Visual LANSA Editor Short Cuts

Position the current line on the top of the window Ctrl + T

Position the current line in the middle of the window Ctrl + M

Position the current line on the bottom of the window Ctrl + B

Toggle a tag on a line Ctrl + F2

Remove all tags Alt + F2

Jump to the previous tagged line Ctrl + Up Arrow

Jump to the next tagged line Ctrl + Down Arrow

Comment selected text Ctrl + W

Uncomment selected text Ctrl + Shift + W

Collapse blocks. This command blocks a level at a time.
If you keep collapsing the blocks, the entire code will
be collapsed, except for lines that are not in blocks. Ctrl + F9

Expand blocks. This command expands a level at the time Ctrl +F10

Collapse the block containing the line that has the focus Ctrl + Shift + F9

Expand the collapsed block that has the editor focus Ctrl + Shift + F10

Makes selection/next character upper case Alt + UpArrow

Makes selection/next character lower case Alt + DownArrow

Delete word right Ctrl + Delete

Delete word left Ctrl + BackSpace

Delete from current position to end of line Alt + Shift + L

Cut line and place it on clipboard Ctrl + L

Copy line and place it on clipboard Alt + Q

Copy selection or line Plus key in number pad

Copy selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + Insert

Paste text from the clipboard Shift + Insert

Copy selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + C

Cut selected text to the clipboard Ctrl + X

Paste text from the clipboard Ctrl + V

Extend/reduce selection to next part of statement Ctrl + Shift + RightArrow

Extend/reduce selection to start of previous part of statement Ctrl + Shift + LeftArrow

Block select to end of line Shift + End

Block select to start of line Shift + Home

Block select to start of file Ctrl + Shift + Home

Block select to end of file Ctrl + Shift + End

Block select to page down Shift + PageDown

Block select to page up Shift + PageUp

Block select part of statement Left Button double-click

Line selection Shift + UpArrow

Line selection Shift + DownArrow

Select all text Ctrl + A

Find text Ctrl + F

Replace text Ctrl + H

Find next F3

Find previous Shift + F3

Go to line Ctrl + G