
3.1.4 Application Glossary

Cart See Shopping Cart.
Confirmed Order Once a Shopping Cart has been checked out, the cart becomes a Confirmed Order with an assigned Order Number. Do not confuse Confirmed Orders with Saved Cart (sometimes called a Saved Order) or Pending Carts (sometimes called Pending Orders).
Check Out Check Out is the process by which a Shopping Cart is converted to a Confirmed Order.
Customer A Customer is someone who is placing an Order for your Products. Customers must have a valid Web user profile to access the System.
Customer Account The B2C Customer Account information includes the contact, billing and shipping details. For B2B Customer Accounts, only the Contact information is stored in the Commerce Edition database. The remaining B2B information comes from the back-end files.
Order The term “Order” can be used in a number of ways. To be specific, Commerce Edition creates Shopping Carts, Pending Carts and Confirmed Orders. When a Customer places an “Order”, the customer may be using any of these three specific types of Business Objects. Only Confirmed Orders will have any meaning to your existing application database.
Pending Cart A Pending Cart (sometimes called a Pending Order) is a Shopping Cart which was not completed during a previous session by the Customer. If a Customer leaves the Web site with Products in the Shopping Cart (or if the Web site connection is lost), the Shopping Cart is automatically converted into a Pending Cart. When the Customer next logs onto your site, a list of Pending Carts is displayed. The user may select one of these Pending Carts or the user can save or delete these Pending Carts.
Personal Catalog A Personal Catalog is a subset of the Product Catalog. It is a Customer specific list of Products which are frequently ordered. The Customer can add or delete products in their own Personal Catalog. This catalog is maintained as a file in the Commerce Edition database.
Product A Product is any item which the Customer orders. Products are based on your existing back-end Product file(s).
Product Catalog The Product Catalog is a listing of the Products which a customer may order. The Product Catalog is based on your existing back-end Product files. There is no separate Product Catalog file in the Commerce Edition database.
Promotion A Promotion is a special offer which is advertised on the Web site. Promotions are simply text. There is no processing logic associated with a promotion.
Saved Cart A Saved Cart (sometimes called a Saved Order), is simply a saved list of products. A Shopping Cart can be saved so that the Products may be easily reordered. Saved Carts can be added to the active Shopping Cart.
Session ID A Session ID (sometimes called a Web Session ID), is a unique number assigned when a Web user logs on to the system and creates a Shopping Cart. A Session ID is assigned to a Shopping Cart and is stored as part of the definition of a Pending Cart. After a Shopping Cart is checked out, a new Session ID is assigned for the new Shopping Cart.
Ship-To Address The Ship-To address is the location where the Products will be delivered. For B2C Customers, the Ship-To information is stored in the Commerce Edition database. For B2B Customers, the Ship-To information is stored in the back-end files.
Shopping Cart A Shopping Cart is simply a list of products which the Customer may wish to purchase. Each Shopping Cart is associated with a unique Session ID.
Up-Selling The means by which suggested or accessorial products are listed when browsing the Product Catalog, the Personal Catalog or the Shopping Cart.
Web User A Web user is any Customer who has logged on to the system. Each Web user has an unique user profile/ID and password. For B2C, a Customer and Web user are the same, as each Customer has just one Web user profile. For B2B, a single Web user profile can be associated to more than one Customer account. Your system administrator can create associations between Web users and your B2B Customer accounts. (Note: A Customer Account can have only one Web user associated with it, but a Web user can be associated with more than one Customer Account.)