For database monitor analysis queries to run against data collected on IBM i servers with pre-V5R4M0 releases installed.
*) Identify the most time consuming jobs
*) (can use QVC102 instead of QQUSER to group on current user):
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time”, COUNT(*) “Total SQL Requests”,
qqjnum,qqjob,qquser FROM MAMASON/DBMONSQL
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND qqc21 <> ‘MT’
GROUP BY qqjob,qquser,qqjnum ORDER BY 1 DESC
*) Identify which type of SQL operations account for
the most run time:
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time”, COUNT(*) “Nbr of Requests”,
qqc21 “Operation Type” FROM MAMASON/DBMONSQL
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND qqc21 <> ‘MT’ AND qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’
*) Which SQL statements account for the most run time:
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT(*) “Nbr Times Run”, qq1000
WHERE qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’ AND qqrid=1000 AND qqucnt<>0
AND qqc21<>’MT’

*) Which SQL statements are the longest running
*) (include Fetch & Close time with SELECT statement):
WITH ExecTime AS (SELECT qqjfld, sum(qqi6)
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND
(qqc21 IN (‘SI’,’OP’,’FE’,’CL’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’) )) GROUP BY qqjfld),
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND (qqc21 IN (‘SI’,’OP’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’) )) )
SELECT sum(x.exectot) “Total Time”, s.qq1000L
FROM ExecTime x, StmtText s
WHERE x.qqjfld = s.qqjfld GROUP BY s.qq1000L ORDER BY 1 DESC

*) Which SQL statements are the longest running and how many
times have they been
*) executed (include Fetch & Close time with SELECT statement):
WITH ExecTime AS (SELECT qqjfld, sum(qqi6) AS exectot FROM
(qqc21 IN (‘SI’,’OP’,’FE’,’CL’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’) )) GROUP BY qqjfld) ,
StmtText AS (SELECT DISTINCT qqjfld, qq1000L FROM
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’)))),
StmtCnt AS (SELECT qq1000L, count(*) AS cntr FROM
(qqc21 IN (‘SI’,’OP’,’FE’,’CL’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’) ))
GROUP BY qq1000L) SELECT sum(x.exectot)
“Total Time”, max(cntr) “Nbr Times Run”, s.qq1000L
FROM ExecTime x, StmtText s, StmtCnt c
WHERE x.qqjfld = s.qqjfld AND s.qq1000L = c.qq1000L

*) Which queries involve table scans and show the
“Estimated rows
*) selected” versus “Total rows in tables”:
WITH tablescans AS (SELECT DISTINCT qqjfld, qqucnt,
WHERE qqrid=3000)
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time”, COUNT(*) “Times Run”,
a.qqucnt, integer(avg(b.qqrest)) “Est Rows Selected”,
integer(avg(b.qqtotr)) “Total Rows in Table”, qq1000
qqrid=1000 AND a.qqjfld = b.qqjfld AND qqc21 IN
GROUP BY a.qqucnt, qq1000 ORDER BY 1 DESC

*) Which indexes are advised the most often?
SELECT qqucnt, qvqtbl “Table Name”, qvqlib “Schema”,
qqi2 “Nbr of Primary Keys”, SUBSTR(qqidxd, 1,100) “Keys Advised”
WHERE qqrid IN (3000, 3001, 3002) and qqidxa=’Y’ ORDER BY 5,2

*) Which index builds are done the most often?
SELECT qqucnt, qqc16 “Index Reused” qvptbl “Table Name”,
qvplib “Schema”, qqtotr “Rows in Table”,
qqridx “Entries in Index”,
WHERE qqrid=3002 AND qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’

*) Which queries had access plans rebuilt?
WITH rebuilds AS (SELECT DISTINCT qqjfld, qqucnt, qqrcod
FROM qgpl.snapshot1 WHERE qqrid=3006 )
SELECT a.qqucnt, b.qqrcod “Rebuild Reason”,
qvc24 “Plan Saved Status”, qq1000 FROM qgpl.snapshot1 a,
rebuilds b WHERE a.qqjfld=b.qqjfld AND qqrid=1000
AND qqc21 NOT IN (‘MT’,’FE’,’CL’,’HC’) ORDER BY 4, 1

*) Which queries were processed by SQE vs CQE?
(QQC16=’Y’ implies SQE, ‘N’= CQE)
WHERE qqrid=3014 GROUP BY qqc16

*) Which column statistics have been advised by SQE?
SELECT qqucnt, qvqtbl “Table”, qvqlib “Schema”,
qqc11″Reason Stat Advised”, SUBSTR(qq1000,1,100) “Column name”
WHERE qqrid=3015

*) Analyze I/O activity for most time consuming SQL
statements: WITH retrieved AS
WHERE qqrid=3019 ) SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” ,
COUNT(*) “Nbr Times Run”,
SUM(b.qqi3) “Sync DB Reads”, SUM((b.qqi5) “ASync DB Reads”,
qq1000 FROM MAMASON/DBMONSQL a, retrieved b
WHERE a.qqjfld=b.qqjfld AND qqrid=1000
AND qqucnt<>0 AND qqc21<>’MT’

*) Which SQL requests are significantly affected by Full Opens:
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT(*) “Nbr Full Opens”,
WHERE qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’ AND qqrid=1000 AND qqi5=0
AND (qqc21 IN (‘OP’,’SI’,’DL’,’IN’,’UP’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’)))

*) What are the reasons causing the Full Opens:
SELECT qqc21, qqc15 “HC Reason”, qqc23 “HC Subcode”,
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND qqc21 IN (‘HC’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’) AND
qqc15>” AND qqc23>” AND qqjnum= ??’xxxxxx’
GROUP BY qqc21, qqc15, qqc23 ORDER BY 1

*) How long are the stored procedure calls running and how many
*) SQL operations are being performed during the calls
(Replace QQC103 with QVC1282 to return the “long”
SQL Procedure Name)?
SELECT qqc104 AS “Proc Schema”, qqc103 AS “Procedure” ,
SUM (qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT (*) “Nbr of Requests” ,
qqc21 “Operation Type” FROM MAMASON/DBMONSQL
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND qqc21<>’MT’ AND qqc103<> ‘ ‘
GROUP BY qqc104, qqc103, qqc21 ORDER BY 1,2,5

*) Which SQL instances (QQUCNT) account for the most run time ?
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT(*) “Nbr Times Run”, qqucnt
WHERE qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’ AND qqrid=1000 AND qqucnt<>0
AND qqc21<>’MT’

*) Which SQL instances (QQUCNT & text) account for
the most run time ?
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT(*) “Nbr Times Run”,
qqucnt, qq1000
WHERE qqjnum=??’xxxxxx’ AND qqrid=1000 AND qqucnt<>0
AND qqc21<>’MT’
GROUP BY qqucnt, qq1000 ORDER BY qqucnt, 1 DESC

*) Which queries involve use of a query sort?
WHERE qqrid=3003 )
SELECT SUM(qqi6) “Total Time” , COUNT(*) “Nbr Times Run”,
a.qqucnt, qq1000
WHERE qqrid=1000 AND a.qqjfld=b.qqjfld
GROUP BY a.qqucnt,qq1000 ORDER BY 1 DESC

*) Analyze I/O & CPU activity for most frequently
run SQL statements:
WITH listSQL AS (SELECT DISTINCT qqjfld, qq1000L
(qqc21 IN (‘SI’,’OP’,’IN’,’UP’,’DL’)
OR (qqucnt>0 AND qqc21 IN(‘SV’,’VI’) )) )
SELECT COUNT(*) timesrun, SUM(a.qqi1) cpums,
SUM(a.qqi2) elpms, SUM(a.qqi3) synrds,
SUM(a.qqi4) synwrts, SUM(a.qqi5) asyrds,
SUM(a.qqi6) asywrts, SUM(a.qqi7) rowsread,
SUM(a.qqi8) as readcalls,
WHERE a.qqjfld=b.qqjfld AND a.qqrid=3019

*) Which non-SQL queries are the most time consuming?
WITH retrieved AS (SELECT qqjfld, qqucnt, qqi2,qqi7
SELECT (qqi1+b.qqi2) “Total Query Time”,
b.qqi7 “Number Rows Retrieved”, qqc101 “Open ID”, qquser
WHERE a.qqjfld=b.qqjfld AND qqrid=3014





Turns on Database Monitoring and directs output to a source file.

File DBMONSQL will be created if not exists.

•While Monitor is running all Query Optimization details are captured in source.
•Best results for system optimization suggest a few weeks of monitoring data.
•Output MAMASON/DBMONSQL can be queried
•Access Path Creation is suggested when field QQIDXA = Y in DBMONSQL file
•Logicals Used is in field is shown in QQIFNM
•Fields to add to logical keys are shown in QVC3003
•Shows which access paths are used most in the system, see if a new logical makes sense
•Sometimes adding additional keys to existing logicals makes sense.
•Monitor will stay in force till End Request issued.





















Object Import Facility Started 11/08/13 10:17:07 (10:17:07)
This procedure is being logged into file C:\PROGRA~2\LANSA\LANSA\LX1BCM40\x_import_refresh_DEV_log.txt (10:17:07)
Automatic connection to server GEKKO to retrieve contents of folder QDLS\TMP_??? is in progress. Please wait. (10:17:07)
Your LANSA Computer Name is DHSNX1. (10:17:08)
*REFRESH/*PLUGIN initiated automatic system configuration in progress …… please wait (10:17:08)
Useable task identifier ZZMAM001 found for current user profile …. automatic task creation not required. (10:17:08)
*REFRESH/*PLUGIN initiated automatic system configuration completed …… please wait (10:17:08)
Temporary shared folder TMP_001 assigned to this extraction/configuration session ….. please wait (10:17:08)
Extraction of LANSA for iSeries system configuration information initiated ….. please wait (10:17:08)
Extraction of LANSA for IBM i system definition in progress …. please wait (10:17:09)
Extraction of current task list in progress …. please wait (10:17:09)
Extraction of names of PCs attached to this LANSA for iSeries system in progress …. please wait (10:17:09)
Extraction of users of PCs attached to this LANSA for iSeries system in progress …. please wait (10:17:09)
Extraction of current partition definition and languages in progress …. please wait (10:17:09)
Extracted information is being placed into shared folder TMP_001 ….. please wait (10:17:09)
Extracted information has been placed into shared folder TMP_001 ….. please wait (10:17:14)
Extraction of LANSA for iSeries system configuration information completed ….. please wait (10:17:14)
Transfer of contents of folder QDLS TMP_001 initiated ….. please wait (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXDID.DEL to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
990 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXDID.DEL (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXDIR.DEL to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
130 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXDIR.DEL (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFFD.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
381 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFFD.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFFD.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
390 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFFD.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFFR.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
1200 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFFR.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFFR.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
210 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFFR.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFGI.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
1760 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFGI.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFGI.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
210 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFGI.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFKU.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
268 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFKU.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXFKU.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
90 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXFKU.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF02.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
25821 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF02.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF02.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
420 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF02.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF46.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
544 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF46.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF46.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
780 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF46.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF60.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
7916 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF60.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF60.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
690 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF60.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF73.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
114080 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF73.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF73.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
210 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF73.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF75.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
141834 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF75.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF75.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
300 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF75.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF87.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
5700 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF87.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF87.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
420 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF87.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF96.ASC to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
1668 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF96.ASC (10:17:14)
Transfer of file LXXF96.ASF to directory C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001 in progress …. please wait. (10:17:14)
870 bytes written to transferred file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF96.ASF (10:17:14)
Transfer of contents of folder QDLS TMP_001 completed …. please wait (10:17:14)
Deletion of temporary folder TMP_001 in progress … please wait (10:17:14)
25 objects deleted. (10:17:14)
Export Version 002 found. (10:17:14)
Loading list of files to be imported from directory/shared folder C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf96.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf46.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf60.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxffr.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxfgi.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf73.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf75.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf87.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxffd.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxfku.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf02.asf. (10:17:14)
Loading format information from file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\lxxf02.asf. (10:17:14)
Intermediate import file name is C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\expf0a4e.tmp. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXF96 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
1 records converted from file LXXF96. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXF46 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
1 records converted from file LXXF46. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXF60 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
3 records converted from file LXXF60. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXFFR for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
14 records converted from file LXXFFR. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXFGI for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
21 records converted from file LXXFGI. (10:17:14)
Converting data from file LXXF73 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:14)
30 records converted from file LXXF73. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXF75 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
150 records converted from file LXXF75. (10:17:15)
300 records converted from file LXXF75. (10:17:15)
450 records converted from file LXXF75. (10:17:15)
600 records converted from file LXXF75. (10:17:15)
613 records converted from file LXXF75. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXF87 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
14 records converted from file LXXF87. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXFFD for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
0 records converted from file LXXFFD. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXFKU for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
0 records converted from file LXXFKU. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXF02 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
150 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
300 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
449 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
Converting data from file LXXF02 for import to the LANSA environment. (10:17:15)
150 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
300 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
449 records converted from file LXXF02. (10:17:15)
Source language ENG details were encountered in data to be imported. (10:17:15)
Source language FRA details were encountered in data to be imported. (10:17:15)
Source language SPN details were encountered in data to be imported. (10:17:15)
Valid target language ENG exists (or will be created) for this partition. (10:17:15)
Valid target language FRA exists (or will be created) for this partition. (10:17:15)
Valid target language SPN exists (or will be created) for this partition. (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_F96 is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F96 where WHERE X96SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F96 where WHERE X96SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F96 where WHERE X96SRV = ” (10:17:15)
1 rows inserted into table LX_F96 (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_F46 is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02OBJ = ‘DEV’ AND X02TYP = ‘P#’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02OBJ = ‘DEV’ AND X02TYP = ‘P#’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F60 where WHERE X60P_I = ‘DEV’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFD where WHERE XFDP_I = ‘DEV’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F46 where WHERE X46P_I = ‘DEV’ (10:17:15)
1 rows inserted into table LX_F46 (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_F60 is being imported. (10:17:15)
3 rows inserted into table LX_F60 (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_FFR is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000006518 AND XFRFI2 = 00100 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00010 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00020 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00030 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00040 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00050 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00060 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00070 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00080 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010240 AND XFRFI2 = 00090 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000010450 AND XFRFI2 = 00030 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000044480 AND XFRFI2 = 00030 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 000044480 AND XFRFI2 = 00040 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FFR where WHERE XFRP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XFRFI1 = 007824810 AND XFRFI2 = 00010 (10:17:15)
14 rows inserted into table LX_FFR (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_FGI is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000001021 AND XGIGI2 = 01600 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000001021 AND XGIGI2 = 01700 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000006518 AND XGIGI2 = 01600 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000006518 AND XGIGI2 = 01700 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000006518 AND XGIGI2 = 01800 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00100 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00200 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00300 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00400 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00500 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00600 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00700 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00800 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 00900 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01000 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01100 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01200 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01300 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01400 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 000010240 AND XGIGI2 = 01500 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FGI where WHERE XGIP_I = ‘DEV’ AND XGIGI1 = 007824810 AND XGIGI2 = 00999 (10:17:15)
21 rows inserted into table LX_FGI (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_F73 is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘ARNOLDB01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘ARNOLDB01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘ARNOLDB01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘BAXTERB01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘BAXTERB01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘BAXTERB01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘BAXTERB02’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘BAXTERB02’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘BAXTERB02’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘BOJOHN01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘BOJOHN01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘BOJOHN01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘HOLLOWAS01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘HOLLOWAS01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘HOLLOWAS01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘MAMASON’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘MAMASON’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘MAMASON’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘RIKINSINGE’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘RIKINSINGE’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘RIKINSINGE’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘SWOLFE’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘SWOLFE’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘SWOLFE’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘TOW02’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘TOW02’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘TOW02’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘ACHUTHP01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘ACHUTHP01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘ACHUTHP01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘BAXTERR01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘BAXTERR01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘BAXTERR01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘BHATTAP01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘BHATTAP01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘BHATTAP01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘CONTRELM01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘CONTRELM01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘CONTRELM01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘DODGEK01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘DODGEK01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘DODGEK01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘FAINDL01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘FAINDL01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘FAINDL01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘HENDERSR02’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘HENDERSR02’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘HENDERSR02’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘HENDRIJE01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘HENDRIJE01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘HENDRIJE01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘HENEGABL01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘HENEGABL01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘HENEGABL01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘JAGANAR01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘JAGANAR01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘JAGANAR01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘LCORP01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘LCORP01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘LCORP01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘NSUGUMARAN’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘NSUGUMARAN’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘NSUGUMARAN’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘SGOLOMG01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘SGOLOMG01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘SGOLOMG01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘SHUCKBC01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘SHUCKBC01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘SHUCKBC01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘SPATIL’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘SPATIL’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘SPATIL’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘SRINIVK01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘SRINIVK01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘SRINIVK01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘TMOHAMED’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘TMOHAMED’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘TMOHAMED’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘WARDLK01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘WARDLK01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘WARDLK01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘MICHAEJR01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘MICHAEJR01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘MICHAEJR01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘QOTHPRDOWN’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘QOTHPRDOWN’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘QOTHPRDOWN’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F73 where WHERE X73OSU = ‘STRICKDK01’ AND X73SYS = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F02 where WHERE X02P_I = ‘DEV’ AND X02USR = ‘STRICKDK01’ AND X02TYP = ‘ME’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_FKU where WHERE XKUOSU = ‘STRICKDK01’ (10:17:15)
30 rows inserted into table LX_F73 (10:17:15)
Data for table LX_F75 is being imported. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ”’ (10:17:15)
WARNING: Duplicate key error in table LX_F75 ignored. Information was not created or updated. The reason for the existence of this duplication may require further investigation. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ 506’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZJOY’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZWAI’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZBRUCE’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘ ZBRUCE’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, ZBRUCE, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZBEVG’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZBOBA’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZBOBH’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZGABY’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ SALUPLD’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZCHAND’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZDAVEF’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZDIEGO’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZMINKY’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZPKASH’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ ZZRICKK’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘*TDEM001’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘*TDEV001’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘#DELETES’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘EXBJBO01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘FAIN0132’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘FULLPART’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘GLJBO131’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘GLJB0002’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘GLJB0002’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, GLJB0002, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZSHABAGA’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZBILL01’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZBRUCE1’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZDLTBIF’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZJASMIN’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZMAM001’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZPHABBU’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZPRATEK’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZSANDRA’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZSHARON’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZTHAWKS’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZTPRIYA’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘ZZWAISUN’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000001’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000002’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000003’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000003’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000003, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000004’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000004’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000004, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000005’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000006’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000007’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000008’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000009’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000010’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000011’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000012’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000013’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000014’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000015’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000015’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000015, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000016’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000016’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000016, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000017’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000018’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000019’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000020’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000021’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000022’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000022’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000022, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000023’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000024’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000025’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000026’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000027’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000028’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000029’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000030’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000031’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000032’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000033’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000034’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000035’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000036’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000037’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000038’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000038’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000038, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000039’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000040’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000041’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000042’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000043’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000044’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000045’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000045’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000045, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000046’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000047’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000048’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000049’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000050’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000051’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000052’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000053’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000054’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000055’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000056’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000057’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000058’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000059’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000060’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000061’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000062’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000063’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000064’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000065’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000066’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000067’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000068’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000069’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000070’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000071’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000072’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000073’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000074’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000075’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000076’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000077’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000078’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000079’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000080’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000081’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000082’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000083’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000084’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000085’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000091’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000100’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000101’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000102’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000103’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000104’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000105’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000106’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000107’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000108’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000109’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000110’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000111’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000111’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000111, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000112’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000115’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000118’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000120’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000120’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000120, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000121’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000122’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000122’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000122, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000130’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000131’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000132’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000133’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000134’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000135’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000135’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000135, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000136’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000137’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000137’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000137, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000138’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000138’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000138, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000139’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000139’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000139, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
150 rows inserted into table LX_F75 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000140’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000140’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000140, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000141’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000141’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000141, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000145’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000146’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000146’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000146, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000147’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000147’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000147, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000148’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000148’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000148, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000149’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000150’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000151’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000152’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000152’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000152, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000153’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000154’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000154’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000154, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000155’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000156’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000157’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000157’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000157, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000158’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000158’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000158, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000160’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000161’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000162’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000177’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000186’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000187’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000188’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000188’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000188, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000189’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000190’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000191’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000191’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000191, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000197’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000198’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000200’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000201’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000202’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000203’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000204’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000205’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000206’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000207’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000208’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000209’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000210’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000211’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000212’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000213’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000214’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000215’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000216’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000217’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000218’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000219’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000220’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000221’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000222’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000223’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000224’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000225’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000226’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000227’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000227’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000227, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000228’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000229’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000230’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000231’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000232’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000233’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000234’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000235’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000236’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000237’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000238’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000239’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000240’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000241’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000242’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000243’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000243’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000243, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000244’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000244’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000244, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000245’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000246’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000247’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000248’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000249’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000250’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000251’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000252’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000253’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000254’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000255’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000255’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000255, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000256’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000257’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000257’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000257, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000258’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000258’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000258, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000259’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000260’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000261’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000262’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000262’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000262, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000263’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000263’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000263, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000264’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000265’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000266’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000266’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000266, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000267’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000267’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000267, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000268’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000268’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000268, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000269’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000269’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000269, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000270’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000270’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000270, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000271’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000271’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000271, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000272’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000273’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000273’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000273, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000274’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000274’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000274, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000275’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000275’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000275, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000276’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000277’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000277’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000277, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000278’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000278’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000278, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000279’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000280’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000281’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000281’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000281, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000282’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000282’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000282, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000283’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000283’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000283, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000284’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000285’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000285’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000285, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000286’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000286’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000286, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000287’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000287’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000287, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000288’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000288’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000288, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000289’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000290’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000291’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000292’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000293’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000293’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000293, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000294’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000294’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000294, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000295’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000296’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000297’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000298’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000299’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000300’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000301’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000302’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000303’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000304’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000305’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000306’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000307’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000307’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000307, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000308’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000308’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000308, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000309’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000309’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000309, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000310’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000310’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000310, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000311’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000312’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000313’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000314’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000314’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000314, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000315’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000316’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000317’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000318’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000318’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000318, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000319’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000320’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000321’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000321’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000321, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
300 rows inserted into table LX_F75 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000322’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000323’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000323’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000323, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000324’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000324’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000324, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000325’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000326’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000327’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000328’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000329’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000330’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000330’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000330, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000331’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000331’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000331, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000332’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000332’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000332, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000333’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000334’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000334’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000334, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000335’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000336’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000336’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000336, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000337’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000337’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000337, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000338’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000339’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000340’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000340’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000340, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000341’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000342’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000343’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000344’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000345’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000346’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000346’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000346, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000347’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000348’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000348’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000348, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000349’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000350’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000351’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000352’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000353’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000354’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000354’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000354, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000355’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000356’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000357’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000358’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000359’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000360’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000361’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000362’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000362’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000362, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000363’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000363’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000363, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000364’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000365’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000366’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000367’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000368’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000369’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000370’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000371’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000372’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000373’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000374’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000375’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000376’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000377’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000378’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F76 where WHERE X76TSK = ‘00000378’ (10:17:15)
Object definitions locked under the Task Identifier, 00000378, have been unlocked, because the Task status had been set to FIN. (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000379’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000380’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000381’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000382’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000383’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000384’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000385’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000386’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000387’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000388’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000389’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000390’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000391’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000392’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000393’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000394’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000395’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000396’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000397’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000398’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000399’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000400’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000401’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000402’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000403’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000404’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000405’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000406’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000407’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000408’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000409’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000410’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000411’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000412’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000413’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000414’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000415’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000416’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000417’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000418’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000419’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000420’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000421’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000422’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000423’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000424’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000425’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000426’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000427’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000428’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000429’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000430’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000431’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000432’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000433’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000434’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000435’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000436’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000437’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000438’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000439’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000440’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000441’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000442’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000443’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000444’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000445’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000446’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000447’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000448’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000449’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000450’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000451’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000452’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000453’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000454’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000455’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000456’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000457’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000458’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000459’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000460’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000461’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000462’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000463’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000464’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000465’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000466’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000467’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000468’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000469’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000470’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000471’ (10:17:15)
450 rows inserted into table LX_F75 (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000493’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000495’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000500’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000501’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000503’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000504’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000505’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000506’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000507’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000537’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000538’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000539’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000540’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000565’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000575’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000576’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000577’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000578’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000579’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000580’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000581’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000582’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000583’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000584’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000585’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000586’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000587’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000589’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000590’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000591’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000592’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000593’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000594’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000595’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000599’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000600’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000601’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000615’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000621’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000622’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000625’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000626’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000674’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000677’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000678’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000679’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000680’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000711’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000712’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000713’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000727’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000730’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000760’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000770’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000787’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000799’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000818’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000819’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000827’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000830’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000832’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000833’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000838’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000843’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000850’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000871’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000877’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000878’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000879’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000880’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000881’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000882’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000883’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000884’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000886’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000898’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000902’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000912’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000917’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000919’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000939’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000946’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000948’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000956’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000972’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000977’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000981’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000989’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000995’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000998’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00000999’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001000’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001001’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001002’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001003’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001004’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001030’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001032’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001033’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001036’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001042’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001052’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001064’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001072’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001073’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001074’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001075’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001076’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001077’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001078’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001079’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001080’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001082’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001083’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001111’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001112’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001113’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001114’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001115’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001120’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001125’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001161’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001175’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001185’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001188’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001200’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001201’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001205’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001207’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001214’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001216’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001232’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001233’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001237’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001239’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001240’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001243’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001252’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001260’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001267’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001279’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001284’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001290’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001292’ (10:17:15)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001293’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001294’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001304’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001312’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001316’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001319’ (10:17:16)
600 rows inserted into table LX_F75 (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001320’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001336’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001345’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001346’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001347’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001348’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001367’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘00001369’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘90000000’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘90001075’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘99999997’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F75 where WHERE X75TSK = ‘99999999’ (10:17:16)
612 rows inserted into table LX_F75 (10:17:16)
Data for table LX_F87 is being imported. (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘AC6DS2 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘AC6DS2 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘AKPBS1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘AKPBS1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘ARNOLDB01 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘ARNOLDB01 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘A372Q1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘A372Q1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘A5Z5R1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘A5Z5R1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘BAXTERB01 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘BAXTERB01 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘DHSNX1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘DHSNX1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘GVZTL1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘GVZTL1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘IBM_9754D0’ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘IBM_9754D0’ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘JBOT520 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘JBOT520 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘NSUGUMARAN’ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘NSUGUMARAN’ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘RM5ZN1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘RM5ZN1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘SPATIL ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘SPATIL ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘VC36R1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘GEKKO’ (10:17:16)
Deleting existing data set from table LX_F87 where WHERE X87PCN = ‘VC36R1 ‘ AND X87SRV = ‘ ‘ (10:17:16)
14 rows inserted into table LX_F87 (10:17:16)
Data for table LX_FFD is being imported. (10:17:16)
Data for table LX_FKU is being imported. (10:17:16)
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150 rows inserted into table LX_F02 (10:17:16)
300 rows inserted into table LX_F02 (10:17:16)
449 rows inserted into table LX_F02 (10:17:16)
Data for table LX_F02 is being imported. (10:17:16)
WARNING: Duplicate key error in table LX_F02 ignored. Information was not created or updated. The reason for the existence of this duplication may require further investigation. (10:17:16)
Export of table LX_F96 (to MS Windows / MSVC 32 bit Compiler / ODBC DBMS) in progress. Please wait (10:17:16)
Export of table LX_F96 (to MS Windows / MSVC 32 bit Compiler / ODBC DBMS) completed normally (10:17:16)
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Export of table LX_F60 (to System i) completed normally (10:17:16)
Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXDID.DEL has been deleted. (10:17:16)
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Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF02.ASC has been deleted. (10:17:16)
Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF02.ASF has been deleted. (10:17:16)
Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF46.ASC has been deleted. (10:17:16)
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Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF73.ASF has been deleted. (10:17:16)
Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\ QDLS TMP_001\LXXF75.ASC has been deleted. (10:17:16)
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Import file C:\Users\mamason\AppData\Local\Temp\expf0a4e.tmp has been deleted. (10:17:16)
WARNING: 450 duplicate key errors were ignored during this import. The reason for the existence of the duplicates may require further investigation. (10:17:16)
Object Import Facility Ended 11/08/13 10:17:16. 0 fatal errors were detected. 450 warnings were issued. (10:17:16)




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Mobile Point Range Lights, Mobile
Middle Bay Light, Mobile Bay
Sand Island Light at the mouth of Mobile Bay
Cape Decision Light, Kuiu Island
Cape Hinchinbrook Light, Prince William Sound
Cape St. Elias Light, Kayak Island
Cape Sarichef Light, Unimak pass through Aleutian islands
Cape Spencer Light, Cross Sound
Eldred Rock Light, Lynn Canal
Fairway Island Light, Peril Strait
Five Finger Islands Light, Frederick Sound
Guard Island Light, Clarence Strait
Lincoln Rocks Light, Clarence Strait
Mary Island Light, Mary Island
Point Retreat Light, Admiralty Island
Point Sherman Light, Lynn Canal
Scotch Cap Light, Unimak Island
Sentinel Island Light, Lynn Canal
Tree Point Light, Revillagigedo Channel
Lake Havasu Marina
Alcatraz Island Light
Angel Island Light, see Point Blunt Light or Point Stuart Light
Año Nuevo Island Light
Ballast Point Light, Point Loma, San Diego Harbor entrance
Battery Point Light, Crescent City
Cape Mendocino Light
Carquinez Strait Light, near Vallejo
East Brother Island Light, Richmond, off Point San Pablo
Farallon Island Light, Southeast Farallon Island
Humboldt Harbor Light
Long Beach Light
Los Angeles Harbor Light, San Pedro Breakwater, Angels Gate
Mark Abbott Memorial Light, Santa Cruz
Mile Rocks Light, southwest of the Golden Gate Bridge
Oakland Harbor Light, Embarcadero Cove, Oakland
Piedras Blancas Light, northern entrance to San Simeon bay
Pigeon Point Light, Pescadero, southern approach to San Francisco Bay
Point Arena Light, two miles north of Point Arena
Point Arguello Light, Santa Barbara Channel
Point Blunt Light, Angel Island, San Francisco Bay
Point Bonita Light, Marin Headlands, San Francisco Bay entrance near Sausalito
Point Cabrillo Light, Mendocino, between Point Arena and Cape Mendocino
Point Conception Light, Point Conception
Point Diablo Light, west of the Golden Gate Bridge
Point Fermin Light, San Pedro
Point Hueneme Light, Santa Barbara Channel
Point Knox Light
Point Loma Light (old), San Diego
Point Loma Light (new), San Diego
Point Montara Light
Point Pinos Light, Pacific Grove
Point Reyes Light
Point Reyes Light, Point Reyes
Point Sur Light
Point Vicente Light, Palos Verdes
Punta Gorda Light, south of Cape Mendocino
Roe Island Light, Suisun Bay
Rubicon Point Light, Lake Tahoe; highest elevation American lighthouse
Santa Barbara Light
Santa Cruz Breakwater Light
Santa Cruz Harbor Light (see Walton Light)
Southampton Shoal Light, in San Francisco Bay
St. George Reef Light, near Crescent City
Sugar Pine Point Light, Lake Tahoe
Table Bluff Light, Humboldt Bay
Trinidad Head Light
Walton Light (also known as Santa Cruz Harbor Light), Santa Cruz
Yerba Buena Light, in San Francisco Bay
Stonington Harbor Light
Morgan Point Light
Avery Point Light, Groton
Black Rock Harbor Light, Black Rock Harbor
Bridgeport Harbor Light, Long Island Sound
Falkner Island Light, Guilford
Five Mile Point (Old New Haven), Long Island Sound
Great Captain Island Light, Greenwich
Greens Ledge Light, Norwalk
Lynde Point Light (Saybrook Inner), Long Island Sound
Morgan Point Light, Noank
Mystic Seaport Light, Mystic
New London Harbor Light, New London
New London Ledge Light, New London
Pecks Ledge Light, Norwalk
Penfield Reef Light, Fairfield
Saybrook Breakwater Light (Saybrook Outer), Old Saybrook
Sheffield Island Light, Norwalk
Southwest Ledge Light (New Haven Breakwater), New Haven
Stamford Harbor Ledge Light (Chatham Rocks), Stamford
Stonington Harbor Light, Stonington
Stratford Point Light, Stratford
Stratford Shoal Light, Bridgeport
Tongue Point Light (Bridgeport Breakwater), Bridgeport
Baker Shoal Range Rear Light, Port Penn
Baker Shoal Range Front Light, Port Penn
Bellevue Range Rear Light, Wilmington
Cape Henlopen Light, Lewes
Cherry Island Range Rear Light, near Edgemoor
Christiana North Jetty Light, near Wilmington
Delaware Breakwater West End Light, Lewes
Delaware Breakwater East End Light, Lewes
Delaware Breakwater Range Front Light, Lewes
Fenwick Island Light, Fenwick Island
Fourteen Foot Bank Light, in the Delaware Bay, off Bowers Beach
Harbor of Refuge Light, Lewes
Liston Range Rear Light, Delaware River
Liston Range Front Light, Delaware River
Mahon River Light, Port Mahon
Marcus Hook Range Rear Light, near Bellefonte
Marcus Hook Range Front Light, near Bellefonte
Mispillion Light, on the Mispillion River
New Castle Range Rear Light, near New Castle
New Castle Range Front Light, near New Castle
Reedy Island Range Rear Light, near Port Penn
Gasparilla Island Light, Boca Grande, Florida
Alligator Reef Light, near Indian Key (1873) (still in use)
Amelia Island Light, Fernandina Beach (1820) (still in use) (U.S. Coast Guard housing)
Amelia Island North Range Light, Amelia Island
American Shoal Light, near Florida Keys (1880) (still in use)
Anclote Keys Light, near Tarpon Springs (1887)
Boca Grande Light – please see Gasparilla Island Light
Cape Canaveral Light, Cape Canaveral (1868) (still in use)
Cape Florida Light, Key Biscayne (1846) (museum)
Cape San Blas Light (1885)
Carysfort Reef Light, near Key Largo (1852) (still in use)
Cape St. George Light, St. George Island (1852)
Cedar Key Light, Seahorse Key, near Cedar Key (1854) (marine laboratory)
Charlotte Harbor Light
Cosgrove Shoal Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Crooked River Light, near Carrabelle (1895)
Dames Point Light, St. Johns River
Dog Island Light
Dry Tortugas Light, Loggerhead Key, Dry Tortugas (1858) (still in use)
Egmont Key Light, Tampa Bay (1858) (still in use)
Fowey Rocks Light, off Key Biscayne (1878) (still in use)
Garden Key Light, Fort Jefferson (1876)
Gasparilla Island Lights, Boca Grande (1890) (still in use) (museum)
Hen and Chickens Shoal Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Hillsboro Inlet Light, Pompano Beach (1907) (still in use) (Coast Guard housing)
Jupiter Inlet Light, Jupiter (1860) (still in use) (museum)
Key West Light, Key West (1846) (museum)
Loggerhead Key Light – please see Dry Tortugas Light
Molasses Reef Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Northwest Passage Light, near Key West
Pacific Reef Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Pensacola Light, Pensacola Bay (1859) (still in use)
Pensacola Bar Beacon – please see Pensacola Light
Ponce de Leon Inlet Light, town of Ponce Inlet (1887) (still in use) (museum)
Port Boca Grande Light – please see Gasparilla Island Light
Pulaski Shoal Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Rebecca Shoal Light
Sand Key Light, near Key West (1853) (still in use)
Sanibel Island Light (1884) (still in use)
Seahorse Key Light – please see Cedar Key Light
Smith Shoal Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Sombrero Key Light, south of Key Vaca in Marathon, Florida (1858) (still in use)
St. Augustine Light, Anastasia Island (1874) (museum)
St. George Island Light – please see Cape St. George Light
St. Johns Light Station
St. Johns River Light (1859)
St. Joseph Bay Light – please see St. Joseph Point Light
St. Joseph Point Light, near Port St. Joe (1902) (private residence)
St. Marks Light, Apalachee Bay (1842) (still in use)
Tennessee Reef Light – please see Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Tortugas Harbor Light – please see Garden Key Light
Unmanned reef lights of the Florida Keys
Volusia Bar Light, near Deland, Florida
Cockspur Island Light, near Savannah
Little Cumberland Island Light, Cumberland Island
Sapelo Island Light, Darien
Sapelo Island Range Front Light, Darien
Savannah Harbor Rear Range Light, Savannah, Georgia
Savannah Light, Savannah River entrance
St. Simons Island Light, St. Simons Island
Tybee Island Range Front Light
Tybee Island Light, Tybee Island
Lahaina Light, Maui, Hawaii
Aloha Tower, Honolulu Harbor, Oahu
Barbers Point Light, Oahu
Cape Kumukahi Light
Coconut Point Light
Diamond Head Light
Hanamanioa Point Light
Ka’ena Point Light
Kailua Point Light
Ka Lae Light
Ka’uiki Head Light
Kaunakakai Range Front Light
Kauhola Point Light, near Kapa’au, Hawaii
Kawaihae Light
Keahole Point Light
Kilauea Point Light, Kilauea, Hawaii
Kuki’i Point Light
Kukuihaele Light
Lae O Ha La’au Point Light
Lahaina Light
Mahukona Light
Makapuu Point Light, Makap’uu Point, Oahu
McGregor Point Light
Moloka’i Light (Kalaupapa)
Nawiliwili Harbor Light (Ninini Point)
Napo’opo’o Light
Pauka’a Point Light
Palaoa Point Light (Cape Ka’ea)
Pauwela Point Light on Maui
Pepeekeo Point Light
Pohakuloa Light (Shipwreck Beach)
Pyramid Rock Light
Chicago Harbor Light (1893), Chicago (still in use)
Grosse Point Light (1873), Evanston (currently a private navigation aid) (museum)
Waukegan Harbor Light [2], Waukegan (currently an aid to navigation)
Old Michigan City Light, IN
Buffington Harbor Breakwater Light
Calumet Harbor Light
Calumet Harbor Breakwater South End
Calumet Pierhead
Gary Harbor Breakwater Light, Gary
Gary West Breakwater
Indiana Harbor East Breakwater Light
Michigan City Breakwater
Michigan City East Pierhead
Michigan City West Pierhead
Old Michigan City Light, Michigan City
Notable faux lighthouses:
Gloryland Lighthouse, near New Castle, is not on navigable water.
Lighthouse Landing (Grand Rivers), at Kentucky Lake
Notable faux lighthouses
Louisville Waterfront Plaza, lighthouses on top of building
Barataria Bay Light
Bayou St. John Light, Canal de Carondolet
Bonfouca (Bayou Bonfouca) Light, northern Lake Pontchartrain
Calcasieu River Range Lights, Calcasieu River
Chandeleur Island Light, outer rim of Chandeleur Sound
Cubits Gap Light, Cubits Gap
East Rigolets Light, Rigolets Waterway
Franks Island Light, Franks Island
Head of the Passes Light, Deer Island
Madisonville Light, Madisonville
New Canal Light, Lake Pontchartrain canal entrance
Oyster Bay (Bayou) Light, easternmost entrance to Atchafalaya Bay
Pass A L’Outre Light, Head of Passes, Mississippi River delta
Pass Manchac Light, west shore of Lake Pontchartrain
Point Au Fer Reef Light, entrance to Atchafalaya River
Pointe Aux Herbes Light, south side of east end of Lake Pontchartrain
Port Pontchartrain LIght, Lake Pontchartrain
Pontchartrain Beach Light, New Orleans
Sabine Pass Light, located at the entrance to Sabine Lake in Cameron Parish
Sabine Pass East Jetty Light
Ship Shoal Light, 10 miles south of Grand Isle
South Pass Range Front Light, Mississippi River
South Pass Range Lights
Southwest Pass Entrance Light
Southwest Reef Light, old entrance to Atchafalaya River
Tchefuncte River Range Lights, north side of Lake Pontchartrain
Timbalier Bay (Little Pass) Light, Timbalier Bay
Trinity Shoal Light
West Rigolets Light, Rigolets Channel, Lake Pontchartrain
Portland Head Light
Petit Manan Light, home of the Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge
Dice Head Light, Castine
Fort Point Light, Stockton
Doubling Point Light, Georgetown
Avery Rock Light, Machias Bay, Machias
Baker Island Light, Mt. Desert Island
Bass Harbor Head Light, Mount Desert Island
Bear Island Light, Bear Island
Blue Hill Bay Light, Green Island / Blue Hill Bay
Boon Island Light, York
Browns Head Light, NW end of Vinalhaven Island
Burnt Coat Harbor Light, Hockamock Head / Swan’s Island
Burnt Island Light, Boothbay
Cape Elizabeth Lights, Casco Bay entrance, Cape Elizabeth
Cape Neddick (Nubble) Light, Cape Neddick, York
Crabtree Ledge Light, Frenchman Bay, Crabtree Neck
Cuckolds Light, Boothbay approach
Curtis Island Light, Camden
Deer Island Thorofare Light, Mark Island / Deer Island Thorofare
Dice Head Light, Penobscot River mouth, Castine
Doubling Point Range Lights, Arrowsic Island / Kennebec River
Doubling Point Light, Arrowsic Island / Kennebec River
Eagle Island Light, East Penobscot Bay
Egg Rock Light, entrance to Frenchman Bay near Winter Harbor
Fort Point Light, entrance to Penobscot River
Franklin Island Light, Muscongus Bay
Goat Island Light, Cape Porpoise
Goose Rocks Light, east entrance Fox Islands Thoroughfare
Great Duck Island Light, Blue Hill Bay approach
Grindle Point Light, Gilkey Harbor
Halfway Rock Light, Casco Bay
Hendricks Head Light, Sheepscot River entrance
Heron Neck Light, Green’s Island
Indian Island Light, Indian Island / Rockport Harbor
Isle Au Haut Light, Robinson Point, Isle au Haut
Kennebunk Pier Light
Ladies Delight Light
Libby Island Light, Machias Bay entrance
Little River Light, Little River Island / Cutler Harbor
Lubec Channel Light, Lubec Channel
Manana Island Fog Signal Station, Manana Island near Monhegan Island
Marshall Point Light, Port Clyde Harbor entrance
Matinicus Rock Light, Matinicus Rock, off Matinicus Island
Monhegan Island Light, Monhegan Island
Moose Peak Light, Mistake Island / Eastern Bay
Mount Desert Rock Light, south of Mount Desert Island
Narraguagus Light, east side Pond Island / Narraguagus Bay
Nash Island Light, southeast mouth of Pleasant Bay
Owls Head Light, West Penobscot Bay / Rockland Harbor
Pemaquid Point Light, Bristol
Perkins Island Light, Perkins Island / Kennebec River
Petit Manan Light, off Petit Manan Point
Pond Island Light, Kennebec River entrance west side
Portland Breakwater Light, South Portland
Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth
Prospect Harbor Point Light, Prospect Harbor Point
Pumpkin Island Light, Eggemoggin Reach / Penobscot Bay
Ram Island Ledge Light, Casco Bay
Ram Island Light, Ram Island / Boothbay Harbor
Rockland Harbor Breakwater Light, Jameson Point / Rockland Harbor
Saddleback Ledge Light, Isle au Haut Bay
Saint Croix River Light, Dochet Island, opposite Red Beach, St. Croix River
Seguin Light, Georgetown
Spring Point Ledge Light, South Portland
Squirrel Point Light, Arrowsic Island / Kennebec River
Tenants Harbor Light, Southern Island
Two Bush Island Light, Two Bush Channel / Penobscot Bay approach
West Quoddy Head Light, Lubec
Whaleback Light, Portsmouth Harbor
Whitehead Island Light, Whitehead Island / Penobscot Bay southern entrance
Whitlocks Mill Light, St. Croix River south bank
Winter Harbor Light, Mark Island / Winter Harbor
Wood Island Light, Biddeford Pool
Thomas Point Shoal Light near Annapolis
Baltimore Harbor Light, mouth of Magothy River, Chesapeake Bay
Blakistone Island Light, St. Clement’s Island State Park, Potomac River
Bloody Point Bar Light, near Kent Island
Bodkin Island Light, Chesapeake Bay
Brewerton Channel Range:
Hawkins Point Light (front light)
Leading Point Light (rear light)
Cedar Point Light, Solomons
Choptank River Light, Bernoni Point, near Oxford
Clay Island Light, mouth of Nanticoke River
Cobb Point Bar Light (also known as Cobb Island Bar Light), Potomac River
Concord Point Light, Havre de Grace
Cove Point Light, Chesapeake Bay
Craighill Channel Lower Range:
Front Light
Rear Light
Craighill Channel Upper Range:
Front Light
Rear Light
Drum Point Light, mouth of the Patuxent River
Fishing Battery Light, south of Havre de Grace
Fog Point Light, Smith Island in Chesapeake Bay
Fort Carroll Light, Patapsco River
Fort Washington Light, Potomac River
Great Shoals Light, mouth of the Wicomico River
Greenbury Point Light, mouth of the Severn River
Holland Island Bar Light, Chesapeake Bay
Hooper Island Light, Chesapeake Bay
Hooper Strait Light, St. Michaels
Janes Island Light, near Crisfield
Lazaretto Point Light, Baltimore harbor
Love Point Light, Kent Island
Lower Cedar Point Light, Potomac River
Maryland Point Light, Potomac River
Mathias Point Light, Potomac River
North Point Range Lights, Chesapeake Bay
Piney Point Light, Potomac River
Point Lookout Light, St. Mary’s County
Point No Point Light, Chesapeake Bay
Pooles Island Light, Chesapeake Bay
Ragged Point Light, Potomac River
Sandy Point Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay
Seven Foot Knoll Light, Baltimore
Sharkfin Shoal Light, mouth of the Nanticoke River
Sharps Island Light, off Tilghman Island
Solomons Lump Light, Chesapeake Bay
Somers Cove Light, near Crisfield
Thomas Point Shoal Light, Annapolis
Turkey Point Light, Chesapeake Bay
Upper Cedar Point Light, Potomac River
Borden Flats Light
Duxbury Pier Light in Plymouth harbor
Nauset Light
Derby Wharf Light at the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Salem.
Annisquam Harbor Light, Cape Ann
Baker’s Island Light
Bass River Light
Billingsgate Island Light
Bird Island Light, Marion, Buzzards Bay
Bishop and Clerks Light
Borden Flats Light
Boston Light, Boston Harbor
Brant Point Light, Nantucket
Butler Flats Light, New Bedford
Buzzards Bay Entrance Light
Cape Ann (Thacher Island) Lights
Cape Poge Light, Chappaquiddick Island, Martha’s Vineyard
Chatham Light, Chatham Harbor
Clarks Point Light
Cleveland East Ledge Light
Cuttyhunk Light
Deer Island Light
Derby Wharf Light
Dumpling Rocks Light
Duxbury Pier Light, Plymouth Harbor
East Chop Light, Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard
Eastern Point Light, Gloucester, Cape Ann
Edgartown Harbor Light, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard
Egg Rock Light
Fairhaven Bridge Light
Falmouth Inner Light
Fort Pickering (Winter Island) Light
Gay Head Light, Aquinnah, Martha’s Vineyard
Great Point Light, Nantucket
Highland Light aka Cape Cod Light, North Truro, Cape Cod
Hospital Point Range Front Light
Hospital Point Range Rear Light
Hyannis Rear Range Light
Ipswich Range Lights
Long Island Head Light
Long Point Light, Provincetown, Cape Cod
Lovells Island Range Lights
Marblehead Light, Marblehead Neck
Mayo Beach Light
Minot’s Ledge Light, Scituate
Monomoy Point Light
Nantucket Range Lights
Nantucket Cliff Lights
Nantucket Harbor Range Lights
Nauset Light, North Eastham, Cape Cod
Ned Point Light
Newburyport Harbor (Plum Island) Light
Newburyport Harbor Front Range Light
Newburyport Harbor Rear Range Light
Nobska Light, Woods Hole
Old Scituate Light, Scituate
Palmer Island Light, New Bedford
Plymouth (Gurnet) Light
Race Point Light, Provincetown, Cape Cod
Sandy Neck Light
Sankaty Head Light, Nantucket
Spectacle Island Range Lights
Stage Harbor Light
Straitsmouth Island Light, Rockport
Tarpaulin Cove Light
Ten Pound Island Light
The Graves Light, Boston Harbor
Three Sisters Light, North Eastham, Cape Cod
West Chop Light, Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard
Wings Neck Light, Buzzards Bay
Wood End Light
Alpena Light, Alpena
Au Sable Light
Au Sable North Pierhead Light
Beaver Island (Beaver Head) Light, southern tip of Beaver Island
Beaver Island Harbor Light, northern end of Beaver Island
Bellanger Park (Ecorse) Light
Bete Grise (Mendota) Light
Big Bay Point Light
Big Sable Point (Grande Point au Sable) Light, north of Ludington
Big Sable Light
Bois Blanc Island Light
Cedar River Light
Charity Island Light
Charlevoix South Pier Light, Charlevoix
Cheboygan Crib Light
Cheboygan River Light
Clinton River Light
Copper Harbor Front Range Light, Copper Harbor
Copper Harbor Light, Copper Harbor
Copper Harbor Rear Range Light, Copper Harbor
Crisp Point Light
De Tour Reef Light
Detroit Light
Detroit River (Bar Point Shoal) Light
Eagle Harbor Light, Eagle Harbor
Eagle Harbor Rear Range Light, Eagle Harbor
Eagle River Light, Eagle River
Ecorse Light
Ecorse Range Rear Light
Fort Gratiot Light, Port Huron
Forty Mile Point Light
Fourteen Foot Shoal Light
Fourteen Mile Light
Frankfort North Breakwater Light, Frankfort
Frying Pan Island Light [3] relocated to Sault Ste. Marie
Gibraltar Light
Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner Light, Grand Haven
Grand Haven South Pierhead Light, Grand Haven
Grand Island East Channel Light
Grand Island Harbor Rear Range Light
Grand Island North Light
Grand Marais Inner Range Light
Grand Marais Outer Range Light
Grand Traverse Light, Northport
Granite Island Light, 12 miles northwest of Marquette
Grassy Island North Channel Range Light
Grassy Island South Channel Range Light
Gravelly Shoal Light
Gray’s Reef Light, offshore, east of Beaver Island
Grosse Ile North Channel Front Range Light
Grosse Isle South Channel Range Light
Gull Rock Light Station
Harwood Point East Range Front Light
Harbor Beach Light
Holland Harbor Light (Big Red), near Holland
Holland Harbor Light, also called Big Red near Holland, Michigan
Huron Island Light
Huron Lightship, Port Huron, Michigan
Ile aux Galets Light, see Skillagalee Island (Ile aux Galets) Light
Isle Royale (Menagerie Island) Light, Isle Royale National Park
Keweenaw Waterway Upper Entrance Light [4]
Keweenaw Waterway Lower Entrance Light
Lake St. Clair Light
Lansing Shoals Light
Little Sable Point (Petite Point au Sable) Light, south of Pentwater
Little Traverse Light
Waugoshance Light
Ludington Light, Ludington
Mackinac Point Light, Mackinaw City
Mama Juda Light, destroyed, Detroit River, Detroit
Mama Juda Range Front Light
Manistee Light, Manistee
Manistee North Pierhead Light, Manistee
Manistique East Breakwater Light, Manistique
Manitou Island Light Station
Manning Memorial Light [5]
Mariners Memorial (River Rouge) Light
Marquette Breakwater Outer Light
Marquette Harbor Light
Martin Reef Light
McGulpin’s Point Light
Menagerie Island Light, see Isle Royale (Menagerie Island) Light
Mendota Light, see Bete Grise (Mendota) Light
Menominee North Pier Light
Middle Island Light
Middle Lake George
Minneapolis Shoal Light
Mission Point Light, deactivated, replaced by offshore light tower
Monroe Pier Light
Munising Front Range Light, Munising
Munising Rear Range Light, Munising
Muskegon Pier Light, Muskegon
Muskegon Breakwater Light, Muskegon
Naubinway Island Light
New Buffalo Light
Ninth District Light
North Manitou Island Light
North Manitou Shoal Light, offshore east of North Manitou Island
Old Mackinac Point Light
Old Mission Point Light, alternate name for Mission Point Light
Ontonagon Harbor West Pierhead Light, Ontonagon
Ontonagon Light, Ontonagon
Passage Island Light, Isle Royale National Park
Peche Island Light, relocated from Peche Island to Marine City
Peninsula Point Light
Pipe Island Light
Poe Reef Light
Point Betsie (Point aux Becs Scies) Light, Frankfort
Point Iroquois Light
Pointe aux Barques Light
Port Austin Light
Port Sanilac Light
Portage River (Jacobsville Light)
Poverty Island Light, Poverty Island south of Fairport
Presque Isle Front Range Light
Presque Isle Harbor Breakwater Light
Presque Isle Light (New), Presque Isle
Presque Isle Light (Old), Presque Isle
Presque Isle Rear Range Light
Rock Harbor Light, Isle Royale National Park
Rock of Ages Light, Isle Royale National Park
Rouleau Point Range Front and Rear Lights
Round Island Light, Round Island
Round Island Lighthouse
Round Island Light, St. Mary’s River
Round Island Passage Light
Round Island Rear Light
Saginaw Bay Light
Saginaw River Rear Range Light
Sand Beach North Entrance East Light
Sand Hills Light
Sand Point Light, Escanaba
Sand Point Light, Baraga
Saugatuck Light, Saugatuck
Seul Choix Point Light, Gulliver
Six Mile Point Range Rear Light
Skillagalee Island (Ile aux Galets) Light, Ile Aux Galets
South Fox Island Light, South Fox Island
South Haven South Pier Light, South Haven
South Manitou Island Light, part of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
Spectacle Reef Light
Squaw Point Light
Squaw Island Light, Squaw Island
St. Clair Flats South Channel Front Range Light
St. Clair Flats South Channel Rear Range Light
St. Helena Island Light, west of the Straits of Mackinac
St. James Light, see Beaver Island Harbor Light
St. Joseph North Pier Inner Light
White Shoal Light
St. Joseph North Pier Outer Light
St. Martin Island Light
St. Mary’s River Lower Range Front Light
Stannard Rock Light
Sturgeon Point Light
Tawas Point Light
Thunder Bay Island Light
Tri-Centennial Light of Detroit
Vidal Shoals Channel Range Front and Rear Lights
Waugoshance Light
White River Light, Whitehall
White Shoal Light, west of Mackinaw City
Whitefish Point Light
William Livingstone Memorial Light[1]
Windmill Point Light
Windmill Point Range Front and Rear Lights
Winter Point Range Front Light
Grand Marais Light
Duluth North Pier Light, Duluth
Duluth South Breakwater Outer Light, Duluth
Duluth South Breakwater Inner Light, Duluth
Grand Marais Light, Grand Marais
Minnesota Point Light, Duluth
Split Rock Light, Beaver Bay
Two Harbors Light, Two Harbors
Biloxi Light, Biloxi
Cat Island Light, Cat Island
Pass Christian Light
Round Island Light (Mississippi), Pascagoula
Ship Island Light, Ship Island
Linoma Lighthouse, near Gretna
Lake Minatare Lighthouse, near Scottsbluff
Isles of Shoals Light, Isles of Shoals
Portsmouth Harbor Light, New Castle
Barnegat Light
Absecon Light, Atlantic City
Barnegat Lighthouse, Barnegat Light, Long Beach Island
Brandywine Shoal Light, Delaware Bay
Brigantine Lighthouse, Brigantine
Cape May Light, Cape May
Chapel Hill Range
Chapel Hill Rear Range Light, Sandy Hook Bay
Conover Beacon (front range light), Leonardo, New Jersey
Cross Ledge Light
East Point (Maurice River) Light
Elbow of Cross Ledge Light
Finns Point Range Light
Great Beds Light, in the Raritan Bay, South Amboy
Hereford Inlet Light, North Wildwood
Ludlam’s Beach Light
Miah Maull Shoal Light
Navesink Twin Lights, Highlands
Robbins Reef Light, Bayonne
Romer Shoal Light, Swash Channel, Lower New York Bay
Sandy Hook Light, Sandy Hook
Sea Girt Light, Sea Girt
Ship John Shoal Light
Tinicum Island Range
Tinicum Island Rear Range Light
Tinicum Island Front Range Light
Waackaack Range
Waackaack Rear Range Light
Port Comfort Light (front range light), also known as the Bayside Beacon
see also Old Orchard Shoal Light (New York)
Montauk Point Lighthouse, the very first lighthouse in New York State.
Ambrose Light, Lower New York Bay
Barber’s Point Light, Lake Champlain
Barcelona (Portland Harbor) Light, Portland Harbor, Lake Erie
Blackwell Island Light, New York City
Bluff Point Light, Valcour Island/Lake Champlain
Braddock Point Light, Bogus Point, Lake Ontario
Brewerton Range Rear, Oneida Lake
Buffalo (main) Light, mouth of Buffalo River/Erie Canal, under skyway in downtown Buffalo
Buffalo Harbor North and South entrance Lights
Buffalo Intake Crib Light
Buffalo North breakwater East end Light
Buffalo North breakwater West end Light
Cape Vincent breakwater East end Light
Cayuga Inlet Light, Cayuga Lake
Cayuga Inlet Breakwater Light, Cayuga Lake
Cedar Island Light, East Hampton
Clayton Light, Town of Clayton
Cold Spring Harbor Light, north shore of Long Island
Coney Island (Nortons Point) Light, New York Harbor main channel
Cooperstown Marina, Cooperstown, Otsego Lake
Coxsackie Light, Hudson River
Crossover Island Light, St. Lawrence River
Crown Point Light, Lake Champlain
Cumberland Head Light, Cumberland Bay, Lake Champlain
Dunkirk Light, Point Gratiot, Lake Erie
Dunkirk Pierhead Light, Dunkirk harbor, Lake Erie
Eatons Neck Light, Long Island
East Charity Shoal Light, Cape Vincent
Elm Tree Beacon Light
Esopus Meadows (middle Hudson River) Light
Execution Rocks Light, Long Island Sound
Fairhaven Range Lights
Fire Island Light, Fire Island
Fire Island Light
Fort Niagara Light, Niagara River south shore, Lake Ontario
Fort Tompkins Light, Staten Island
Fort Wadsworth Light, East Verrazano Narrows
Frenchman’s Island, Oneida Lake
Galloo Island Light, SW end of island in Lake Ontario
Genesee (Charlotte-Genesee/Rochester) Light
Genesee East Pier Light, Rochester Harbor
Genesee North Pier Light, Rochester Harbor
Grand Island Range Front Light
Grand Island Range Rear Light
Horseshoe Reef Light
Horton Point Light, Long Island
Hudson-Athens (Hudson city) Light, Middle Ground Flats, Hudson River
Huntington Harbor Light, Huntington Bay, Long Island
Kings Point Light
Kingsborough Community College Light, Brooklyn
Latimer Reef Light, Fishers Island Sound
Little Gull Island Light, Long Island Sound
Little Red Lighthouse (Jeffrey’s Hook Lighthouse), Manhattan
Orient Long Beach Bar Light, Orient Harbor
Myers Point Light, Cayuga Lake
Montauk Point Light, Montauk Point State Park
Montauk Yacht Club Light
New Dorp Light, Staten Island Swash Channel rear range
North Brother Island Light
North Dumpling Light, Fishers Island Sound
Oak Orchard Light
Ogdensburg Harbor Light, Light Point, St. Lawrence River
Olcott Light, on Lake Ontario
Old Field Point Light
Old Orchard Shoal Light, Gedney Channel, Lower New York Bay
Orient Point Light (“Coffee Pot”), Oyster Pond Reef, Plum Gut, Long Island
Oswego Harbor West Pierhead Lighthouse, mouth of Oswego River, Lake Ontario
Plattsburg Beacon
Plum Island Light
Point Aux Roches Light, Lake Champlain
Port of Genesee (Charlotte-Genesee) Light, Genesee River/Lake Ontario
Barcelona (Portland Harbor) Light, south shore of Lake Erie
Princes Bay Light, Staten Island
Race Rock Light, Fishers Island
Robbins Reef Light, west side main channel, Upper New York Bay
Rock Island Light, St. Lawrence River/Lake Ontario
Romer Shoal Light, actually in New Jersey, but the Coast Guard lists it in New York
Rondout Creek (Kingston) light, Kingston Point, Hudson River
Horse Island Light, Lake Ontario
Sands Point Light
Saugerties Light, Hudson River at Esopus Creek
Selkirk (Salmon River) Light, Salmon River entrance, Lake Ontario
Shinnecock Light, Ponquogue, Great West Bay
Shoal Point Light, Fourth Lake, Adirondacks
Sodus Outer Light, north end of west pier, entrance to Great Sodus Bay
Sodus Point Light, Sodus Bay, Lake Ontario
South Buffalo South Side Light, breakwater, south side of main south entrance to Buffalo harbor
Split Rock Point Light, Whallon Bay, Lake Champlain
Staten Island Light
Statue of Liberty, Upper New York Bay
Stepping Stones Light
Stony Point (Henderson) Light, Henderson Bay, Lake Ontario
Stony Point light, Hudson River
Stuyvesant Light, Hudson River
Sunken Rock Light, Bush Island, St. Lawrence River
Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow) Light, Hudson River, south of Kingsland
Thirty Mile Point Light, Lake Ontario
(Three) Sisters Island Light, St. Lawrence River
Throgs Neck Light, New York City
Tibbetts Point Light, St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario
Titanic Memorial, South Street Seaport, New York City
Verona Beach (Sylvan Beach) Light, Oneida Lake
West Bank Light, Ambrose Channel, Lower New York Bay (range front)
Whitestone Point Light, Whitestone Point, southerly side of East River
Bald Head Light, Cape Fear River Inlet
Bodie Island Light, Bodie Island, Outer Banks
Cape Fear Light, Cape Fear River Inlet
Cape Hatteras Light, Hatteras Island, Outer Banks
Cape Lookout Light, Cape Lookout, Outer Banks
Croatan Shoal Light
Currituck Beach Light, Corolla Beach, Outer Banks
Federal Point Light, Pleasure Island
Hatteras Beacon, near Cape Hatteras
Diamond Shoal Light
Frying Pan Shoals Light
Laurel Point Light
Long Point Beacon Light
Neuse River Light
Oak Island Light, Oak Island
Ocracoke Island Light, Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks
Pamlico Point Shoal Light
Price Creek Light, Southport
Roanoke Marshes Light
Roanoke River Light
Wade Point Light
Ashtabula Harbor Light, Ashtabula
Cedar Point Light, Sandusky
Cleveland west breakwater/East pierhead Lights, Cleveland
Cleveland east entrance Light, Cleveland
Conneaut west Light, Conneaut
Grand River (Fairport Harbor) Light, Fairport Harbor
Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Light, Fairport Harbor
Green Island Light, Green Island
Huron Harbor Light, Huron
Lorain West Breakwater Light, Lorain
Marblehead Light, Marblehead
Port Clinton Light, Port Clinton
Sandusky Harbor Light, Sandusky
South Bass Island Light, South Bass Island
Toledo Harbor Light, Toledo Harbor
Turtle Island Light
Vermilion Light, Vermilion
West Sister Island Light
Rowlett, Russ. “Lighthouses of Oklahoma”. The Lighthouse Directory. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Lake Hefner Lighthouse, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Notable faux lighthouses
Centennial Lighthouse, Elk City, Oklahoma
Tillamook Rock Light
Cape Arago Light, Coos County
Cape Blanco Light, Curry County
Cape Meares Light, Tillamook County
Cleft of the Rock Light, private
Coquille River Light, Coos County
Desdemona Sands Light, Clatsop County
Heceta Head Light, Lane County
Lightship Columbia, Clatsop County (now a museum ship, previously anchored outside three mile zone)
Point Adams Light, demolished
Port of Brookings Light, private
Tillamook Rock Light, Clatsop County
Umpqua River Light, Douglas County
Warrior Rock Light, on Sauvie Island in the Columbia River
Willamette River Light, mouth of the Willamette River at the Columbia River
Yaquina Bay Light, Newport
Yaquina Head Light, Lincoln County
“Historic Light Station Information and Photography: Pennsylvania”. United States Coast Guard Historian’s Office.
Erie Harbor North Pier Light, Presque Isle
Erie Land Light, Erie
Presque Isle Light, Presque Isle
Turtle Rock Lighthouse, Philadelphia
In addition, Rowlett, Russ. “Lighthouses of the United States: Northwestern Pennsylvania”. The Lighthouse Directory. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. lists:
Erie Yacht Club
Erie Harbor Pierhead (Presque Isle North Pier) (2)
Erie Pierhead Light
Southeastern Pennsylvania Lighthouses
Schuylkill River Lighthouse
Turtle Rock Light
Delaware River Lighthouse
Chester (Schooner Ledge) Range Rear (3)
Chester (Schooner Ledge) Range Front (3)
Notable faux lighthouses:
Sherman Memorial (Tionesta)
Lost lighthouses:
Fort Mifflin Blockhouse
Beavertail Light, Conanicut Island, Jamestown
Block Island (North) Light
Block Island Southeast Light
Brenton Reef Light
Bristol Ferry Light
Bullock’s Point Light
Castle Hill Light, Narragansett Bay, Newport
Conanicut Island Light (Old)
Conimicut Light, Narragansett Bay
Dutch Island Light
Fuller Rock Light
Goat Island Light: see Newport Harbor Light
Gould Island Light
Gull Rocks Light
Hog Island Shoal Light
Ida Lewis Light (Lime Rock), Newport
Musselbed Shoals Light
Nayatt Point Light, Barrington
Newport Harbor Light (aka Goat Island Light), Newport
Plum Beach Light
Point Judith Light, Narragansett
Pomham Rocks Light
Poplar Point Light
Prudence Island (Sandy Point) Light
Rose Island Light, Rose Island, Narragansett Bay
Sabin Point Light
Sakonnet Light
Sassafras Point Light
Warwick Light
Watch Hill Light
Whale Rock Light
Wickford Harbor Light
Morris Island Light Charleston,SC
Bloody Point Light on Daufuskie Island, Beaufort County
Bulls Bay Light, Charleston County
Combahee Bank Light formerly in St. Helena Sound
Cape Romain Lighthouses near McClellanville, Charleston County
Castle Pinckney Light in Charleston Harbor, Charleston County
Charleston Light in Sullivan’s Island, Charleston County
Fort Ripley Shoal (Middle Ground) Light in Charleston Harbor, Charleston County
Fort Sumter Range Lights, Charleston County
Georgetown Light
Governor’s Light in Little River, Horry County[2]
Haig Point Range Lights on Daufuskie Island, Beaufort County
Harbour Town Light on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County
Hilton Head Range Rear (Leamington)
Hunting Island Light on Hunting Island, Beaufort County
Morris Island Light on Morris Island, Charleston County
Parris Island Range Lights on Parris Island, formerly in Beaufort County
Sullivan’s Island Range Lights, Charleston County
ighthouses in Kentucky and Tennessee
Omohundo Waterworks Intake Crib, Nashville, Tennessee
Notable faux lighthouse
Carthage Light, on the Cumberland River near Carthage, Tennessee
Aransas Pass Light
Brazos River Light
Brazos Santiago Light
Clopper’s Bar Light
Fort Point Light, Galveston Bay
Galveston Jetty Light
Half Moon Reef Light
Matagorda Island Lighthouse, located at entrance to Matagorda Bay (more information)
Point Bolivar Light, located at entrance to Galveston Bay
Port Isabel Light, across the causeway from South Padre Island in Port Isabel (more information)
Redfish Bar Light
Redfish Bar Cut Light
Sabine Bank Light
On Lake Champlain:
Burlington Breakwater Lights, Burlington
Colchester Reef Light (relocated to the Shelburne Museum)
Isle La Motte Light
Juniper Island Light
Windmill Point Light
On Lake Memphremagog:
Maxfield Point Light
Newport Wharf Light
Whipple Point Light
Assateague Light, Assateague Island
Back River Light, Chesapeake Bay near Hampton
Bells Rock Light, York River
Bowlers Rock Light, Rappahannock River
Cape Charles Light, Cape Charles
Cape Henry Light (old), Cape Henry, Virginia Beach
Cape Henry Light (new), Cape Henry, Virginia Beach
Cherrystone Bar Light, Cape Charles
Chesapeake Light, entrance to Chesapeake Bay
Craney Island Light, mouth of Elizabeth River
Deepwater Shoals Light, James River
Dutch Gap Canal Lights, James River
Great Wicomico River Light, Chesapeake Bay
Hog Island Light
Jones Point Light, Alexandria
Jordan Point Light, James River
Killock Shoal Light
Lambert Point Light, Norfolk
Nansemond River Light, Nansemond and James rivers
New Point Comfort Light, Chesapeake Bay
Newport News Middle Ground Light, Newport News
Old Plantation Flats Light, Cape Charles
Old Point Comfort Light, Hampton
Pages Rock Light, York River
Point of Shoals Light, James River
Pungoteague Creek Light, Chesapeake Bay
Smith Point Light, mouth of Potomac River
Stingray Point Light, mouth of Rappahannock River
Tangier Sound Light, Chesapeake Bay
Thimble Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay, north of Hampton Roads
Tue Marshes Light, mouth of York River
Watts Island Light, Chesapeake Bay
White Shoal Light, James River
Windmill Point Light, mouth of Rappahannock River
Wolf Trap Light, Chesapeake Bay
York Spit Light, mouth of York River
Admiralty Head Light
“Historic Light Station Information and Photography: Washington”. United States Coast Guard Historian’s Office.
Admiralty Head Light, Whidbey Island
Alki Point Light, West Seattle
Browns Point Light, Browns Point
Burrows Island Light, Anacortes
Cape Disappointment Light
Cape Flattery Light, Neah Bay
Cattle Point Light, San Juan Island
Destruction Island Light
Dofflemyer Point Light
Ediz Hook Light
Grays Harbor Light, Westport
Lime Kiln Light, San Juan Island
Marrowstone Point Light, Fort Flagler
Mukilteo Light, Mukilteo
New Dungeness Light, Sequim
North Head Light, Ilwaco
Patos Island Light, San Juan Islands
Point No Point Light, Hansville
Point Roberts Light, Point Roberts
Point Robinson Light, Vashon Island
Point Wilson Light, Port Townsend
Semiahmoo Harbor Light, Port Blaine
Slip Point Light, Clallam Bay
Turn Point Light, Stuart Island
West Point Light, Seattle
Outer Island Light, Apostle Islands
Algoma Pierhead Lighthouse, Algoma, Kewaunee County
Apostle Islands Lighthouses
Ashland Harbor Breakwater Lighthouse, Ashland, Ashland County
Baileys Harbor Lighthouse, Baileys Harbor, Door County
Baileys Harbor Range Lights, Baileys Harbor, Door County
Boyer Bluff Light, Door County [6]
Cana Island Lighthouse, near Baileys Harbor, Door County
Chambers Island Lighthouse, Chambers Island, Door County
Chequamegon Point Lighthouse, Long Island, Apostle Islands, Ashland County
Devils Island Lighthouse, Devils Island, Apostle Islands, Ashland County
Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, Ephraim, Door County
Fond du Lac Lighthouse, Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County
Green Bay Harbor Entrance Light
Green Island Light
Gull Island Light, Gull Island, Ashland County
Kenosha North Pier Lighthouse, Kenosha, Kenosha County
Kenosha Light, Kenosha, Kenosha County
Kevich Light, Ozaukee County
Kewaunee Pierhead Lighthouse, Kewaunee, Kewaunee County
La Pointe Lighthouse, Apostle Islands, Ashland County
Long Tail Point Light, Green Bay, Brown County
Manitowoc Breakwater Lighthouse, Manitowoc, Manitowoc County
Michigan Island Lighthouse, Apostle Islands, Ashland County
Milwaukee Pierhead Light, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Breakwater Lighthouse, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Neenah Light, Neenah, Winnebago County
North Point Lighthouse, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County
Outer Island Lighthouse, Apostle Islands, Ashland County
Peshtigo Reef Light, Green Bay east of Peshtigo Point, Marinette County
Pilot Island Lighthouse, near Gills Rock, Door County
Plum Island Range Lights, near Gills Rock, Door County
Port Washington Light, Port Washington, Ozaukee County
Potawatomi Lighthouse aka Rock Island Light, Rock Island State Park, Door County
Racine North Breakwater Light [8]
Raspberry Island Lighthouse, Apostle Islands, Bayfield County
Rawley Point Lighthouse, Manitowoc County
Rockwell Light, Oshkosh, Winnebago County
Sand Island Lighthouse, Apostle Islands, Bayfield County
Sheboygan Breakwater Light, Sheboygan, Sheboygan County
Sherwood Point Lighthouse, near Sturgeon Bay, Door County
Sturgeon Bay Canal Lighthouse, Sturgeon Bay, Door County
Sturgeon Bay Canal North Pierhead Light, Sturgeon Bay, Door County
Tail Point Light: see Long Tail Point Light
Two Rivers Light, Two Rivers, Manitowoc County
Wind Point Lighthouse, Racine, Racine County
Wisconsin Point Lighthouse, Superior, Douglas County
Buck Island Light in the Virgin Islands
Cape Mala Light Station in the Canal Zone
Fort Louisa Augusta Light in the Virgin Islands
Hams Bluff Light in the Virgin Islands
Howland Island Light
Navassa Island Light on Navassa Island
Windward Point Light on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

14K Gold Small Bald Head Lighthouse Charm

14K Gold Small Bald Head Lighthouse Charm
Bald Head Island Lighthouse was built in 1817. It is the oldest standing lighthouse in North Carolina. It cost just under $16,000 to build. The structure is 109′ 10-3/4″ tall, made of brick and coated with cement. The tower is no longer in service, however serves as a tourist attraction. This Charm was hand designed with great detail by Linc Mason. It has a hollow back and is 1″tall.

14K Gold Small Oak Island Lighthouse Charm

14K Gold Small Oak Island Lighthouse Charm
The present structure was built in 1958 and is 169 feet tall. The foundation is 70 feet down and sits on bedrock. Oak Island was one of the last lighthouses built in America. The concrete used during construction contains paint, so the structure will never need repainting. The lighthouse is still in service and is manned by the U.S. Coast Guard. The beacon produces 2,500,000 candlepower and shines over 24 nautical miles during times of darkness. The lighthouse has 134 steps to the lantern gallery level. This Charm was hand designed with great detail by Linc Mason. It has a hollow back and is 1″tall.

14K Gold Small Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Charm

14K Gold Small Cape Hatteras Lighthouse Charm
Cape Hatteras sits on a narrow strip of sand on the eastern most point of the United States. Since the 1800s, a lighthouse at Cape Hatteras has marked the Diamond Shoals which is a twelve-mile (12) long sandbar that lies just offshore. The current Cape Hatteras lighthouse is America’s tallest lighthouse at 198 feet high. It cost $150,000 to construct in 1870 and It is also the worlds tallest brick lighthouse. The beacon light can be seen for 20 miles out to sea and It took 1.25 million bricks to build the tower. Over 175,000 tourists visit the tower each year to climb the structure. This Charm was hand designed with great detail by Linc Mason. It has a hollow back and is 1″tall

Sterling Silver Small Currituck Beach Lighthouse Charm

Currituck Lighthouse was built in 1875 and is 162 feet tall. It took one and a half years to build and cost around $178,000 to construct. It was the last of four beacons placed at intervals from Cape Henry, Virginia to Cape Hatteras. It is located thirty-four miles south of Cape Henry Lighthouse and thirty-two and a half miles north-northwest of Bodie Island Lighthouse. This Charm was hand designed with great detail by Linc Mason. It has a hollow back and is 1″tall.

JDE Events

Listing of ER for Application : Item Master Application (P594101)
     FORM: Item Master Revision [FIX INSPECT] (W594101A)
     EVENT:  Dialog is Initialized
0001 VA frm_szProgramId_PID = “P594101”
0002 Get Audit Information
        BC User ID (F594101) <- BF szUserName
        BC Date – Updated (F594101) <- BF jdDate
        BC Time of Day (F594101) <- BF mnTime
        BC Work Station ID (F594101) <- BF szWorkstation_UserId
0003 //

     EVENT:  Clear Screen Before Add
0001 // Instrustor led assignment
0002 // This event point occurs when the form first appears

Default today’s date
0003 FC Effective Date = SL DateToday
0004 // as the effective date
0005 //

     EVENT:  Add Record to DB – Before
0001 // FIle IO Trigger occurs before the add record
0002 // Initialize audit fields
0003 BC Program ID (F594101) = VA frm_szProgramId_PID
0004 //

     EVENT:  Update Record to DB – Before
0001 Get Audit Information
        BC User ID (F594101) <- BF szUserName
        BC Date – Updated (F594101) <- BF jdDate
        BC Time of Day (F594101) <- BF mnTime
        BC Work Station ID (F594101) <- BF szWorkstation_UserId
0002 BC Program ID (F594101) = VA frm_szProgramId_PID
0003 //

     EVENT:  Variables

     CONTROL:  EDIT Effective Date
     EVENT:  Control is Exited
0001 // If left blank default to today’s date.
0002 If FC Effective Date is equal to <Null Date>
0003    FC Effective Date = SL DateToday
0004 Else
0005 End If

     FORM: Work With Item Master [FIND BROWSE] (W594101B)
     EVENT:  Dialog is Initialized
0001 Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC WorkStn ID)
0002 // This is initially hiding audit columns in grid..
0003 Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC UserID)
0004 Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC Time ofDay)
0005 Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC DateUpdated)
0006 Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC ProgramID)

     EVENT:  Media Objects – Row def
0001 Media Object Structures(GT594101, <MedObj Setup>, <MedObj Setup>, <MedObj Setup>, GC ItemNumber)

     CONTROL:  HYPITEM &Select
     EVENT:  Button Clicked
0001 Call( App:P594101 , Form: W594101A )
        GC ItemNumber -> FI mnItemNumber

     EVENT:  Button Clicked
0001 Call( App:P594101 , Form: W594101A )
0002 //

     EVENT:  Button Clicked
0001 Call( App:P594101 , Form: W594101A )
        GC ItemNumber -> FI mnItemNumber

     CONTROL:  CHKBOX Show Audit
     EVENT:  Selection Changed
0001 // This is to show or hide audit fields , by using check box
0002 If FC Show Audit is equal to “1”
0003    Show Grid Column(FC Grid, GC ProgramID)
0004    Show Grid Column(FC Grid, GC DateUpdated)
0005    Show Grid Column(FC Grid, GC Time ofDay)
0006    Show Grid Column(FC Grid, GC UserID)
0007    Show Grid Column(FC Grid, GC WorkStn ID)
0008 Else
0009    Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC UserID)
0010    Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC WorkStn ID)
0011    Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC Time ofDay)
0012    Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC DateUpdated)
0013    Hide Grid Column(FC Grid, GC ProgramID)
0014 End If

     FORM: Item Master Revisions Multiple [HEADERLESS DETAIL] (W594101C)
     EVENT:  Dialog is Initialized
0001 // Initialize the program ID
0002 //
0003 VA frm_szProgramId_PID = “P594101”

     EVENT:  Variables

     CONTROL:  GRID Grid
     EVENT:  Add Grid Rec to DB – Before
0001 // Populate Audit Field when a record is updated
0002 //
0003 Get Audit Information
        BC User ID (F594101) <- BF szUserName
        BC Date – Updated (F594101) <- BF jdDate
        BC Time of Day (F594101) <- BF mnTime
        BC Work Station ID (F594101) <- BF szWorkstation_UserId
0004 BC Program ID (F594101) = VA frm_szProgramId_PID
0005 //
0006 // Force grid fields into db fields because system tries to use fields from
0007 // header instead of grid.
0008 BC Item Number (F594101) = GC ItemNumber

     EVENT:  Update Grid Rec to DB-Before
0001 // Populate Audit Field when a record is added
0002 //
0003 Get Audit Information
        BC User ID (F594101) <- BF szUserName
        BC Date – Updated (F594101) <- BF jdDate
        BC Time of Day (F594101) <- BF mnTime
        BC Work Station ID (F594101) <- BF szWorkstation_UserId
0004 BC Program ID (F594101) = VA frm_szProgramId_PID
0005 //
0006 // Force grid fields into db fields because system tries to use fields from
0007 // header instead of grid.
0008 BC Item Number (F594101) = GC ItemNumber

     EVENT:  Row Exit & Changed – Asynch
0001 // Default to days date if left blank
0002 If GC EffectiveDate is equal to <Null Date>
0003    GC EffectiveDate = SL DateToday
0004 Else
0005 End If

Thursday January 03, 2013  15:32