If you want to use checkboxes in browse lists with their initial set checked, you will need to deploy the following technique. This technique is based on the preceding example.
<input type=”hidden” name=”__{field name}-<RDML MERGE=”&ROWNUM” FORMAT=4> D”
value=”<RDML MERGE=”{field name}” size=”{size}”>” />
<input type=”checkbox” name=”DUMMY” value=”<RDML MERGE=”{field name}”>”
onclick=”SetCBState(this, ‘__{field name}-<RDML MERGE=”&ROWNUM”
FORMAT=4> D’, ‘Y’, ‘N’)”
<RDML ONCONDITION=”{field name}”>
{field name} is the name of the field you have defined in your DEF_LIST command. This {field name} is padded with trailing blanks to 10 characters.
Note that this technique uses the <RDML ONCONDITION> tag to determine the initial state of the checkbox.
This technique calls a different JavaScript function, SetCBState:
function SetCBState(obj, RFld, CY, CN)
var NumElements=document.LANSA.elements.length;
for (i=0; i<NumElements;i++)
if (document.LANSA.elements[i].name==RFld)
if (obj.checked) document.LANSA.elements[i].value=CY
else document.LANSA.elements[i].value=CN;