save APAR Data) command
SAVBRM (Save Object using BRMS) command
SAVCFG (Save Configuration) command
SAVCHGOBJ (Save Changed Objects) command
SAVCICSGRP (Save CICS Group) command
SAVDLO (Save Document Library Object) command
SAVDLOBRM (Save Document Library Object using BRMS) command
SAVFLRLBRM (Save Folder List using BRMS) command
SAVLIB (Save Library) command
SAVLIBBRM (Save Library using BRMS) command
SAVLICPGM (Save Licensed Program) command
SAVMEDIBRM (Save Media Information using BRMS) command
SAVOBJ (Save Object) command
SAVOBJBRM (Save Object using BRMS) command
SAVOBJLBRM (Save Object List using BRMS) command
SAVPFRCOL (Save Performance Collection) command
SAVRST (Save Restore) command
SAVRSTCFG (Save Restore Configuration) command
SAVRSTCHG (Save Restore Changed Objects) command
SAVRSTDLO (Save Restore Document Library Object) command
SAVRSTLIB (Save Restore Library) command
SAVRSTOBJ (Save Restore Object) command
SAVS36F (Save S/36 File) command
SAVS36LIBM (Save S/36 Library Members) command
SAVSAVFBRM (Save Save Files using BRMS) command
SAVSAVFDTA (Save Save File Data) command
SAVSECDTA (Save Security Data) command
SAVSTG (Save Storage) command
SAVSYS (Save System) command
SAVSYSBRM (Save System using BRMS) command
SAVSYSINF (Save System Information) command
SBMCMDJS (Submit Console Command) command
SBMCODEJOB (Submit CODE Batch Job) command
SBMCRQ (Submit Change Request) command
SBMDBJOB (Submit Data Base Jobs) command
SBMFNCJOB (Submit Finance Job) command
SBMJOB (Submit Job) command
SBMJOBJS (Submit Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SBMNETJOB (Submit Network Job) command
SBMNWSCMD (Submit Network Server Command) command
SBMRJEJOB (Submit RJE Job) command
SBMRMTCMD (Submit Remote Command) command
SELECT (Select) command
SETASPGRP (Set Auxiliary Storage Pool Group) command
SETATNPGM (Set Attention Program) command
SETCSTDTA (Set Customization Data) command
SETDEPJS (Set Dependent Job using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SETDLJS (Set Data Library using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SETKBDMAP (Set Keyboard Map) command
SETMEDBRM (Set Media Controls using BRMS) command
SETMSTKEY (Set Master Key) command
SETOBJACC (Set Object Access) command
SETPGMINF (Set Program Information) command
SETRTVBRM (Set Retrieve Controls for BRMS) command
SETSTPJS (Set Step using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SETTAPCGY (Set Tape Category) command
SETUPGENV (Set Upgrade Environment) command
SETUSRBRM (Set User Usage for BRMS) command
SETVTMAP (Set VT Keyboard Map) command
SETVTTBL (Set VT Mapping Tables) command
SIGNOFF (Sign Off) command
SLTCMD (Select Command) command
SNDBRKMSG (Send Break Message) command
SNDDST (Send Distribution) command
SNDDSTJS (Send Distribution using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SNDDSTQ (Send Distribution Queue) command
SNDF (Send File) command
SNDJRNE (Send Journal Entry) command
SNDLIC (Send License) command
SNDMSG (Send Message) command
SNDNETF (Send Network File) command
SNDNETMSG (Send Network Message) command
SNDNETSPLF (Send Network Spooled File) command
SNDPGMMSG (Send Program Message) command
SNDPRD (Send Product) command
SNDPTF (Send Program Temporary Fix) command
SNDPTFORD (Send Program Temporary Fix Order) command
SNDRCVF (Send/Receive File) command
SNDRJECMD (Send RJE Command) command
SNDRPTJS (Send Reports using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
SNDRPY (Send Reply) command
SNDSMGOBJ (Send System Manager Object) command
SNDSRVRQS (Send Service Request) command
SNDTCPSPLF (Send TCP/IP Spooled File) command
SNDTIEF (Send TIE File) command
SNDUSRMSG (Send User Message) command
STATFS (Display Mounted File System Information) command
STRACCWEB2 (Start Access for Web) command
STRAFPU (Start Advanced Function Printer Utilities) command
STRAGTSRV (Start Agent Services) command
STRAPF (Advanced Printer Function) command
STRARCBRM (Start Archive using BRMS) command
STRASMOND (Start Archived Storage Management) command
STRASPBAL (Start Auxiliary Storage Pool Balance) command
STRASPSSN (Start ASP Session) command
STRBALBRM (Start Media Balancing for BRMS) command
STRBGU (Start Business Graphics Utility) command
STRBKUBRM (Start Backup using BRMS) command
STRCAD (Start Cluster Administrative Domain) command
STRCBLDBG (Start COBOL Debug) command
STRCGU (Start Character Generator Utility) command
STRCHTSVR (Start Clustered Hash Table Server) command
STRCICS (Start CICS Control Region) command
STRCICSUSR (Start CICS User Shell) command
STRCLNUP (Start Cleanup) command
STRCLUNOD (Start Cluster Node) command
STRCMNSVR (Start Communications Server) command
STRCMNTRC (Start Communications Trace) command
STRCMTCTL (Start Commitment Control) command
STRCODE (Start CODE) command
STRCODECMD (Start CODE Command) command
STRCPYSCN (Start Copy Screen) command
STRCRG (Start Cluster Resource Group) command
STRDBG (Start Debug) command
STRDBGSVR (Start Debug Server) command
STRDBMON (Start Database Monitor) command
STRDBRDR (Start Data Base Reader) command
STRDFU (Start Data File Utility) command
STRDIGQRY (Start DIG Query) command
STRDIRSHD (Start Directory Shadowing) command
STRDNSQRY (Start NSLOOKUP Query) command
STRDPRAPY (Start DataPropagator Apply) command
STRDPRCAP (Start DataPropagator Capture) command
STRDSKRGZ (Start Disk Reorganization) command
STRDSMOND (Start Disk Storage Management) command
STRDW (Start Disk Watcher) command
STREDU (Start Education) command
STREML3270 (Start 3270 Display Emulation) command
STREPMENV (Start EPM Environment) command
STREXPBRM (Start Expiration for BRMS) command
STRFMA (Start Font Management Aid) command
STRFNTDWN (Start Font Downloader) command
STRGRPJS (Start Group using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
STRHOSTQRY (Start HOST Query) command
STRHOSTSVR (Start Host Server) command
STRIDD (Start IDDU) command
STRIMPOND (Start Import into OnDemand) command
STRIPSIFC (Start IP over SNA Interface) command
STRISDB (Start ISDB) command
STRITF (Start Interactive Terminal Facility) command
STRJOBTRC (Start Job Trace) command
STRJRN (Start Journal) command
STRJRNAP (Start Journal Access Path) command
STRJRNLIB (Start Journal Library) command
STRJRNOBJ (Start Journal Object) command
STRJRNPF (Start Journal Physical File) command
STRJS (Start Advanced Job Scheduler) command
STRJW (Start Job Watcher) command
STRLOGSVR (Start Job Log Server) command
STRMGDSYS (Start Managed System Services) command
STRMGRBRM (Start Migration using BRMS) command
STRMGRSRV (Start Manager Services) command
STRMNTBRM (Start Maintenance for BRMS) command
STRMOD (Start Mode) command
STRMONOND (Start Monitor for OnDemand) command
STRMSF (Start Mail Server Framework) command
Start of changeSTRNETINS (Start Network Install) commandEnd of change
STRNFSSVR (Start Network File System Server) command
STROBJCVN (Start Object Conversion) command
STROVLU (Start Overlay Utility) command
STRPASTHR (Start Pass-Through) command
STRPCCMD (Start PC Command) command
STRPCO (Start PC Organizer) command
STRPDM (Start Programming Development Manager) command
STRPEX (Start Performance Explorer) command
STRPFRCOL (Start Performance Collection) command
STRPFRG (Start Performance Graphics) command
STRPFRT (Start Performance Tools) command
STRPFRTRC (Start Performance Trace) command
STRPFU (Start Print Format Utility) command
STRPGMEXP (Start Program Export List) command
STRPGMMNU (Start Programmer Menu) command
STRPGMPRF (Start Program Profiling) command
STRPJ (Start Prestart Jobs) command
STRPRTEML (Start Printer Emulation) command
STRPRTWTR (Start Printer Writer) command
STRQM (Start DB2 UDB Query Manager) command
STRQMPRC (Start Query Management Proc) command
STRQMQRY (Start Query Management Query) command
STRQRY (Start Query) command
STRQSH (Start QSH) command
STRQST (Start Question and Answer) command
STRRCYBRM (Start Recovery using BRMS) command
STRREXPRC (Start REXX Procedure) command
STRRJECSL (Start RJE Console) command
STRRJERDR (Start RJE Reader) command
STRRJESSN (Start RJE Session) command
STRRJEWTR (Start RJE Writer) command
STRRLU (Start Report Layout Utility) command
STRRMCRDAR (Start Report Management Cycle) command
STRRMTSPT (Start Remote Support) command
STRRMTWTR (Start Remote Writer) command
STRRSESVR (Start Remote Systems Explorer Server) command
STRS36 (Start S/36 Session) command
STRS36PRC (Start S/36 Procedure) command
STRSAVSYNC (Start Save Synchronization) command
STRSBS (Start Subsystem) command
STRSBSBRM (Start Subsystems using BRMS) command
STRSCHIDX (Start Search Index) command
STRSDA (Start SDA) command
STRSEU (Start Source Entry Utility) command
STRSPLRCL (Start Spool Reclaim) command
STRSPTN (Start Support Network) command
STRSQL (Start SQL Interactive Session) command
STRSRVAGT (Start Service Agent) command
STRSRVJOB (Start Service Job) command
STRSST (Start System Service Tools) command
STRSYSMGR (Start System Manager) command
STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) command
STRTCPFTP (Start TCP/IP File Transfer) command
STRTCPIFC (Start TCP/IP Interface) command
STRTCPPTP (Start TCP/IP Point-to-Point) command
STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server) command
STRTFMMGR (Start Transform Manager) command
STRTIESSN (Start TIE Session) command
STRTRC (Start Trace) command
STRTRPMGR (Start Trap Manager) command
STRWCH (Start Watch) command
SUBR (Subroutine) command
T Back to top
TELNET (Start TCP/IP TELNET) command
TFRBCHJOB (Transfer Batch Job) command
TFRCTL (Transfer Control) command
TFRGRPJOB (Transfer to Group Job) command
TFRJOB (Transfer Job) command
TFRPASTHR (Transfer Pass-Through) command
TFRSECJOB (Transfer Secondary Job) command
TRACEROUTE (Trace Route of an IP Packet) command
TRCASPBAL (Trace Auxiliary Storage Pool Balance) command
TRCCNN (Trace Connection) command
TRCCPIC (Trace CPI Communications) command
TRCICF (Trace Intersystem Communications Function) command
TRCINT (Trace Internal) command
TRCJOB (Trace Job) command
TRCREX (Trace REXX) command
TRCTCPAPP (Trace TCP/IP Application) command
TRCTCPRTE (Trace TCP/IP Packet Route) command
TRNCKMKSF (Translate Crytographic Key Management Keystore File) command
U Back to top
UNMOUNT (Remove Mounted File System) command
UPDDTA (Update Data with Temp Program) command
UPDPGM (Update Program) command
UPDPTFINF (Update PTF Information) command
UPDSRVPGM (Update Service Program) command
UPDSYSINF (Update System Information) command
V Back to top
VFYAPPCCNN (Verify APPC Connection) command
VFYCMN (Verify Communications) command
VFYIMGCLG (Verify Image Catalog) command
VFYLNKLPDA (Verify Link supporting LPDA-2) command
VFYMOVBRM (Verify Moves using BRMS) command
VFYOPCCNN (Verify OptiConnect Connections) command
VFYOPT (Verify Optical) command
VFYPRT (Verify Printer) command
VFYSRVAGT (Verify Service Agent) command
VFYSRVCFG (Verify Service Configuration) command
VFYTAP (Verify Tape) command
VFYTCPCNN (Verify TCP/IP Connection) command
VRYCFG (Vary Configuration) command
W Back to top
WAIT (Wait) command
WHEN (When) command
WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) command
WRKALR (Work with Alerts) command
WRKALRD (Work with Alert Descriptions) command
WRKALRTBL (Work with Alert Table) command
WRKAPPNSTS (Work with APPN Status) command
WRKARMJOB (Work with ARM Jobs) command
WRKASPBRM (Work with Auxiliary Storage Pool Descriptions) command
WRKASPCPYD (Work with ASP Copy Descriptions) command
WRKASPJOB (Work with Auxiliary Storage Pool Jobs) command
WRKAUT (Work with Authority) command
WRKAUTL (Work with Authorization Lists) command
WRKBNDDIR (Work with Binding Directories) command
WRKBNDDIRE (Work with Binding Directory Entries) command
WRKBPTBL (Work with BOOTP table) command
WRKCALBRM (Work with Calendars using BRMS) command
WRKCFGL (Work with Configuration Lists) command
WRKCFGSTS (Work with Configuration Status) command
WRKCHTFMT (Work with Chart Formats) command
WRKCICSCVT (Work with CICS CVT) command
WRKCICSDCT (Work with CICS DCT) command
WRKCICSFCT (Work with CICS FCT) command
WRKCICSGLT (Work with CICS GLT) command
WRKCICSGRP (Work with CICS Group) command
WRKCICSJCT (Work with CICS JCT) command
WRKCICSPCT (Work with CICS PCT) command
WRKCICSPPT (Work with CICS PPT) command
WRKCICSSIT (Work with CICS SIT) command
WRKCICSSTS (Work CICS Status) command
WRKCICSTCS (Work with CICS TCS) command
WRKCICSTCT (Work with CICS TCT) command
WRKCICSTST (Work with CICS TST) command
WRKCLS (Work with Classes) command
WRKCLSBRM (Work with Classes using BRMS) command
WRKCLU (Work with Cluster) command
WRKCMD (Work with Commands) command
WRKCMTDFN (Work with Commitment Definitions) command
WRKCNNL (Work with Connection Lists) command
WRKCNRBRM (Work with Containers using BRMS) command
WRKCNTINF (Work with Contact Information) command
WRKCOSD (Work with COS Descriptions) command
WRKCRQD (Work with Change Request Descriptions) command
WRKCSI (Work with Communications Side Information) command
WRKCTLD (Work with Controller Descriptions) command
WRKCTLGBRM (Work with Control Groups) command
WRKDBFIDD (Work with Database Files using IDDU) command
WRKDDMF (Work with Distributed Data Management Files) command
WRKDEVBRM (Work with Devices using BRMS) command
WRKDEVD (Work with Device Descriptions) command
WRKDEVTBL (Work with Device Tables) command
WRKDIRE (Work with Directory Entries) command
WRKDIRLOC (Work with Directory Locations) command
WRKDIRSHD (Work with Directory Shadow Systems) command
WRKDOC (Work with Documents) command
WRKDOCLIB (Work with Document Libraries) command
WRKDOCPRTQ (Work with Document Print Queue) command
WRKDPCQ (Work with DSNX/PC Queues) command
WRKDSKSTS (Work with Disk Status) command
WRKDSTCLGE (Work with Distribution Catalog Entries) command
WRKDSTL (Work with Distribution Lists) command
WRKDSTQ (Work with Distribution Queue) command
WRKDTAARA (Work with Data Areas) command
WRKDTADCT (Work with Data Dictionaries) command
WRKDTADFN (Work with Data Definitions) command
WRKDTAQ (Work with Data Queues) command
WRKEDTD (Work with Edit Descriptions) command
WRKENVVAR (Work with Environment Variables) command
WRKF (Work with Files) command
WRKFCNARA (Work with Functional Areas) command
WRKFCNUSG (Work with Function Usage) command
WRKFCT (Work with Forms Control Table) command
WRKFLR (Work with Folders) command
WRKFLRBRM (Work with Saved Folders) command
WRKFNTRSC (Work with Font Resources) command
WRKFORMDF (Work with Form Definitions) command
WRKFTR (Work with Filters) command
WRKFTRACNE (Work with Filter Action Entry) command
WRKFTRSLTE (Work with Filter Selection Entry) command
WRKGSS (Work with Graphics Symbol Sets) command
WRKHDWPRD (Work with Hardware Products) command
WRKHDWRSC (Work with Hardware Resources) command
WRKHLDOPTF (Work with Held Optical Files) command
WRKHSTJS (Work with History using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
WRKIMGCLG (Work with Image Catalogs) command
WRKIMGCLGE (Work with Image Catalog Entries) command
WRKIPXD (Work with IPX Descriptions) command
WRKJOB (Work with Job) command
WRKJOBD (Work with Job Descriptions) command
WRKJOBJS (Work with Jobs using Advanced Job Scheduler) command
WRKJOBLOG (Work with Job Logs) command
WRKJOBQ (Work with Job Queue) command
WRKJOBQD (Work with Job Queue Description) command
WRKJOBSCDE (Work with Job Schedule Entries) command
WRKJRN (Work with Journal) command
WRKJRNA (Work with Journal Attributes) command
WRKJRNRCV (Work with Journal Receivers) command
WRKJVMJOB (Work with JVM Jobs) command
WRKLANADPT (Work with LAN Adapters) command
WRKLBRM (Work with Lists using BRMS) command
WRKLIB (Work with Libraries) command
WRKLIBPDM (Work with Libraries using Programming Development Manager) command
WRKLICINF (Work with License Information) command
WRKLIND (Work with Line Descriptions) command
WRKLNK (Work with Object Links) command
WRKLNKBRM (Work with Link Information) command
WRKLOCBRM (Work with Locations using BRMS) command
WRKMBRPDM (Work with Members using Programming Development Manager) command
WRKMEDBRM (Work with Media using BRMS) command
WRKMEDIBRM (Work with Media Information) command
WRKMGRIBRM (Work with Migration Information) command
WRKMLBBRM (Work with Media Libraries) command
WRKMLBRSCQ (Work with Media Library Resource Queue) command
WRKMLBSTS (Work with Media Library Status) command
WRKMLMBRM (Work with Media Library Media) command
WRKMNU (Work with Menus) command
WRKMOD (Work with Modules) command
WRKMODD (Work with Mode Descriptions) command
WRKMSG (Work with Messages) command
WRKMSGD (Work with Message Descriptions) command
WRKMSGF (Work with Message Files) command
WRKMSGQ (Work with Message Queues) command
WRKNAMSMTP (Work with Names for SMTP) command
WRKNCK (Work with Nickname) command
WRKNETF (Work with Network Files) command
WRKNETJOBE (Work with Network Job Entries) command
WRKNETTBLE (Work with Network Table Entry) command
WRKNODL (Work with Node List) command
WRKNODLE (Work with Node List Entries) command
WRKNTBD (Work with NetBIOS Descriptions) command
WRKNWID (Work with Network Interfaces) command
WRKNWSCFG (Work with Network Server Configurations) command
WRKNWSD (Work with Network Servers) command
WRKNWSENR (Work with Network Server User Enrollment) command
WRKNWSSTG (Work with Network Server Storage Spaces) command
WRKNWSSTS (Work with Network Server Status) command
WRKOBJ (Work with Objects) command
WRKOBJBRM (Work with Saved Objects) command
WRKOBJLCK (Work with Object Locks) command
WRKOBJOWN (Work with Objects by Owner) command
WRKOBJPDM (Work with Objects using Programming Development Manager) command
WRKOBJPGP (Work with Objects by Primary Group) command
WRKOBJPVT (Work with Objects by Private Authority) command
WRKOPCACT (Work with OptiConnect Activity) command
WRKOPTDIR (Work with Optical Directories) command
WRKOPTF (Work with Optical Files) command
WRKOPTVOL (Work with Optical Volumes) command
WRKOUTQ (Work with Output Queue) command
WRKOUTQD (Work with Output Queue Descriptions) command
WRKOVL (Work with Overlays) command
WRKPAGDFN (Work with Page Definitions) command
WRKPAGSEG (Work with Page Segments) command
WRKPCLTBLE (Work with Protocol Table Entry) command
WRKPCYBRM (Work with Policies using BRMS) command
WRKPDFMAPE (Work with PDF Map Entries) command
WRKPEXDFN (Work with Performance Explorer Definitions) command
WRKPEXFTR (Work with Performance Explorer Filters) command
WRKPFCST (Work with Physical File Constraints) command
WRKPFDL (Work with Physical File DataLinks) command
WRKPGM (Work with Programs) command
WRKPGMTBL (Work with Program Tables) command
WRKPMRMTS (Work with Remote Systems) command
WRKPMRPTO (Work with Top Ten Omissions) command
WRKPMSCH (Work with Scheduled Jobs) command
WRKPNLGRP (Work with Panel Groups) command
WRKPRB (Work with Problems) command
WRKPRDINF (Work with Product Information) command
WRKPRTSTS (Work with Printing Status) command
WRKPSFCFG (Work with Print Services Facility Configuration) command
WRKPTF (Work with Program Temporary Fix) command
WRKPTFGRP (Work with Program Temporary Fix Groups) command
WRKPTFORD (Work with Program Temporary Fix Orders) command
WRKQMFORM (Work with Query Management Forms) command
WRKQMQRY (Work with Query Management Queries) command
WRKQRY (Work With Queries) command
WRKQST (Work with Questions) command
WRKRCVCRQA (Work with Received Change Request Activities) command
WRKRCYBRM (Work with Recovery Activities) command
WRKRDBDIRE (Work with Relational Database Directory Entry) command
WRKRDR (Work with Readers) command
WRKREGINF (Work with Registration Information) command
WRKRJESSN (Work with RJE Session) command
WRKRMTDFN (Work with Remote Definitions) command
WRKRPYLE (Work with Reply List Entries) command
WRKRTDCFG (Work with RouteD Configuration) command
WRKS36 (Work with S/36 Configuration) command
WRKS36PGMA (Work with S/36 Program Attributes) command
WRKS36PRCA (Work with S/36 Procedure Attributes) command
WRKS36SRCA (Work with S/36 Source Attributes) command
WRKSAVFBRM (Work with Save Files) command
WRKSBMCRQ (Work with Submitted Change Requests) command
WRKSBMCRQA (Work with Submitted Change Request Activities) command
WRKSBMJOB (Work with Submitted Jobs) command
WRKSBS (Work with Subsystems) command
WRKSBSD (Work with Subsystem Description) command
WRKSBSJOB (Work with Subsystem Jobs) command
WRKSCHIDX (Work with Search Indexes) command
WRKSCHIDXE (Work with Search Index Entries) command
WRKSFWAGR (Work with Software Agreements) command
WRKSHRPOOL (Work with Shared Storage Pools) command
WRKSOC (Work with Sphere of Control) command
WRKSPADCT (Work with Spelling Aid Dictionaries) command
WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled Files) command
WRKSPLFA (Work with Spooled File Attributes) command
WRKSPLFBRM (Work with Saved Spooled Files) command
WRKSPTPRD (Work with Supported Products) command
WRKSRVAGT (Work with Service Agent) command
WRKSRVPGM (Work with Service Program) command
WRKSRVPVD (Work with Service Providers) command
WRKSRVRQS (Work with Service Requesters) command
WRKSRVTBLE (Work with Service Table Entries) command
WRKSSND (Work with Session Description) command
WRKSYSACT (Work with System Activity) command
WRKSYSSTS (Work with System Status) command
WRKSYSVAL (Work with System Value) command
WRKTAPCTG (Work with Tape Cartridges) command
WRKTBL (Work with Tables) command
WRKTCPPTP (Work with Point-to-Point TCP/IP Profiles) command
WRKTCPSTS (Work with TCP/IP Network Status) command
WRKTIE (Work with TIE) command
WRKTIMZON (Work with Time Zone Descriptions) command
WRKTRC (Work with Traces) command
WRKUSRJOB (Work with User Jobs) command
WRKUSRPRF (Work with User Profiles) command
WRKUSRTBL (Work with User Tables) command
WRKWCH (Work with Watches) command
WRKWTR (Work with Writers) command